Chapter 3

1152 Words
Cailey Locason Guess what? Zac's dad is treating us to dinner in a buffet restaurant. I wanted to go home and reason a lot of things but the boys and my dad make me stay "How's work?" Chris asked "Stressing" "Hey you only write" Chris protested and I turned to him "Try to write Hastington" I said coldly "Don't be so cold Cailey" Axel smirked I hate when we have to eat separately with our dads , I mean I like the idea but the fact that Zac Malvon will join us in a second makes me hate it. "You broke up because you're too cold?" Morris teased "Do you want me to throw this fork to you?" I pointed my fork towards him and he shrugged "Are you always this feisty?" My body froze as Zac whispered on my ear "Go away before I kill you with this" I warned him and he immediately went to his seat. He sits across me and how I hate to see his face "Let's eat" Matthew said , I got up and start to walked to the soup section "Aren't you going to congratulate me?" Zac suddenly stood beside me causing me to jump a little bit "Can you stop appearing like a ghost?" I glared at him and he smiled widely "I can't" "Go away" I said coldly as I read the menu on the wall "Can I have one mushroom soup please?" I smiled to the chef who is incharge and he smiled nodding "Why are you smiling at him, not me?" This guy is unbelievable "Go away" I gestured "So Cailey Locason , 23 years old. Working in Trendious Magazine as a writer. Has 1 little brother named Aiden Locason who is now in a relationship with Elena Colton. Just broke up with Greg Bolton 4 months ago because he cheated on you with Marina Roys" He said my biograph , I turned to him "What do you want?" "A date with a handsome guy like me" He looked straight into my eyes "No" "Oh come on.. just one date , I mean one date to prove to you that you will like me and you will want another date" I walked to the sushi section and tried to find a grilled salmon. Zac is following me like a lost puppy "What date?" I turned to see my dad looking at Zac intensely , I smirked "You know what dad" "Mr. Locason , I ask your daughter to have a date with me but she rejected me after I asked her 3 times" "That's my girl" My dad smiled sweetly to him and then turned to Zac glaring "Goodluck" My dad patted Zac's shoulder "Fuck.. are you really that hard to get?" Zac blurted like that and I looked at him disbelief "I knew that you only want to f**k me so f**k off jerk" I said coldly , I turned my body and walked away. I'm walking towards my table "Can you take me home?" I asked Axel who is the first guy to take a sit after taking his food "I just take a sit and I need my dinner" "Chris can you take me home?" Chris looked at me weirdly and I stomped my feet annoy "What's wrong?" Chris asked "I hate that assh-" "Let's talk" Zac took my arm and pulled me outside the restaurant. He dragged me to the toilet for disable people. I kept trying to pull my arm from his grip but I can't "What's wrong with you woman?" He asked , he hold the both of my wrist and pushed me to the wall "Let go you asshole" I said coldly and looked straight to his green eyes "Stop trying or I will kiss you" I stopped everything and he smirked "Why are you making a really fast conclusion?" He asked letting my wrist go slowly "I don't like a guy like you okay? Don't you get the signal?" I asked him in a calm tone "Everygirls love me Locason , you're the only girl who doesn't give a f**k when you saw me" He said "Not every girls like you , why are you so cocky?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest "Then let's have one date , I'm sure you will love me" He said and I looked at him disgusting "Once a no always a no Zac , find other girls who will agree before even you finish the sentence" I said patting his shoulder , I pushed him but he pulled me back. I looked at him shock "Do you know how crazy I am with your attitude right now?" "Well that's good , it's good that you hate me-" "You're not making me hate you more Locason , you make me want to kiss you so bad right now" My eyes widen and I immediately put both of my hands on my mouth. He chuckled "Don't you dare" "So let's have a date" He smirked "Nice try but I don't date jerk , bastard , asshole , playboy , heartbreaker and self center childish boy like you" I winked , pushed his body and walked away Suddenly he hold my wrist again but this time he doesn't drag me somewhere "How can I get to have a date with you?" He asked "Stop trying because you won't get one" "Oh come on.. No girls hate me" "I do" I smiled sweetly and trying to pull my wrist from his grip but it's useless. He's locking my wrist "You wanted that because you want to f**k me" I added and he gave me a flat expression "I know asshole , so stop pretending that you want that" "It's your fault" He stated , I scoffed "My fault? How can it be my fault you jerk?" I pulled my wrist but and again it's useless "You're beautiful and sexy , wearing this outfit makes me want you more" He scanned me from my hair to toe. I only wore a light grey halter crop top with dark blue denim "Eyes up here bastard" I said angrily "Of course" He said cheerly "Let me go before I scream r**e" I threatened "You won't dare sunshine" "Zac.. let me go" "You say my name.. it's so beautiful when it came out , I want to hear it tonight" This guy is crazy , my dad will kill him in seconds "Tonight?" I smirked having this idea in my mind "Yes.. Do you want it?" "Me and you?" Putting my finger on her chest and slowly walking up to his shoulder. He gulped a couple of times and his eyes never left me "Me and you Zac?" I even need to repeat it "Yeah" "Dream on" I pushed his cheek and walked away from there before things are getting rough
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