Reunion and Old friends

1996 Words
Aarsh's POV   I know why Meera doesn't want to go to Varsha's house, the problem was not Varsha, it was Sana. I know she feels guilty of betraying her friend, but so did I. But it has been now years that thing happened between us. I know I haven't forget about that night, I don't think I will be able to, ever. I know it will be same for her too, I can see that in her eyes. It doesn't matter how hard we try to forget about it and try to move on, but that ecstatic feeling that we felt that night was literally hard to forget. And for me I don't want to forget that ever. But truth be told, its time she starts facing Sana, properly now. I know how hard she tried to avoid Sana for 2 years straight after that incident, and thanks to Sana's decision of studying in other university, Meera succeeded that. But due to my stubbornness in studying in same university as Meera, she couldn't avoid me. I know Meera will be uncomfortable, but she needs to own up the deeds. I'm not saying owning up her deeds mean she should tell everything to Sana but at least she must muster up her courage to at least face her.   I literally forced her to come with me to Varsha's house. I haven't actually told Varsha that I am bringing Meera with me, I wanted to surprise everyone there, but I told her am bringing some one with me. There are few people in the group who actually liked Meera because of her friendly and fun attitude and also she being quite an honest girl. Meera is very different with her friends and I just know that. Although I know she will be in discomfort in Sana's present but I do hope that Varsha, Riya, Vidushi and Sharman will help her take her mind off. I just wanted Meera to have a bit of good time.   After a drive of more than an hour, thanks to the city traffic, we finally reached Varsha's house. I turned off the engine, got off the car, preparing myself to pull Meera out of the car. To my surprise she did it by herself without even me telling her to get out. "So ready to meet everyone in there?" "As if I have an option right now?" she asked with annoyance in her voice. "Meera I know why you don't want to go in there. To be honest I have known it from the beginning. But don't you think you are being too much harsh on yourself. We agreed to forget everything and move on right? Then why are you holding yourself back? You deserve to have a life, and enjoy it too. If you keep on sulking everytime near Sana, then don't you think she would suspect you? You decided to keep that a secret because of her happiness right? Then why are you forcing yourself to ask you out about your sulking attitude? You need to forget everything Meera, and stop feeling guilty about it. Just look at me and try to learn to move on. It was a one time thing goddamn it." I told her letting out my anger and shaking her shoulders roughly. Meera's POV   To say I was shocked listening to Aarsh's words would be an understatement of the year. He knew everything I felt coming here, he knew I am scared of facing Sana, he knew that I haven't moved on, then why the f**k is he pushing me. Its my wish not to face Sana or anyone related to her. I have a habit of forgetting things after some time, but whatever happened that night was not a casual thing for me, it was special, it was wrong, I felt guilty about it more imagining how good I felt. But here he is literally forcing me to face Sana. "Well I can see you have moved on, pretty well actually. But am not you Aarsh, I feel guilty about it." I screamed, just to put my point look heavy. "Do you think I didn't feel guilty about it? Well sorry to disappoint you I felt guilty too. It was hard for me to move on too. But think about it, if she gets to know what we have done behind her back, you know what will happen. Think about that and MOVE ON NOW," he said forcing the last words.   I thought about it. I know how Sana will react if she comes to know what we did. I decided to mask all my worries and guilty away from my face, and face her normally. Well I can give it a try though. "Ok I will give it a try, but if things don't go well today you won't force me to face her ever. Deal?" "I am not making any silly deals with you, you have to face her. They all love you Meera, since the day you saved me from drowning, since the day you saved Maithili from those goons, I know they love you. Your relation with them runs deeper than that night we spent together. Trust me everything will be fine. Just give it a try." Aarsh said softly this time, more like pursuing me. I just nodded and motioned him to lead me the way.    Gladly, we walked to Varsha's door, he pressed the bell. We heard someone open it from the other side. The door was opened and Varsha came in our view. "Aarsh man! What the f**k bro, why the f**k are you late?" typical Varsha, always a rough mouth, but she never pretends to be sweet. She says her heart out, always. And I like her because of that. "Well I was preparing a surprise for you all. Wanna see?" Varsha just nodded. "So know I present our old lost friend Meera Sharma! Clap clap clap." he moved aside and letting me face Varsha for the first time. She is still the same, chubby, good sense of clothing, though comfort is her first and foremost priority. "What the f**k! Where were you Meera all these days, we so tried to contact you after our post grad man. You just vanished." Saying these she engulfed me in a hug. Earlier there wasn't much difference between mine and Varsha's figure, both of us were fat. But in last one year I lost some weight but she remained the same.   "Well its good to see you again too. I missed you so much" I said with utmost honesty. Varsha wasn't my college friend, she was basically my friend from tuitions. But she was the first one in Sana's group who actually understood Shagun, when we explained her everything. She was the first one who let Shagun say her part unlike the rest. She was one who actually helped Shagun to prove she wasn't wrong all the way. That is why I liked her, quite a lot. "Come on, get in. Everyone is here, they would love to see you again." she said breaking our bear hug. We further went into the house, I greeted her parents along the way, took their blessings and moved on to her room, where everyone was sitting. During this entire time Aarsh was following us like a ghost. I think he still thinks I will run away before meeting Sana.   We entered Varsha's room. Everyone was already there. Seeing me they all went completely silent. I felt like an intruder at that point as if I have barged into a private conversation. To lighten things up, Varsha broke the ice, "So guys Meera is here. I guess she is the person Aarsh said he was bringing here, and am so happy with this addition." As soon as she completed her short speech Riya came running to me and hugged me tightly. She was one of my closest friend and we both went to the same college and later same university. "Where were you Meer da, I missed you so much." She said sobbing. Listening to her nickname given to me, I also sobbed a bit but quickly managed, she was the cutest person I have ever met in my life. And I missed her so much. "I missed you too Riyu baby." I said rubbing her small back. Though she was taller than me she was quite slimmer than me. "I missed your golgappa, ice cream, Hakka noodles treats so much." I said. "You only missed my treats and not me huh?" She said whinningly. "Of course I missed every part. I was your responsibility in the college. It was your duty to feed me whatever I wanted to it. Remember you were my mother in the college."    We remembered about our college days a bit more and then I moved on to everyone. I met Vidushi next and then Sanjay and Sharman and then Maithili and finally I turned to Sana. She was giving me a 440 watt smile. Looking at her smiling face I could see how geniunely she was happy to see me, that made me feel more guilty. "Meeru I missed you so much. Where were you for so long? It felt like you don't exist! Why Meeru why? What have we ever done to you that you completely forgot about us? About me? Don't you remember that I am your first friend in the college? Then what happened sis?" I was dumbstruck. She was actually sad that I avoided her, but now happy that I came to meet them. "Oh come on, let the girl breath all of you. And thank me first. I got hold of her first. She came to my office a month ago for finding a job, but before she found the job I found her and kept her by my side, so now she is my PA and will accompany me everywhere, even here from now onwards" he said not letting me protest at his words. Is he mad or what? He is going to bring me here, in between them every time they meet? No no no no. I only have the courage to face Sana once only, not once in every other month. He must be joking.    "But Aarsh how can I accompany you here. Its a personal thing, not related to work, its not right if I accompany you here also" I said trying to change his decision. "So what you are his PA, you are also our friend. You will come here with him as our friend and not as his PA. The moment you step in any of our house you are our friend and not his PA. Right Aarsh?" Maithili said and everyone nodding and turning towards Aarsh for confirmation. "Absolutely. See I told you everyone loves you here" he said turning towards me. "Meeru did you have doubts about our feelings for you? Well let me clear it up once and for all. You are our friend, maybe you have known Riya and Sana before you have known us but you are equally important to us too. yes we were reluctant at first but you proved us all wrong when you saved Aarsh and Maithili without thinking twice about yourself. Meera we love you and we would love to make you a part of our group. So please don't say no and come here every month just like everyone here, ok?" Vidushi asked politely. I don't know what to do, I just nodded half-heartedly. "That's good then. Aarsh its your responsibility to bring her everytime you come ok? If she is not with you without any solid reason you are also not allowed. Got that dude?" this time it was Varsha again. "Deal. Am more than happy to bring her." Aarsh replied with utmost sincerity in his voice and in his eyes.   God what have I gotten myself into! 
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