Chapter 3

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Lucifer paced around the room he had recreated, his and Akala's room. Lyra, formed to look like a replica of Akala, knocked on the door in a wedding gown as she had hundreds of times before. He smiled softly seeing her and picked her up to carry her to the bed, trying to ignore the lack of feeling. He laid her down gently as he had Akala placing himself between her legs. Her arms wrapped around him as he did so. His eyes were drawn to hers briefly, before sighing and removing himself from the position. "Get out, don't come back here. This will never happen you aren't her, and when I see her I'd never forgiven myself if anything happened." He ordered her. Sitting on the edge of his bed he ran his hands through his long black locks. He had to get back to her, had she forgotten about him? He hoped not, he had been counting the days. Hearing the door slam had done nothing to startle him as he listened to Lyra walk away. He had carefully created her through breeding to be in service to him as a replacement for Akala yet every time he looked at her he couldn't find the resemblance. He stood walking across the stone floor, looking at a mirror. The endless torture and pain had drained him. He didn't look any different, at least not to anyone else, He was still tall dark, and handsome to most, but he saw the three hundred years of suffering, restless nights, the attempted distractions that failed. He saw mostly failure to get out of his father's thumb and return by any means necessary. He slammed his fist into the mirror shattering it into thousands of tiny pieces. A sob left his throat as he looked at the mirror reform. This was the Hell he had created for himself. Lucifer stood wiping the tears from his eyes and walked out of the room. He needed to prepare for his father's visit. Not that he needed to know how Lucifer was doing with his kingdom, but he used it as an excuse to spend time with him. He knew things ran well here, the human who had committed the worst crimes were here. They were forced to live in the hell they created for others. All of this was of course with his father's approval and it worked well until he lost Akala and started torturing himself. Every century God would visit his son, checking over things and making sure Lucifer wasn't holding himself prisoner, which he was but his father didn't need to know that. Everything was in order as God came down and looked for his son who was on his throne looking at the demons by his side. They knew what to do once God entered so Lucifer could escape. Once he did the demons left sealing God in for Lucifer to plead his case. He stood looking at his father, who had a smile on his face, and shook his head. Lucifer looked up from his thoughts and furrowed his brows. He didn't understand why there was a smile on his father's face nor what seemed so amusing to him. Lucifer scoffed, irritated that his father found this time amusing. "I'm going back to Earth whether you like it or not. My mate is there and you gave her to me for a reason. Why are you holding me, prisoner, here?" Lucifer asked the question as God put a hand on his shoulder, letting out a small chuckle as he peered into his son's eyes. "Son, there was no need for all this. You could have left any time you wanted, but you kept yourself here with guilt. I was the one who called you back home but I didn't mean for you to stay. Go and find your mates, they will need you and you will need them soon." God pulled his son into a hug as irritation filled Lucifer, but he calmed at the thought of Akala and smiled. Releasing the seal on the doors they opened for God to leave and the demons raised a brow in the question of what was happening. Lucifer held up his hand to stop the questions with a smile on his face and excused himself from his father before leaving and barking orders to the demons getting them ready, for his departure until he could bring his Queen back to hell with him while they ruled over the vampires and the demons. Lyra heard the orders being passed down from Lucifer and let out a small growl. Her brother who was standing beside her rolled his eyes as if to say 'I told you so'. She shook her head and went into their chambers, looking for something before smirking as she found it. He furrowed his brows not recognizing the bottle she held. "It's a vintage wine from his wedding to the new Queen before he came home. Mom told me about it and how sweet it tasted when she was there." She shrugged giving him the simple explanation. Her long black hair swayed around her hips as she searched around their chambers for the chalices that they kept. Beautifully carved black steel, studded with Rubies and emeralds. She had taken them off of a pirate, after stealing his energy of course. She smirked and closed the room taking the wine and chalices up to the throne room taking the long central path to it. She had sworn she wouldn't fall for him but somehow she did. She sighed and walked up the steps to a bustling throne while lucifer saw the succubus enter. "Lyra, I assume you have received your orders?" He asked not really paying attention. her grip on the bottle loosened a bit as she drew closer to him and nodded. Silently she nodded, popping the cork on the wine, she smiled. She poured the glasses and handed one to him, taking a sip of the red liquid. " I did, I figured before you go I would apologize for my behavior. I'm sure you can understand why I'm not used to being told no, even though you have for hundreds of years. I will personally be at the front to welcome you and your Queen home." She smiled and raised her glass, gently touching the tip of the rim to his. He smiled and shook his head doing the same, furrowing his brows at the wine. "How did you get- Wait your mother was at the wedding. How are you and your brother doing after your mother disappeared?" He offered a kind smile as he talked. She shook her head, not wanting to focus on her mother's pain just vanishing into thin air. no one knew what happened, but she talked to them and trained them one minute, the next she was gone. Lyra shrugged, giving off an air that she didn't care. Lucifer appreciated her strength and planned to make her a guard for the queen. He was still confused why his father had said, mates. He shrugged it off and finished the wine as they talked about what would be happening while he was gone. Nodding and listening she would make sure she followed the plan that he set up. . He smiled and waved her off as he got ready to leave. She scowled at the wave off before quickly fixing her look and smiling back at her king. She bowed and exited the room hearing him mumble to himself. She sighed and walked away knowing that this would be the end of any chance she would have with him at all. Lucifer furrowed his brows, he knew that he would probably be smacked senseless by his wife for disappearing for 300 years, but the pain of the smack would be worth it to feel her touch again. He sighed trying to explain himself, but he couldn't even do that without sounding like he was wallowing in his own self-pity. He let out a long sigh and figured he would talk to her after she calmed down enough to speak. Nerves took over as he stepped through the portal, A bright light hit his face as he shielded his eyes. He had forgotten how bright the sun was when he was up here. Smirking he took off down the road cloaking his wings so humans couldn't see them. The scent of roses hit his nose first as he looked up, Akala dumbfounded and panicked coming out of an office. The next scent to hit him was rain and daisies, this time it was his turn to be confused. He watched the pair run to a machine of some sort and take off. He would have to figure them out later but for now, he needed to follow them. Running after the pair he, grunted when he had lost their scent. he huffed and looked around. No one knew she was the vampire Princess so he couldn't just ask. But they did just come out of the office that was now in front of him. He let out a small huff reading the sign that said, wedding planners. He yanked the door open startling the receptionist. He smiled softly and apologized. she smiled and eyeballed him as a five-year-old would to a piece of chocolate. Keeping up the ruse he flirted a little with her finally obtaining an address and the way to get there. He thanked her and walked away as he followed the directions to them. Akala paced in the park, talking nonsense to Shelia about how he'd come back just to ruin her their life and that because they were on different planes of existence he couldn't feel her and she couldn't feel him. He had no idea that he was a father even and she didn't want to tell either of them. Cait had thought that her father died a hero fighting for the vampires. Akala's parents aided her with that because she had begun to believe that she was merely left because he couldn't stand being mated to a vampire. Shelia watched her mate walk back and forth chewing her nails before Shelia stepped in telling her to calm down. taking ahold of her shoulders Akala stopped, her head snapping up and a swirl of red and green as she fought for control not wanting to go feral at this moment. " Calm down? My husband came back after three hundred years and I'm supposed to calm down. What do I tell Caitriona? Sorry, I lied to you all this time I was just ashamed? And explaining Alistair?" Her thick accent came out as she panicked more shuddering at the thought of rejection. Her mind raced as she looked at her mate knowing she would be rejected by one or both of her mates. Tears welled in her eyes as she hugged Shelia tightly fearing the worst. "We need to sit down and talk to him Akala, figure out what's going on and why he is here," Shelia reassured sensing Aklala's panic as visible as it may be she sensed something deeper. Akala simp;y nodded and walked back to the car after Shelia grabbed the keys and got into the driver's seat. wringing her hands Akala sat quietly while they searched for him. an hour passed and they still couldn't find him. with that, they went back to their home. the cream-colored siding came into view and Akala relaxed visibly not seeing the man sitting on the chair as they pulled into their driveway. Evelyn their neighbor called over to her asking if they wanted her to watch Alistair while they dealt with their visitor. Looking over Akala gasped and slumped in her seat. Lucifer was sitting outside in a blue armchair on the porch waiting for them to get back. Shelia huffed and glared at him wanting him gone for what he was putting their mate through. looking at him though she had this pull that made him seem irresistible. Akala nodded to Evelyn and took a breath, sitting up she reminded herself that it would be unsightly for a princess to be slumped in her seat. Opening the car door she got out joining Shelia outside. Shelia said nothing as she took her mate's hand hoping to give her a small amount of comfort while they faced this together. Lucifer stood up and looked at Akala his eyes soft as he smiled. Sure enough, though he was right the moment she got close to him she smacked him glaring and angry for disappearing on her. rubbing his jaw where there was a mixture of pain and remnants of sparks he smiled remembering how feisty his wife was. "We are going in to talk so you can explain yourself because you do have a lot of that to do," Shelia growled her eyes turning a deep shade of purple. Her skin looked like it was cracking and her hair went white as she looked at him. Akala knew if she didn't calm down she would go full zombie and that there would be bloodshed. rubbing soft circles into Shelia's skin helped her calm down a little, but not much as they all walked inside to get some answers. Fenrir stood at the door waiting, growing as a new scent that didn't belong here entered. smelling him seemed to satisfy him for now, however as he sat by the stairs against the wooden wall. Akala leads the way to their living room. Silently she sat as far away as she could from him as she stared him down barely believing he was there, in front of her like she had hoped for centuries. she resented him for leaving and shaming her, but now that he was back she just wanted to be in his arms, squished between them both in a loving embrace. She sighed knowing that that wouldn't happen with them. She looked around the light yellow room with the eggshell blue furniture. she smiled looking at her cozy home and then to Shelia. Would she really need to give one of them up?   
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