Chapter 10

2384 Words
My eyes fluttered open at the sound of my alarm the next morning. I had barely gotten enough sleep, which could explain why my eyes were still heavy and sleep-filled. The lack of proper rest was probably due to the unfamiliar environment or the conversation I had heard last night. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, but I had to keep them to myself. If they did not tell me about it, it meant I had no business with it, and I was not going to poke my nose into their matters. I was tempted to go back to bed and sleep for at least one more hour, but I knew that was a bad idea. The last thing I wanted was to wake up late on my first day. As the rays of the sun filtered into my room through the open window, I dragged myself out of bed and jumped into the shower. I was still a little sleepy, but it's nothing a s**t ton of coffee can not fix. Usually, I only needed a few things for a bath, and I had forgotten to pack a few things like my shampoo and moisturizer, but this bathroom was not only well furnished, it had everything I could possibly need for a bath. Bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and moisturizers lined up on the counter next to the sink. Mia did say she was going to prepare for my arrival. After taking a bath, I dried my hair and did two simple braids on my black hair. Since it was a Saturday, I threw on a black pair of leggings, and a white large shirt that reached my thighs and had the words Havard printed on it. This was my favorite look, easy to create, and super comfortable. I was the kind of girl that would choose a pair of jeans over dresses any day, and I only wore skirts when I had to look professional and girl-like. Dresses were a once in a blue moon thing for me. I would choose sneakers over heels any day, bare face over make up. Some called me a tom-boy, but it didn't matter because that was who I was. Giving myself a quick glance in the mirror, I headed out of my room and went downstairs. When I came out of the elevator, it was still very quiet, with not even one soul in sight. Weird. I checked the time on my phone to see that it was almost eight, but no one had come out yet. Maybe I woke up too early. I walked to the kitchen to make some coffee to start my day, but I was completely unprepared for the sight that greeted me. Lucas stood next to the refrigerator, holding a jar of pickles. But it was not the pickles that caught me off guard, he was only in a pair of grey sweatpants, his golden tanned skin exposed. My gaze swept through his muscled torso, down to his defined abs going down and tracing the hairy v-shaped line leading beneath his white underwear sticking just above the sweatpants. He looked even better than my dream pictured him. In fact, my dream did not even do enough justice to this man standing in front of me. For the second time, how can one person possess such good looks, and still be so intimidating and f*****g rich at the same f*****g time? How unfair. "Oh, good morning," he said in a gruff voice as he noticed me standing by the door. "Um.." I stuttered, "good morning Mr. Lucas," I replied and walked inside. "You're up early," he said without looking at me as he put the jar of pickles on the counter. "You're up too," I shot back, not meaning to sound so defensive. "I am," he said simply and brought out some bread from the fridge. Thankfully, the coffee maker sat on the other side of the counter, so I did not have to bother to ask him where it was. For the next few minutes, we worked in silence, with him making a sandwich, and me making coffee. Although I could not see him with my back facing him, I could feel his boring gaze on me. From time to time, I casually turned back, and he quickly averted his gaze. My mind flashed to the night before, and I could not help but wonder if he was really looking at me or just seeing someone else in me. Curiosity swept through me, and I put up a mental struggle to prevent myself from asking him who this Sarah person was. "Where's everyone else?" I asked desperate to break the silence. "It's Saturday, everyone sleeps in today," he said, looking everywhere but at me. Since we met this morning, I could see that he was purposefully avoiding looking at me, and I had not a doubt that it had everything to do with this Sarah person. He lifted his hand to check the time on his phone, "they'll be up soon, so you don't have to worry." I nodded and finished up with the coffee. After cleaning up the counter where I made the coffee, I walked back upstairs to my room. I resumed the movies I was watching the night before until I heard an excited squeal from the kid's room. That was the cue I needed that they were awake. When I walked to their room, the door was pushed slightly back so I poked my head through to see Lucas now in a white vest that did nothing to hide his sexiness. The kids were jumping up and down the bed happily, I could tell they had just received exciting news. "Good morning kids," I said as I walked in. "Good morning Chris," they replied with big smiles on their faces. Lucas sat on Abby's bed, trying to hold them back from falling with excitement. "We're happy this morning," I said supporting the other side of the bed. "Daddy is taking us to the plantamum," Abby said. I could not figure what she said, so I looked at Lucas for help. With an amused grin on his face, he echoed. "Planetarium." "Yay, we're going to see the stars." Aiden squealed with excitement. "That's so amazing, I'm sure you would have a great day," I said as the jumping on the bed came to a slow stop. I brushed the hair off Abby's face, while Aiden came down from the bed to jump into his father's arms. "Will you please come with us, Chris?" Abby asked with wide eyes, as I held her hair up. "Oh dear, I would have loved to, but I'm sure your daddy would like to have some privacy with you," I said carefully. "Dad, what is privacy?" Aiden asked sharply. "Well," Lucas said putting him on one lap. "Privacy means that I want to have some time alone with my two angels today," he said tickling Aiden lightly. "But we also want to have time with Chris too," Abby said "And we want to show her the planets," Aiden added. Please daddy" they said with pleading puppy eyes that even I could not resist. "Kids," he said releasing an exasperated sigh. "I'm sure Chris still has to settle in and unpack," he said trying to find an excuse. "I already unpacked," I said earning a sharp look from Lucas. "See," Aiden said. "Please daddy," they continued their pleas. He tipped his head back, and pinched the bridge of his nose, before letting out a forced "okay, she can come." "Hear that daddy said you can come." Abby squealed happily. "Yes, I did," I said happily too. "but first we have to get ready and have breakfast." Before the words left my mouth, they were already off the bed, and inside the bathroom. I turned to follow behind them, but Lucas stopped me. "Look, Chris, you don't have to come with us if you don't want to." "I want to, but it's okay if you don't want me around. I'll just make up a reason to stay back." I knew that if it were up to him, I would not even be the kid's nanny, so it was obvious he did not want me to come. But he covered his grim expression with a smile and said, "It's not that, I just don't want to bother you." "It does not bother me to be around the kids," I said quickly. I had only spent a short time with those kids, and it was everything but bothering for me. He nodded tersely and left through the open door. I spent the next hour getting the kids ready. After, getting them ready, we went downstairs where Emma had made pancakes for breakfast. As we ate breakfast, Lucas came downstairs and joined us. He had changed into a pair of jeans and a striped t-shirt. His hair was still damp and I could tell he just came out of the shower. I wanted more than anything to run my hand through that thick hair, pressed against his hard sturdy body. But none of that was going to happen because I was supposed to hate him as much as he seemed to hate me. "Ready?" he asked as he sat on the other side of the table. "Ready," the twins echoed. "Good morning family," Mia said as she joined us from the stairs. "Good morning aunt Mia," the kids said as they jumped down from their seats and ran over to give her a hug. She was still in the same blue robe she was wearing last night and her hair was well tucked in a bonnet. She leaned down and caught them in a big hug, then gave each one of them a kiss on their cheeks. "How are my favorite twins this morning?" "We're fine," Abby said on both their behalfs. "Aunt Mia, we're going to the pla-ne-ta-rum," Aiden said breaking down the syllables to pronounce the word. "Oh that's such a big word, do you know what it means?" Mia asked as she walked them both back to the table. "A place where stars are kept," Abby answered with a proud smile. "You're so smart my little angel," Mia said pushing a lock of hair from Abby's face. "And we are going to have so much fun learning about them," Aiden added. "I'm sure you will." "Good morning sis," Lucas said as she took her seat. "Slept well?" "I did, Chris, I hope you enjoyed your first night here." She asked turning to me. "It was amazing, also thanks for the bath salts," I said with a smile. "Oh it's nothing dear, I'm just glad you like them." she took a plate and served some pancakes. Seeing that everyone was complete at the dining, I decided to excuse myself to get ready. "Please excuse me, everyone, I have to go get ready," I said pushing my seatback. Lucas raised his eyebrow but did not say anything. "Ready for what?" Mia asked. "Chris is coming with us," Lucas said in an annoyed tone. "Oh, that's wonderful. the kids agreed?" she asked almost surprised. "Strangely yes." Lucas dropped his tone so the kids would not hear. "Wow," I wondered why it was so surprising that the kids wanted me to come, but I just smiled anyway and went to my room. I came back down a few minutes later in a black jean and a black sweater like dress with long sleeves. We said goodbye to Mia and Emma and joined Lucas who was already waiting in a black Rolls Royce. I put the kids in the back with their seatbelts on and joined Lucas in the front seat. The drive there was relatively quiet when Aiden and Abby were not asking what this was or that was. I answered all of their questions, while Lucas faced all of his attention zipping in and out of traffic. He looked really uncomfortable as he kept stealing glances at me with a grim expression, and at some point, the kids almost noticed his sour mood. But he quickly covered it with a smile. When we finally arrived at the planetarium, Lucas went over a few important rules with the kids. Rules like don't talk to any stranger, always hold mine and his hands, and a few others to which they nodded obediently. We spent the rest of the afternoon going through various exhibits, with me trying to explain the little science I could remember. Lucas seemed to know better, but he was doing his best to avoid me. Now he was frowning and he would not even look at me. He walked on the other side, with the kids in between us. I on my part ignored him and directed my attention to the kids. If he was going to give me to cold shoulder, I could have a cold shoulder for him too. The kids were completely oblivious to our silent rivalry, as their attention was divided between one cool thing or the other. We went through our tour, without saying so much as a word to each other. Even though I had told him off when he tried to be nice before, I still found his behavior a bit upsetting. I felt his eyes on me again and this time, I did not bother to hide how uncomfortable it made me. I turned swiftly, without giving him the chance to look away. "Would you stop staring at me like that?" it was almost a yell, and I was glad that the kids could not hear us over their own excited voices. "I'm not looking at you," he said defensively, looking away "I'm taking in the beauty all around us." "Yeah, I'm sure," I said dryly. "you know if my presence would make you so uncomfortable, you could have just let me stay at home. Or better still, not hire me at all." "Wait, you don't make me un..." "Just let it be if it makes you feel any better, you make me uncomfortable too," I said and without letting him reply, I sauntered over to the kids. "So kids, are you having fun?" 
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