
1150 Words
Winding corridors snaked through the four parts of the Castle. The inner region has been the calmest and peaceful of all. It had a feel of ancient and the history of the castle itself was as long as time. "And with this, am free. Well not really, but at least I can finally breathe away from them." I said with a happy smile. This was the time I have always wanted to last a little bit longer. Although I try my best to forget about what happened this morning, I unconsciously remember Arthur's words. I did not feel it was that bad before, but at that moment it was just as if something had been unlocked deep inside of me and the covered fire had been opened. Arthur's words were "Why haven't you ever told them off!? Aren't you Queen? ' Even though this was something an author create would do, I feel he has a point there... All this while I've been living under my mother's shadow. Aunt Joan and Aunt Swan tell me everything I do, I live a Zombie. "HAHA, am finally free from that wrench! Curse her nine generations." "At last I can truly rule just like her, I'll become a better master. And from now, I'll never be the Loser I was yesterday — " My happiness didn't last long, the first voice wasn't the one in my head. something spoke just now, I shiver in fright, this was because... Those words weren't one I would have ever said. Someone was behind me, and is getting closer! I had no time to waste, my daily training with my mom kicked in. swiveling my whole body to the side I kick out with my right leg almost at the same moment. My leg accurately slammed into something or someone. But what happened next came as a surprise to me. My leg ricocheted as if it hit a moving train. I jumped back, with my sore leg a little further back. "huh? What's with Fierce women flailing about this night? Waiting for your lover, or could it be that you have some sort of condition?" The voice, that of a youth sounded in a very sore tone. I made no response, instead, I tried peering at his real silhouette underneath his mask. The skill I use was one of the many ancient ones used by human knights in the last great battle against the dragons. It was called Eye of Shang. It could view everything about any person. including, but not limited to his real age, real powers, and complete body. "What did you do!? What did you do??" The voice said in shock. 'How did he know?' My eyes would not have this characteristic glow when using this skill like how others would. For him to notice, it looks like he's not ordinary at all. Yes, it was a boy, a youth about 22 stood by the balcony with a mask on. Of course, I saw exactly who he was with one glance. "Kinsey? How bold of you. Entering the Queen's quarters. Tell me how you want to die" Surprisingly, Kinsey even let out the breath he was holding, a sat comfortably near a statue of a Woman Princess. "Princess don't scare me, okay, Anyhow you shout nobody is here to save you." "Have you somehow gone mad?" I ask with a frown. According to my analysis, he can't be stronger than me, there wasn't even a need to talk about people stronger than me. His unusual sudden equanimity came as an alarm to me. "I will give you just 5 seconds to confess. What is your true purpose here? Speak quickly!" As I spoke, I brought forth my right hand, Chanted a spell in a low tone, before my Glacier, (the rapier that had followed me for 10 years) emerged in between my palm. The youth did not flinch. Still, with his nonchalant gaze, he replied " Young girl, it's very rude to point at your elders. What's even worse, with a Sword! Sit back in your cradle and forget about everything that happened here. It's all for your good! " . ' This again? What do they know about me? how do you know what I want? bastard!' " Bastard! You aren't even older than me. What gave you the audacity to speak such words to me when you know that you are talking to the Queen. this is the highest form of Treason, the only punishment for that is death. If you understand your situation, tell me everything now and you'll only go 50 years in the penitentiary." "You realize you're funny right? You understand that I can move freely to the inner court house unimpeded by the so many guards you placed outside, Yet you regardlessly think you can use your title to unnerve me? Truly you jest." "Think what you want. On the verge of it all, it is because I have confidence in my abilities. I applaud you for making it all the way here. I don't know the skill you used but it should be a very profound one. But this is as far as you can go. If you want to assassinate me, you'll need to have the strength to overpower me first." "Ohh!" was the only word he said when I saw him still seated stop the patio, my last skepticism washed off with a flash. "Flames, Heed my decree... Guide my Sword" Green fire caught up on my rapier all of a sudden and moved all over the sword's edge. I've had enough of people underestimating me. I lunged out to stake him and almost succeeded. Almost. Don't know how he could move that fast. Before I could react, he was already by my side, one of his legs raised high. "Don't sweat the details." He smirked when I gaped with surprise. I watched in horror as he brought down the leg in a slicing motion... Jamming it to my backside. "Ahhh!" I yelp and shot out. 'Barbaric bastard!' I don't dare say it out loud now. With just that move, he had fully convinced me that he could kill me before the masters guarding these areas comes. I couldn't even stand! It came as a surprise when I tried to, I fell back in my arse without any problems. "You haven't got even the slightest idea on how to take care of women. You are the Scourge to the world! " "In the path of solitude, man must drive out all emotions. Only the Dao should be chased... Amithaba!" "Ptui!" Any bit of elegance in me disappeared in a flash when I heard him speak the Monk Quote. "Are you senile? hurry and hold me up! To embarrass the Queen, you won't make it out alive today. I'll make sure of it." Get a grip.
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