Chapter One

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Chapter One   Silhouette   THE THING about life is that, you cannot fit in if you are different.   That is why a lot of people opt to choose to be the common one; afraid to lose everyone and terrified to be the outcast of this society. But you know what?   Being unique is better than faking oneself.   I smirked as I stare at the rising sun. It gives that hopeful feel to everyone. As that rounded orange figure emerged from the peach sky, a new day has begun.   While looking at the rising sun with a glint of amazement in my eyes, I felt my phone suddenly vibrated.   Nanang Calling... I sighed as I swiped the answer key. [Arylle! You child! I've been roaming everywhere to find you! Where have you been?] I stretched out my hand to distance the phone from my ears because I feel like my eardrums will be broken or something bacause of Nanang's explosive preaching. I sighed before answering. "Nanang, I'm here at the cemetery..." There was a moment of silence from there before Nanang got a hold of herself and talked again. [W-What are you doing there?] She asked, barely a whisper.   I sandwiched the phone between my neck and shoulder as I try to start my motorcycle. "Just d' usual." I answered her silent question in a bored tone. While starting the engine of my baby black, I heard Nanang sighed. Hmm, maybe because of frustration? [Arylle, you know that you still have classes today so please don't just go roaming around.] Her tone is a bit calmer now.   "Hmm, yeah. I'm about to go to school now. Need to be early, I hafta fixed somethin' in the school. Gottago! G'bye!" I immediately ended the call, not giving her a chance to answer. I checked the time on my phone first before returning it smoothly inside my jacket's pocket. 5:00 a.m.   Still early! But just like what I've said to Nanang, I still have to do something.   I started the engine of my motorcycle so I can go to school. Strong winds brushed my face as I speed up my tempo and soft rays of the rising sun illuminated the the darkened road. Its subtle circle followed me along the way. It was like a race; between me and the sun... makes me wonder who will win?   Hmm, it's not that it's important though.   I just, yet again, embraced the potent force of the wind that knocked my hair in the air. The undiluted fabrics of wind enveloped my cold skin, slowly fueling the tiny threads of adrenaline within me.   For me, riding my motorcycle in this kind of situation is like the epitome of freedom. It's like I can go wherever I want, I can speed up or slow down... maneuvering my life in my own indulgence. It is all up to me, I have the liberty.   How I wish my life is that simple.   AS I reached my destination, I instantaneously parked my motorcycle at the school's parking lot. My hands precisely searched for my phone inside my jacket's pocket so I can remove the thick leather material and lazily tie it on my waist because I'm not in the mood to wear jackets at the moment.   I comfortably walked inside the campus premises in solitude.   "Good morning miss Andino!" A guard enthusiastically greeted me when I walked past the guard house. I figure he's the only one here, together with the janitors and perhaps another guard. Students and the faculty members are not really fond of going to school this early. I just nodded at him and resume to saunter towards the SSG office.   It looks like I was right when I reached the west wing and there are no other traces of early birds like me. Ah, yeah... tardiness is one of this school's main problem.   I shook my head as I opened my phone to check the time. It says: 5:15 am. It is still indeed early since the morning class starts at 6:30 am. Most of the time, students flock the gates when it is only thirty minutes before the time.   Truth is... I forgot my Chemistry project inside the Student Council office that is why I need to get up earlier than before so I can finish it since today's the deadline of that one. My teacher would probably whoop my ass if I fail to submit it today and I would definitely behead my useless group mates if that happens.   I headed to the SSG office calmly while playing the keys with my fingers. The whole floor is dark since the lights are still off, probably because there is no one here but me. But I don't mind, though.   I'm cool if I'll be exposed in the darkness.   My mind exactitudely formulated various plans on how I can finish that hell of a project as I climbed on the stairs towards the third floor. I also fantasized the bloody procedure of devouring my group mates for letting me do this alone. I can't believe their audacity to just let me finished off this supposedly 'group project!'   I let out an exasperated sigh as I reached the right floor. My eyes boredly scanned the area but my steps shortened when I noticed something...   ...I did not expect that the lights here are open.   I suddenly thought if I actually failed to notice that the lights here are open when I was still about to enter the west building earlier. I knitted my eyebrows, because I find it unusual. This is not the first time that I came a bit early than I normally would but most of the time, the bulbs here are as as dead as a corpse. So I find it really odd to see that the lights are actually brightly ope--oh well. I should stop overthinking because maybe I'm thinking way too far.   Maybe this is just one of those 'rare' instances wherein there are 'few' students or faculty members who happened to be way 'earlier' than me. Well, yeah. That must be it.   I just returned the office key on my slack's poket before proceeding to my goal: reach the SSG office. But as my foot touched the floor for my third step, I felt like the light bulbs in the hallway briefly blinked or something.   I shortly ceased from walking and curiously examined the ceiling where the bulbs are located. My forehead creased while checking on it. Now, I'm not sure if it really happened or not.   I decided to just shrug it off when I notice no irregularity around here. Again, I continue walking like I never noticed something.   There is nothing wrong...   But I did not even walked a meter yet when the lights suddenly flickered again... and this time, I'm sure of it.   I once again stop marching but just when I did, the lights also stop blinking like nothing happened.   Now, that really caught my attention. I stared at the ceiling, for the second time around. I tried to inspect if there's something wrong with the bulbs.   But it seems like nothing's wrong--when I know that there is.   I glance at my surroundings... my left and right side, at the back, above and on my front but I still see no traces of anyone who would possibly do this crazy trick on me.   I inhaled calmly as I put my two hands inside my slack's pokets. I am determined to reach the Student Council office despite the unusual atmosphere around here.   And as I anticipated it, the lights once again, flickered erratically the moment I stepped my foot on the floor. But this time, my pace did not falter.   Each time I step, the bulbs on my way are creepily dancing in an inharmonious rhythm.   Off and on. Off and on.   But I choose not to stop--no I shall not. My feet gracefully brushed the floor with exquisite steps.   However, the lights seemed to accept the competition because it sped up its flickering tempo even faster, like it is trying to scare me; to intimidate me. It was like all the bulbs in here got broken or something.   While walking, I tried to focus and feel my surroundings again.   Now, it's obvious that there's something wrong.   I am certain about that of course but...   "Who on earth are you?" I whispered in an irritable way while channelling the growing and unexplained anxiety inside me to my every steps.   As the light bulbs continuously pounce my eyes with the sporadic pace, I suddenly felt another presence in this floor aside from me.   Four...   But the question is... who are they?   I just inhaled and exhaled as I look straight my path. But as the light bulbs are flickering--I saw a strange figure emerged from nowhere...   --   -C.N. Haven-
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