Promises and Powers

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so I will try to post on every Monday Wednesday and Friday. Just bear with me pls. and also if you have any suggestion then pls say it in the comment section. Thank you that one lustful desirable night. Well I tried to put that thing in her brain today but I seriously don't know how much she will follow it up. I just wish she understands her value in our lives, in my life.    Everyone is talking happily. Varsha and Maithili, as usual laughing their asses off as loud as possible, Riya is trying to cope up with them, Sanjay constantly teasing Varsha and Maithili about something or other, Sharman is trying to protect his love, his Maithili, Sana, Vidushi and Meera are constantly trying to pace with them, although Meera a bit less. I think she is still trying to figure out how she will face Sana every month now, well in that case Meera you better try to sort it as soon as possible. While I was still in my thoughts, Sana nudged me lightly and tells me to check to check my phone. I opened it and saw that I received a message from Sana just now. What the heck man! I am sitting just beside her then why the hell she is texting me? Pushing my thoughts aside, I quickly opened it and saw, "Meet me outside the house. You go first, call me after some time. I want to have a quick talk with you." The last line made me sweat a bit. To be honest its such a line that every boyfriend gets scared of.   I quickly obliged, got up, said everyone I need to check a mail, and left. I went completely out of the house, opened my phone, clicked Sana's number and gave her a miss call. Within a minute she came outside and I asked, "what is it that you can't talk about in front of everyone?" "Aarsh quickly tell me how did you get Meera? For one whole year she was not there, and then all of a sudden she started working as your PA? And that too its already been a month? Why didn't you tell me that you hired her as your PA? Its not that we haven't talked or met in past one month, then why you never said anything to me? Don't I have any right what is going on in your life?" God this girl and her over dramatic shits. After Sana went through the breakup with that Deepak guy, she is always insecured. But we have been together for almost 6 years now, still she didn.t trust me. I know I have almost cheated her, but only once, but I made sure that she never gets to know about that. Still she is like this, I don't understand why is she like this, whenever she sees a girl near me or with me, who are not from our group, she gets a little paranoid. Many people say that little bit of jealousy is good in every relationship, it makes the partners aware of their love to each other, and even a bit of insecurity is good, that shows that the other person loves you and is afraid of losing you. I would have liked that too but sometimes she acts like a complete paranoid and that pisses me off really bad.   I calmed myself down and told her everything that I told Meera, skipping the part that I only wanted Meera near me to check whether I still felt attracted towards her or not, and moreover to keep an eye on her. She tries to argue further but I convinced her pretty well, well I have been convincing her for everything since the first day of our relationship, so convincing Sana is an easy job for me. She tried to understand, consumed all the informations I provided her and finally asked her to move inside, or else they will start teasing us, or worse send a search party. The moment I opened the door, I saw Meera standing across the threshold. "What are you doing here Meera?" I asked. She better not decide to leave this place. "Oh sorry, I was just going out to get some things for them, they  asked me to bring some drinks." she said getting scared by my tone. "Tell me what do they want I will bring them." "No no, you go inside I will get it." she forced. "Meera its already late, its not safe outside for you." "Oh come on Aarsh let her go. Its a known area, and she is good with alcohol too, let her go, she will be safe." Sana said out of nowhere. I eyed her once more and let her go. I don't know why I don't feel good about this. Meera walked past us, I could see her  figure disappearing in the dark.    Should I follow her? I know its a residential area, but I don't know why I didn't want her to go all alone.   Sighed I enter the house following Sana. Meera's POV   "God its been so long those two are not here. What the f**k are they doing by the way?" Maithili asked with complete irritation in her voice. She really can't stay long without her bestfriends by her side. Sometimes I do really pity Sharman. I don't know what he is doing with her for last 6 years. They have been dating even before Sana and Aarsh started their relationship, but by the look of it, it doesn't look like Maithili is that much into Sharman. He is really a good boy, an ideal boyfriend, hardly stops Maithili doing stuffs or fooling around. I pity him.    "Probably making out again. You know them right." This time it was Sanjay. Sanjay had always been the one who is teasing around the group. He is fun loving person. At the beginning I thought him to be a little weird, he was always after this one girl from Maithili's college who already had a boyfriend. As long as I were in touch with them, Sanjay always waited for the girl, but sadly the girl never returned his emotions. I mean why didn't he get another girl? He is a good boy, little goofy, bit sporty, a good mixture of masculine and gentle at the same time. "Have you ever seen them making out Sanju? No nah. Then why are you assuming stuffs. Sana and Aarsh are not like that. They know they are in between friends, so they will never make out where we can catch them" this time Sharman spoke up. He is really a good and a supportive friend to Sana and Aarsh.    "What do you mean by they are making out?" I asked out of curiosity before restraining myself. "You know its kind of a natural thing for a couple to make out Meera, although you are right Sharman, we have never seen them making out in public or being too much lovey-dovey. But you know nah baby they have now a s****l relationship unlike the earlier years in their relationship, so its not wrong even if they make out now, its a common thing now a days, and they are too committed right!" Maithili said as a matter of fact. I couldn't believe what I heard. The last time I heard about their relationship, they were not physical with each other, neither they got the chance nor Sana wanted to do it. But I guess everything has changed now. They had a physical and s****l relationship now. Aarsh you have actually moved on huh! But I don't why it was bothering me, as Maithili said its a common thing between couples, and moreover, its not that that I heard for the first time in my life that my friends are having s*x. Well most of my school friends have been in s****l relationship since the last one or two years of school, so yes its a natural phenomena for us really. But still it was bickering me lot. I need some time to digest these informations.   "Ok ok let them do whatever they are doing, we know what they will drink, so the question is who is gonna go and buy the drinks? Sanjay move your big butt and go and bring our drinks" Varsha said to Sanjay in her usual bossy tone. God this girl is never gonna change! "Why will I go everytime. I won't go today" Sanjay said in a whining tone. I got this opportunity to go out for a bit and clear my mind for a while, so I said, "Sanjay don't worry I will go, its alright I know the way round here." "But Meera its not safe round here at this time" Sharman said with worry in his voice. "Guys its alright moreover the shop is near by, and Meera knows about alcohol more than any of us sitting here, so its better for her to go. Meera take some money and we will give you the rest later, oh and here have the list." Varsha said helping me out. From the very childhood am accustomed with alcohol, please don't think it otherwise my parents taught me in a pretty good way to consume alcohol. Result is I pretty much know my limit, have a high level of alcohol tolerance, I easily don't get drunk and moreover someone has to take the responsibility of the drunkards right.    I took the money from Varsha and Vidushi, took the list and proceeded towards the main door. The moment I was about to open the door, the door opened from the other side, Aarsh coming into the view. He looked a bit disheveled, specially his hair. Well to check emails why is he in such a state? "What are you doing here Meera?" he asked with agitation in his voice. Is he somehow thinking that am leaving the place behind his back? Well after hearing about his and Sana's s****l relationship I wanted to, but then I decided to bear with it, after all its a common thing right.   "Oh sorry, I was just going out to get some things for them, they  asked me to bring some drinks." I said trying to assure him and getting scared at the same time. "Tell me what do they want I will bring them." "No no, you go inside I will get it." I forcefully told him. "Meera its already late, its not safe outside for you." "Oh come on Aarsh let her go. Its a known area, and she is good with alcohol too, let her go, she will be safe." Sana said coming into the way with the same disheveled state like him. So indeed they were making out. Well I now definitely need some fresh air. Aarsh kept on staring me for a while, while I wasn't able to look at him, cause I didn't want to show him that I was being bothered. I walked past them to the alley, the shop was around 8-10 minutes walking distance.    I reached the shop, placed my orders, paid the bill, took the drinks, went to another shop to buy some snacks. While I was returning, I could feel some gazes on me. I tried to look here and there, but there was nothing that should bother me so I continued walking. After a while I heard footsteps trailing behind me, "Hey chick, where the f**k are you going huh? Come to us baby, we will have some fun." "You have the drinks, we have the food and you will be our desert for tonight. come on baby come to us now" I heard some drunkards shouting at me. From where the f**k did they come now? Why is it happening? "Can't you hear us or what b***h, we said let us taste you" one of them said grabbing my hand. No this should not be happening right now. "Listen stay away from me or you will be dead" I said trying to free my hand from his tight grip. Who the f**k am I kidding? Its been so long I haven't used my powers after I promised him. But what should I do now?   "Oh so you are a feisty one huh? We love feisty girl baby, we will definitely enjoy you till the end. Just imagine when we will take turns on you, we will f**k you until you become senseless. We will f**k you the whole night, and tomorrow, we will throw you away on the road full of people and that too naked. While we will rape you, we will shoot you, trust me baby by tomorrow you will be trending every where" they said encircling me and inching towards me slowly, and pushed me so that I fall on road. I saw one of them opening his shirt and unbuckling his belt, so does the others in the group.     What am I gonna do now. I promised him.   I am dead, they will rape me now. This can't be happening. NOOOOOOOOO.
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