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After few minutes, Rudeus was left with his thoughts. According to Guido, humans were weak. In fact, they were weaker than most sentient wildlife and thus, vulnerable to destruction. After the age of 14 or 15, they start practicing a set of 'mystic' that would ignite their potential and boost their prowess to unimaginable heights. "Now, here are the classes. First, know that they are grouped in both Ranks and Orders. It starts from The Lord Rank To the High Lord Rank, to The Master Rank, and the Emperor Rank. Each Rank has 7 realms or Orders to it." Eudeus stroked his chin thoughtfully as he considered this new information. ‘I don't get!’ The ranking system was more than a bit different from the one dragons used! Maybe it's that the names were changed and the Ranks were few. “A Meta Refiner would start from the lowest level, the Lord Rank of the First Order, and move up to the 7th Order before breaking through to the High Lord Rank and unto the Master Rank.” 'Humans are despicable. The only thing they did was to put out flashy names and exaggerate matters. What Emperor or Master Realm. Just a misconception!." In the dragon realm, Powering up or 'cultivation' — as it was called there— was by strengthening the body with herbs and vigorous practice, then elevating the magic property you were born with... All Dragons were born with the ability to tinker with magic... ’The perplexing thing was, that we spend countless years trying to comprehend the law of the Magic, and the order of the World. But even with our long lifespan, never had one found the highest point of cultivation, the true peak.’ So it came as a surprise when he heard Guido speaking about a Rank called Emperor Rank, what the f*ck does it mean to be the emperor? isn't it to rule over all and be the Sovereign? why didn't they just call themselves gods already? Trash!! His anticipation suddenly died down and the only thing that he could feast his eyes on was the exotic class of food line up till the end of the table and raised high to reach one's neck. He forgot everything and indulge himself in this delicacy. ‘Guido was a good story teller, I'll give him that. Only, when he starts, he won't end his sermon until he is snubbed’ He stared angrily at Rudeus before clearing his throat with a solemn voice... "I forgot to tell you, both High Lord Chase and Sir Liam have reached the High Lord Rank of the 6th Order! this your old man here is only at the 4rd Order, I wouldn't even last a second before them. Do you understand now? You should know that this is a waste of time and the only result is an embarrassment. Son... what do you say, shall we leave now?" Guido had already straightened up to prepare to walk out, he had no qualms running off when faced with such an insurmountable problem. Didn't a wise man say, 'As long as the mountain remains, they'll still be firewood?' The best thing is to leave with your life. He grew frustrated when he realized that Rudeus still indulge in the feast. ‘Don't this chap have at least some sort of love for his life!' "I’m really disappointed in you. When faced with fear, you either run away from it or do some stupid s**t like leeching unto someone else. Your type of humans are... Despicable. Do you not know what a WILL is? a domineering spirit with the mandate of conquering all. You should never back down in the time of suppression." "Oh, well... good luck with that. I'm out of here. Remember, after you drop out to reach home, I've dropped a map." Guido immediately left, sprinting as he did so. Sitting alone as a loser was bad enough, but sitting as a loser with your own Son giving you the stink eye? that was a nightmare. ‘This Guido, he should have dragon blood flowing through him!!” ——————— ————— ————& ————— On the Large upper Panel, Clover looked down at the guest busy drinking and laughing. Her mother left some minutes ago to start her recuperation, she left her left and right retainers to take care of her... If only she hadn't. "Clover, Get a grip. Your actions lately are unbefitting for a Queen, Remember that you're the ruler, not a girl" If there was any other person to so brazenly call her by her name, it'll be these two on her right and left... Joan and Swan. They looked like sisters but were worlds apart in terms of behavior. If there was anything, the only similarity was that they were both Strong! too Strong. Joan was a busty woman with long purple hair and a smart smile. She usually wore tight-fitting armor and carried a huge Broadsword with a hilt long enough to compete with the height of a 3-year-old. She had the habit of complimenting her hair with a Purple leather strap or a hairband. Like it or not her Weapon was not for show, A strike with it could tear down hills... Literally. Her real age is Unknown, but her Rank was an open secret to all the castle's inhabitants, the Emperor Rank of the 3nd Order. Swan was the stark opposite of her, she had a fitting hourglass figure that was always hidden under a long Kimono or Eastern Traditional wears. Her hair was a slick of pink with a steak of cream just at her temples. She was never seen carrying her weapon but not to be fooled, under the bright colorful dress of hers hid several exotic weapons, different types of Daggers and Projectiles stuck up on her. How she does that would remain her trade secret till her death. They were both gorgeous-looking women of about 28 years. Swan was brilliant and had this smart nerdy look on her always, while Joan was a Brute; her only dream was to be defeated and forcefully pushed down by a man stronger than her. ‘I didn't say anything...’ Both of them were orphans picked up when Queen Gipsy made her first journey to comprehend the world when she was just 15. The three became more than sisters, it was a pity whenever Gipsy implored them to take on a more befitting post, they both refused and only indicated an interest in acting as maid and protector in the castle. "This... Madam Joan, don't you find it boring? I suggest you find a seat down at the feast and party too. Who knows maybe you'll finally find the Huge Giant you always wanted to hold you." The high platform was suddenly quiet as all eyes turned to the owner of the voice... 'Oh by the gods... why is it you, Edward!! If you knew the Rank of the person you jest. —
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