Chapter 11

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Sunday was my day off, but I spent the day playing zombies and many other games with the kids. Mia went out with her fiance, and I had not even seen Lucas all day. Which was good. At least my job would be easier that way.  Evening came too soon, and we had not realized it until Emma came to call us for dinner. Just like before, everyone else was present at dinner except Lucas. The conversation at the table was fun, with Abigail and Aiden talking non-stop about how much fun we had. We watched cartoons, played tea party, did a few science experiments, and built another dollhouse, quite an eventful day.  After dinner, I joined the kids to clean up their playground, then gave them both a bath and tucked them in.  "So kids, which story are we going to be reading today?" I asked, shuffling through the shelf. I had to find something that would catch both their interests since my focus was on both of them, not one of them.  "The three little pigs," They said in happy unison.  "The three little pigs it is then." The shelf was stacked with all kinds of books for kids, yet it was made so easy to locate each one as they were stacked alphabetically. Whoever arranged it must have taken so much time and effort to keep them so, and I had no doubt it was Emma. So I had her to thank for making my job easier.  I quickly brought out the book and took a seat next to them. I used the remote control to take out the lights and replace them with the glow in the dark star lamp. Thankfully, the words on the book were in large print, so I did not have to strain my eyes.  "Once upon a time, there was a mother pig who..."  I was cut short by someone walking into the room. I turned back to find Lucas, in his suit trousers and dress shirt. The arms of his shirt were folded up revealing his tattooed arm and a few buttons were undone on his shirt and his hair was tousled. He looked tired, and his shoulders were rigid and stiff. I wanted nothing more than to make him feel better and relieve him of some stress. My mind was already thinking of a few ways how. How did he manage to look so tired yet so sexy at the same time?  He managed to smile weakly as he looked at the kids. "I hope I'm not too late," he strolled into the room.   "Daddy," they chorused as he planted kisses on both their foreheads.  "How are my little darlings?" his voice was husky and deep.  "Good," Aiden answered first.  "Chris is reading us a bedtime story," Abby said.  "Oh that's nice Chris," he said, finally looking at me on the other bed. "thank you."  "It's fine, you can just take over since you're here." I knew he wanted to read for them. It was the least he could do for them after being away all day. I had no right to take that from me.  "Thank you," he said as he took the book from me. His fingers brushed mine slightly, and the place where he touched heated, like electricity passing through me. I quickly retracted my hand and got to my feet. "I'll excuse you."  I kissed the kids each on their forehead and said goodnight to them. But as I turned to leave, Lucas held me back, holding my hand. I was tempted to pull my hand free, but I remembered we had an audience, so I simply raised my brows at him, which he probably did not see in the glowing stars.   "Can we please talk?" he asked in a low voice with his hands still on mine.  "No," I said and tugged my hands free. He did not fight it, and I could tell he was also thinking of our audience, both of which were now staring at us with all focus.  "Okay," he said in defeat. He turned back to the kids, "So how was your day?" I walked back to my room and got ready for bed. I had missed a call from Celine when I was busy with the kids so I decided to call her back before sleeping. "Hey best friend," she picked up the phone on the first ring.  "Hey missy," I said as I loosened the braid on my hair.  "What's good, baby girl? I missed you so much."  I chuckled lightly. "C, it's only been three days,"  She sucked in a breath dramatically, and I could picture her holding her chest to emphasize. "You don't miss me? Oh, I'm so heartbroken right now."  "Of course I miss you. Why don't we meet for brunch next week Sunday, it's my day off."  "Yass girl can't wait. I have some juicy gist for you," she said in excitement as if she had been waiting to tell me that all along.  "Oooh, you didn't murder anyone this time right?" I said jokingly. Laughter erupted from her chest, "It's not that juicy, but it's juicy enough, and it involves some juice,"  I gasped in realization. "Who did you get railed this time?"  "I don't know, some hot CEO who happens to be my motherfucking boss?" she squealed happily.  "You didn't," I said, eyes wide in amazement as if she could see me. "Hell yeah, I did, and I can't wait to share all the juicy deets with you on Sunday when we meet." This time she did not bother to hide her double entendre. "For now, give me some juice on your end."  "Well, there isn't really much, the kids are super amazing, you should meet them soon, you'll love them. Everyone else is good except you know who." I whispered the last part, the last thing I needed was someone hearing this conversation.  "He's still an asshole?" A sexy fuckable asshole  "Oh my god, girl you're thinking about f*****g him so soon?"  "Oh s**t, did I say that out loud?"  "Hell yeah you did." she laughed. "Okay okay," I said in defeat, I was not going to hide it from her anyway. "but you can't blame me, Hunny have you seen the man? He's like a taller version of Chris Hemsworth, and I bet he f***s as hard." "I wanna hear all about how hard he f***s when we meet on Sunday."  "First of, that's creepy," I snorted, "secondly, I'm not f*****g him, the guys a major dickhead."  "See, you can't even make one sentence without thinking about his dick."  "Goodnight C." I knew I would never hear the end of this.  "You're going to f**k him," she said matter-of-factly.  "Dream of chocolates and Halloween." it was her favorite holiday.  "Make sure to use protection," she screamed into the phone before ending the call with a loud laugh.  I shook my head in laughter, then set the alarm before dropping my phone on the nightstand. It was the first day of taking the kids to school, and I needed everything to go smoothly, starting with me waking up early.  My mind went back to the conversation with Lucas. It was not a lie that I wanted to f**k him, but that was not going to happen, because I have had a good share of assholes for a lifetime, and I did not intend to add to that list.  I closed my eyes and forced my mind to drift into something much more boring so I could sleep.  The next morning, I woke up at the first ring of my alarm. I quickly finished my morning routine, braided my hair again, and picked out a pair of black pants and a white top, with a jacket to match.  When I got to the kid's room they were already awake, brushing their teeth.  "Good morning Chris," They mumbled with toothpaste in their mouths. There was toothpaste everywhere on the sink, and I made a mental note to not let them brush without supervision again.  "Good morning my darlings," I said cheerfully as I joined them in the bathroom. "let's get you ready for school."  We spent the next hour getting ready, and I realized how much of a challenging task that was. It was hard enough getting one child ready for school, and two was almost impossible. The room was currently in a mess as clothes and underwear were thrown all about, we had to search for Abby's special Monday blanket, she said something about it being her lucky charm. The search had taken more time than dressing them up and was the reason why the room was in such a big mess. I would have to fix it when I got back from dropping them. When we finally found the blanket, we went downstairs for breakfast.  Emma already had two bowls of cereal waiting for them when we got down. The kids ate quietly, while I helped pack their schoolbags.  Lucas and Mia had not come down when the kids finished eating, and I was torn between taking them to school without seeing them or waiting for Mia.  "Oh you don't have to wait," Emma said like she read my mind. "the kids don't always say goodbye to them, they'll be fine."  "Okay, thank you, Emma, we better be going." I picked up my cup of coffee and finished it in one swig.  Aiden, Abby, and I piled into the waiting car in front of the house. Benard, the driver, as Drey had introduced him, sat behind the wheels as we entered the car.  "Good morning Benard," Aiden says first, and Abby followed too. "Good morning little angels, ready for school?" he asked with a beaming smile as he starts the car.  "Yes, we are," they answered, looking at each other with big smiles.  They looked so adorable in their matching uniforms. Abby wore a red striped knee-high skirt, with a white dress shirt and an ash button-down sweater. Her long blonde hair flowed to her shoulders, and her white soc reached her knee, fitting into a pair of flowered black shoes. The only difference between her and Aiden's outfit was that he wore long black pants and a black tie compared to Abby's red striped tie. His hair was properly combed back, and his soc was not visible from his long pants.  The drive to the school was not too long, thanks to the little traffic. Soon we were pulling up in front of a school that looked like it was built for ancient royalty. Benard needed to have a special pass to drive in, and I could tell it was one of those very private, very exclusive, very expensive academy for rich kids. Different cars pulled up at the sidewalk, and the drivers turned around to open the door for most of the kids.  "So, do you like your classmates?" I asked as we slowed down.  "Not really," Aiden answered.  "Nope," Abby's answer was more direct, and she says it in such a casual way like it does not bother her at all.  "Why? Are they mean to you guys?"  "They don't talk to us, so we don't talk to them either," Aiden said.  "Aunt Mia said if someone does not want to be your friend, you can't force them." Abby shrugged.  Who would not want to be friends with these adorable bundles of joy? But that was a conversation for later as it was our turn to pull over.  "Thank you, Benard," they said together, resuming their beaming expressions. I came down from the car and turned around to help them, bringing out their backpacks.  The bags dwarfed them as they hung them over their shoulders. I stretched my hand to walk them over, but instead, they took each other's hands.  "You don't have to walk us," Abby said, looking around suspiciously.  "The other kids will make fun of us if you do," Aiden said rather shyly. "Aiden," Abby shushed him, glaring at him.  I looked around to find a few kids walking to the building on their own and a few who were trying to tug their hands free from their parents holding them. This was definitely a conversation for later. "Okay, but I'll be here after school," I promised.  "Okay," they said, running off, without leaving each other's hand. "Byee."  It was beautiful to see the bond they already shared at this young age, and I hoped it would stay so for as long as possible. I watched them until they were out of sight, before turning back into the car.  When I got back home, I saw a pink suitcase in the lobby. Hmm, a guest? I thought as I walked in and joined Mia in the kitchen.  She sat on the island stool in a blue suit and a ponytail. Even with her height, she still wore high heels which I thought was super cool. There was a small purse next to her, and she looked like someone posing for a Vogue shoot. The rim of the glass of juice next to her was stained in her red lipstick.  "Someone came?" I asked as I sat next to her on the stool where she was looking at her phone.   "Oh, hey Chris," she said with a smile. "I'm going back home."  "What?" I asked in confusion. I thought she lived here.  "This is like my second home, my first home is at my parent's house in Berkely. I had to spend the week here to help you get settled in with the kids."  "Oh, really?" I said, not bothering to hide my surprise.  "Yes, sweetie. I spend most of my time here with the kids, and I would have loved to stay a bit more, but I have to prepare for my flight tomorrow. I'm flying to England with Mason." she said as she checked the time on her watch. "I told you when we talked Saturday night."  I had completely forgotten about our conversation on Saturday night. She said she was going to England with her fiance to meet his parents and prepare for her upcoming wedding. "Oh, yeah. I remember now. I just didn't think it would be so soon."  "I wish so too," she said with a sad smile, "but I don't really have a lot of time left. Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it, and I'm sure you would be too busy to feel my absence." she smiled sweetly. That was true, between taking care of the kids and avoiding Lucas I was sure to have my hand full. "Do the kids know?"  "Hmm-hmm," she nodded with her glass in her mouth.  A car honked outside, and she drained her glass, then got to her feet. "My driver's here," she put the empty glass in the sink, picked up her purse and phone, then turned to me and gave me a hug. "I'm sure you'll be able to handle things here while I'm gone."  I hugged her back and nodded.  "Thank you so much Chris, and please call me if you need anything." she said as she released me. "also if my brother acts like an asshole to you again," she whispered, earning a laugh from me.  "I sure will."  "Alright, I'll see you soon."  "Have a safe trip," I called as she walked to the door.  
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