“One day you will kiss a man you can't breathe without, and find that breath is of little consequence.” -Karen Marie Moning 22 DECEMBER 2021- San Juan, PUERTO RICO “I,” repeated very slowly and clearly, “am your fiancé?” Adeline do not believe she had ever managed to make a voice sound this deadly dangerous before, she was like a female alpha with fire in her belly! He did not seem to notice or care, but simply looked at her with those cool, dark eyes of his. “I told you we have to stay low.” “Low!” Her voice sounded like a high pitch tone for just a moment. “If I murder you and hang your body from the balcony, will that be staying low?” “You will do nothing of the kind. You are very happy and excited to murder anyone.” “Excited?” Was he on drugs? “Of course you are,” he informs