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Andromalius: Despite my hunger, I was able to leave the place and the human, even if I wanted to know the truth. The moment I touched her I saw a familiar glow, so dark and so powerful that it stole some things from me, even my name. I'm sure it doesn't know what to do with that, but if that entity would step forward, I could be in a bad situation. It's been away for years, now I know where. What I don't know it's why. If I was some other, I would let it go, but not me, I couldn't. It stole my name and a human body, even if the result isn't favourable for me. I've been wondering the surface, feeding off of their fear and thrist for violence and pain, only to find a Commodore and finally manifest physically my intentions. I must admit that better than watching it's taking part in it. Of course I had to be extra careful to not be seen or noticed, loosing this body meant sticking to be a presence again. I am determined to enjoy it while I can. Disrupting the time for a short period of time it's not a problem nor is it risky, but today was a rare occasion. When I realised it was getting closer I knew immediately it was no ordinary human. I could feel it too, that it was hosting something and that it wanted the human to take part in the events, so I did what it wanted. Only when I touched it did I realise that the plot was greater than I initially thought. It must want the human to take a role into it. And if it wants it that bad, I must abide. - End of Andromalius - When I got at my door house I took a moment to prepare myself mentally for what would come. From what happened before, I wasn't so sure of what I was about to come home for. I'm a single mother of two little girls, Nurya and Neusa. They were my reason to get up and face yet another day, just so that I could return to their happy and noisy personality. I was a present mother, I did everything I could to show them my support and no matter how tired I was, I would always make sure to spend the rest of my evenings devoted to them. I was, for them, everything I never had, or I tried to. To even think of losing them or seeing them getting hurt was torture, it would take away my porpoise. I slid the key onto the whole and slowly turned it to open the door. At the door, Samantha, our Doberman, came to greet me. - "Hello big girl" - I said to the dog that was wiggling it's tail - "How are you? I felt a lot better for seeing Sam, meant that nothing was wrong since she was so relaxed. I went through the hall and into the living room, hoping to find the girls, but they weren't there. My living room was tide, clean, free of children. The wooden floor, the black coffee table, the black leather sofas had no toys all over it, so I moved to the kitchen. Still no kids, but Mariah was there. She's been working in our house for 4 years now; since their father left I had no other choice but to look for someone that could take care of them while I was working. They loved her, that was the main reason for her to have my full trust. - "Hello dear, how was your day?" - she asked me. - " It was damn long, I can tell you that..." - I answered, going around the kitchen isle to grab an apple - "And the little punks?" - "Oh, they're in the tub, I thought you would come tired, so I just rushed their baths..." - "You're the best, Mariah. Thank you!" - I hugged her shortly - " You go home and take some rest, I'll take it from here." - "All right, honey. I'll be taking my leave then." - she said, grabbing her purse - "Dinner's in the oven, I made rosted chicken." - "Thank you again! See you tomorrow!" And I made my way to the bathroom.
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