It's been a month

1969 Words
Meera's POV   After the breakfast was done, he didn't ask me to do any more absurd, 'maid-like' stuffs anymore. He just ask me to hand him some files, place them here and there and other PA like job, which I was more than grateful to do. Around 11 he asked me to wait outside his bungalow so that we can start for the office. "Where is your car?" he asked me giving a stern look. "What car? I don't have a car. Or do you expect your new PA to come to your home driving a Lamborgini?" I asked mockingly. "No my Richi Rich, I was asking about the car that you used to ride on for tuitions and college and all other places in the world. You had a car along with your personal driver, whom I was obsessed to meet with, remember Miss PA?" he asked me. "Oh I see. Well after I couldn't crack the entrance exam my father took away the car privileges. So right now I travel in bus train and taxi." I sighed. Since class 5 my father gave me car privileges. We only had one car in the family, but it was mainly for me and my mother. I was never allowed to leave the house without the car and the driver. For this particular reason my friends used to think I was rich kid. But the truth was my father worked hard to maintain the goddamn thing. There were even situations in our life that we were on the verge of selling off the car, but every time my father fond a way to keep it in the family.   "What kind of cruelty is this? It was just an exam Meera. And FYI who gets chance in the first go? I don't think uncle needs to be this harsh on you." he said getting a little pissed off by my father's action. "So what will you do in those days when I will keep you late in office? You know nah that your work gets over when I say its over?" "I know. I will take a bus back home or if it gets too late I will book a cab." "Bullshit. I am not going to let you go home unprotected at that late night. I will drop you home from now on." What the heck did he say! Why?  "Aarsh that's absolutely not needed. For last 6 months I have been using public transport and I am fine with it. Trust me." "Meera there is no place for an arguement. I told you what I will say, you will do. That's your job. And I told you I will drop you home from now onwards. I take care what's mine."   "What? What did you say?" I asked in a shocking tone. Did he say I am his! What the heck man! "Yes you are my PA. Moreover you are my friend and above all I am a responsible man and I can't just sit on my own when I know a woman's security is at stake. So no more discussions. It's decided am going to drop you home everyday. I think it's better that way, at least I will also be able to come home if I have to drop you to your home." he justified. "How is it so?" I asked enquiringly. "You know most of the days when I work late and I am too tired to come home I just sleep in the penthouse. If I will drop you home, then obviously I will go back and sleep in my home. Isn't it better for me too?" What can I say after this, I just nodded in unison. "By the way Meera, do you want to try again for those government jobs?" he asked after a while, concentrating on the road. "No I don't want to. Its not my cup of tea." I said with sheer honesty. "Then why did you keep on saying that you just wanted to do government job back in college and university days huh? Listen if you really want to give it another shot then I can fix something for you." he said giving me shock. 'Why the heck does he want to help?'   "No need Aarsh. I just said that cause my father pushed me in that. All the while I tried to eagerly wanted to crack the exams and get a job. But while preparing for it I got a clear view that it wasn't for me. So no. I honestly don't want to give another shot and waste my time on it. I am happy with what I have." "Surely if that is what you want then let that be it. But are you happy by just being a PA to a CEO?" "Why not? This is not the job I have applied for , definitely. You know that sales and marketing is my forte, that's why I applied for the job of an assistant sales manager in your company. But being a PA to a CEO is also not bad. Last day you made me attain 2 meetings out of 3, and I learned so much. You also gave me a file to study and make a report out of it, and honestly its the best way to learn to work. I know Aarsh you didn't have to give me that file, but you wanted to boost my confidence and hence you gave that to me. I am geniuenely thankful for that." I said giving him an assuring smile to him.   The rest of the day went well. Aarsh completed his work by 7:30 and he gave me 10 minutes to clear and lock up his office completely. It was a part of my job that whatever mess he will create in his office I have to clean it up after he goes and before he comes to the office. Well I decided to place the books and files properly in their places and reminded myself to ask the sweeper to clean his office before he arrives tomorrow morning. Locking the office I went down to the the lobby, and as soon as I got out of the main door, he came with his car, rolling down the passenger's seat window. "Come on. What are you waiting for now. Hop in." he told with a huge 'victorious' smile on his face. Letting out a low grunt I made my way to his car, opened the door, got myself in, and slammed the door, pretty hard, showing my annoyance. "God you are still so violent. I don't understand where do you keep in anger in that small body of yours!" he said starting up the engine and hitting the road. The whole ride was not bad. We talked a bit, mostly him asking about what I did in the past year, and me simply answering his questions. After about 45 minutes we reached my home, as promised he did actually drop me home, and reminded me it will be a routine from now onwards. One month later.   Its already have been a month, me working as Aarsh's PA. When the first time I got to know that he is my boss, I thought it was going to be hell difficult, adding the fact I know who he is to me, but it had been quite easier than my expectations. Most of the days I had to go to his house, do whatever he asks me to, come office with him, attain most of the meetings with him, help him giving some advices, and lots of other works. I gained lots of experience in this one month. I got to know lot of staffs in the office. The word of me being CEO's friend in past and now his PA quickly passed through out the office. Most people in the beginning were scared of me to talk to or even sit on the same table in cafeteria. But me being an ambivert helped a lot making a few friends here and there. Nowadays I am also allowed to call Mr.Joshi as Vivek Bhaiya, just like Aarsh calls him. At first I was a bit hesitant but soon he made me felt comfortable and insisted me to call him that. He often says that I am his successor as he was also the PA of previous CEO, its because of Aarsh he has been promoted to the Company Secretary and main adviser to the CEO.    Everything is going good for last 1 month for me. It actually feels like finally God is showing some hopes in my life and I am geniuenely thankful for that. "Meera, are you listening to me?" Aarsh asked being annoyed. "Sorry no. Will you please say it again?" "Where is your mind girl? Anyways , I said keep all the meetings lined up one after the other, we have to complete it by 5 in the evening, and then I want to sit with the finance and sales team once again to confirm and change certain things. And then after that we have to leave office by 7 atleast, we are going to Varsha's house. Do you get it." "We?" I asked in confussion. "Yes girl, we. We are going to Varsha's house. Is there any problem with that? Last time when I checked a few days back she said she remembers you, and by the look on your face it is pretty clear you too remember her, so why not?" "But why are we going to her house in the first place only?" Doesn't he understand or what? "Oh the thing is after we completed our post grad we all made a rule to meet at least once in a month or two. Last month we couldn't so today we will be meeting at her place. Its her turn actually." he said with happiness, more like excited. I know how Aarsh is with his friends. He is completely different with them. People are often mistaken when they say he is rude or arrogant, but once he gets accustomed with them he is the most fun loving and lovable person.   "Ok I understand, but still why will I go? I never agreed to that rule, I was never a part of it." I said getting a bit annoyed. To be honest I don't want to meet with them in the first place. They were so full of themselves, as if ruled the world. There were few who were actually my friends too, but still not everyone. "I don't think it is a good idea for me to go there. Moreover I haven't been in touch with them for a year now." I said trying to convince him. "Well you know it is your job to obey me, follow me wherever I ask you, so Meera the topic for discussion is over. You are coming with me and you will stay the night in my house. NO. MORE. ARGUEMENTS." he said commandingly. "Stay the night in your house, but why?" what the heck is he upto now. "Yes you will stay in my house today. Call your parents if you want to and the answer to your question is, I will be tired after dinner to drop you home so I will take you to my home and drop you home tomorrow morning. Now go and make the arrangements quickly." he dismissed me before I open my mouth again to continue arguing. I sighed and left his office, made a few calls, including my mother.   God I have to face Sana again. Doesn't he understand that it is difficult for me to face her after that night! Why Aarsh just why? Why do you torture me like this?
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