684 Words
I go to the kitchen and take my time to brew a little bit of coffee, I like it strong, it brings me confort. For some reason, these daily routines have lost meaning. I feel numb as I search for an explanation for what's happening but I find none. Only then do I realise how much that earlier episode at the park bruised my mind and it was enough to shake my logic. Nothing of what took place there can be defined as human, which alone can make one scared to the core. I found his name when he touched me, and I figure that I wasn't supposed to. It must've been a surprise for him to, because he disappeared into thin air, leaving me there full of doubts and at my own mercy. That was dangerous enough. What makes me feel restless it's that he killed in front of my very eyes, he was trying to scare me and he did, I thought he would try and take my life too. He was probably thinking about it too, so the development of the actions must have changed his plans. The question it's, why? In 26 years, I never came across anything alike, why now? And why, amongst everyone did I have to be the one to witness that? Why didn't I run the opposite direction? Why didn't I move when I noticed him moving towards me? And why did he spare my life when he, clearly, intended to kill me in the first place? I've never been a person of faith, I never believe in heaven or hell, neither was I a "bad" person. I was just a regular person minding my own business, why did I have to follow that scream?!?! Now my life it's in danger, but worse, my babies life. I pour the coffee on the mug and take a sip, pondering about the mistake I made and how could I possibly reverse it. Was there even a way? From everything I've read occasionally, demons aren't ones to mess around with. But then again, what exactly did I know about these creatures? He did not harm me nor my kids, he just keeps coming around. A chill goes up my spine straight into my neck when something clicks within me. I met him when I was heading home, it was dark already. For him to meet the girls at school it had to be in the afternoon! What's happening? My thoughts are running at full speed and an overwhelming fear takes my breath away. How did our paths merge?! As If guessing my line of thoughts, time starts to slow down. My mouth goes dry and that coat of sand goes down my throat and straight to my stomach. Nothing in this world could describe the panic I was feeling, standing frozen and using only my eyes to roam around the space around me. The coffee I was drinking before had a little puff of smoke above it, frozen. That's how I knew time stoped completely, that's how I knew he was here already. The double window in the living room clicks open and the cracking sound catches my attention. I keep standing still. Waiting for him to come to me. So the same putrid and rotten smell that follows him fills my nostrils and the sound of footsteps alerts me and that rush of adrenaline kicks in, making me breathe faster and heavier. I was so confused, even my fear was confusing. I wasn't sure if I was afraid of him or for the reasons for his closure. I would ask him, if he wouldn't comply I would make him. I couldn't have it any other way. Slowly, his figure occupies the doors frame, and our eyes lock. With that same slow pace he comes my way, and I can't think straight from the smell, the awful sight of him and the disgusting bones crunching every time he takes a step. - "I figured I owe you a few explanations." - he is the first to break the silence.
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