Calming him down

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Meera's POV   After sobbing and whimpering for some time, Aarsh finally realized something and soon stopped, got up and straightened himself and helped me getting up. Wiping the tears from his face, with the back of his hands, he said, "Am sorry you had to put up with this, I didn't want to react like I did. But from last night nobody wanted to hear me out. I felt angry at you. You told Sana that you don't like going out with me, you will be glad if Sana goes with me rather than you. If you had any problem you could have said it to me, why did you go behind my back Meera? I hardly forces stuffs on you, and which ever I do, I think that's necessary for you. If you had problem you could have come to me. Am your boss, but we also meet outside as friends, then why can't you say these things to me at that time? Why do I come to know it from someone else?"    I was shocked. Sana herself told that she doesn't want me to be his tag along everywhere, I just said if she wants she can be the tag along. I never said I don't like it. Then why did she say that? Maybe she was trying to make it look big, so that he can't push her. But see what happened now. "Aarsh, its not that that I don't like it, its just that am tired. To be your tag along, I have to dress up get ready, make myself look to be your standard. You know how hard that is for me. If I just go there as your secretary, I can wear  my regular stuffs, I don't need to make myself look as presentable as you are. That's it, nothing else." I murmured. Listening to my explanation he sighed deeply. I didn't understand that he understood or not, I just wanted to clarify him, I didn't try to make Sana look faulty here, maybe she planned this to pressurize him to take her from now on.    "Umm... you told you are being forced to marry Sana. What exactly does that mean?" "Oh so you got that finally! Well, which part of it you didn't understand? You heard it crystal clear, it was a plain and simple sentence. No other deep or hidden meaning is there." "No, I mean what happened all of a sudden? Marriage and stuffs?" "Well, thanks to that almost drowning in the pool incident, Sana's father got scared for me. Sana somehow made everyone understand that if she would have been with me then that incident wouldn't have taken place, all together, let alone you save me. Uncle had a talk with me about it, well I obviously didn't want to comply with it. I tried to say there's no hurry, I can handle these matters, gave all other excuses as much as possible, but guess what, nothing worked. Seeing that I was not agreeing with any of their explanations and decisions, Sana's father took the matter into his hands and called my parents while I was driving back home. I thought I will talk to my parents by myself, make them understand that I don't want to marry Sana, but uncle just didn't leave any option to my naïve parents. They agreed and somehow forced me to agree with it. Now what do I do? Every chance of happiness is now ruined for me. Why? Why did you make me promise to stay with her? Why?" Aarsh grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me, shouting at me.    "Aarsh its hurting, please stop it." "This hurt is nothing the hurt am feeling right now. Tell me Meera, can you be happy with someone else knowing that there is someone out there trying to find you, waiting for you probably? Won't you give that person a chance when you know your happiness lies with that person only?" How can I answer to this question? How can I say that whatever I am doing or is happening right now is just the better version of what he is demanding? As I couldn't able to answer his question, I looked down. "I don't know about you Meera, but I would give that person a fair chance, I will give us a fair chance. After all we are tied by the destiny, by the Almighty himself. And I want to search for that person, give us a fair shot, if everything goes well, which am pretty much sure of, I will be with her no matter what." Saying this he started inching towards me. As he was coming towards me, I was going back. Soon, I hit the bed and fell on the mattress. He hovered over me and said in a husky voice, "And for that, I can leave everyone. I don't want to break Sana's heart. But I can't keep her heart either. No one will be happy."   After he relaxed down a bit, I asked him to take a shower, and while he was showering I asked Lalita Didi to clean up his room. The moment the maids went out after cleaning the mess, he stepped out of his closet wearing a tee and a boxers. His hair was still damp at the ends, uncombed, obviously. Looking at the room, he smiled me a thank you look, I was glad. Soon, he sat on the couch, throwing his head back, resting. I went near to him, sat down beside him. I was going to ask him what exactly happened, but before that he opened his mouth and said, "Can you please run your fingers through my hair and lightly massage my head? Its throbbing."  I got up, went behind the couch, positioned myself. I put my hand under his chin and made his head fall back. He looked at me for sometime. There was something in his stare which was quite confusing to me. I closed his eyes by putting my palms on them and applied a little bit of pressure to it. Soon, I moved to his hairs from his eyes, and started caressing his hair. After some time, I started applying pressure bit by bit to massage his scalp. Within seconds, he was moaning like anything. "Aarsh, exactly what happened when you went to Sana's house?" I asked after I realize he was getting relaxed, slowly. He opened his eyes, looked at me for some time and told me what happened at Sana's place, what Aarsh's parents said to him, how hard he tried to make his parents understand and all other things that happened yesterday.   "Aarsh, I also think this is for the best." I told him after hearing him completely. "How can you say that Meera? Out of all people? You know that Sana is not my destined one, then how can I marry her? I can't be happy with her," he said grabbing my hands, stopping what I was doing. Why the f**k he is always after me? I mean his destined one. Can't he just forget the f*****g thing for once? He doesn't even know who is she. "Aarsh, for God sake, stop it. Stop this 'I can't be happy without my destined one' s**t. Where is your destined one? Have you found her? No! Then why are you doing this to yourself? You can be happy with anyone you want. Aarsh, do you remember what Guruji said? There will be no problem in your life if you marry someone else. Then why do you think marrying the destined one will be better than marrying Sana? I mean come on, you know Sana for 7 years, been in a relationship for about 6 years, have physical relationship for more than 1 year now. The way you guys are comfortable around each other, will you able to be in that way with some one unknown? Think about it, its still not late."   Looking at his facial expression, I understood he still wanna argue more. What has possibly got into his mind that he can't move on from 'his destined one'? He doesn't know who the damn person is, but still he is ready to fight for her. 'Isn't it the best thing? He doesn't want to give up on us', my mind was giddy, after a long time. "Will you please shut up?" "Sorry what did you say?" Aarsh asked all of a sudden. "Ah... umm nothing nothing. Uh... I was saying try to consider what is going on right know." "Am considering everything you are saying, but the fact is, nobody is understanding me or supporting me. The people who knows about my condition, none of them are supporting me, nor you, nor my parents, just no one. Nobody is helping me. Everybody is saying 'leave it, leave the wait for your destined one, no one is gonna come.' Everybody is saying me to leave it, but there is no one who is actually helping me to find out. And you know, that's the most frustrating thing ever."   "Why do you think nobody is supporting you? Everyone is supporting you, encouraging you to get married to Sana. But you are not listening to them, none of them to be precise. Listen, forget everything, just consider two persons infront of you. One Sana and other a stranger. Who will you choose? The one you know for more than half a decade or the one who you haven't met fully? The one with whom you share so many happy moments or the one who may not be able to give you any happiness in the future? The one who is dying to be with you, fighting to be with you or the one who doesn't even consider about your existence? Who would you choose Aarsh, who would you choose?" By the time I finished, my voice was already shaking, shaking in the fear of listening to the answer he will give. My brain was telling me I have done a good job, but my heart? It was weeping with every words I was saying to him, with every sentence I was pushing him away.   After closing his eyes for some more time, he asked me again, "What if I am not happy with Sana in the future? What if I grew tired of her? You know her, you know how she is. What if I can't put up with her? What if I can't give her the happiness she deserves?" I knew where this was coming from. Since the time I have stepped in their lives again, I have seen how Aarsh and Sana behaves, specially infront of us. The love they had for each other in their earlier days, seems to be lost now somewhere. The glow that they had for each other in their eyes, that glow has dimmed now. The way they looked at each other, with full of love and compassion, I don't know where that look has gone now. The couple who everyone admired, were still the couple but not in the same way anymore. Somewhere, something was lost in the middle of their journey. The reason I didn't want to give me and Aarsh a chance, it was lost. The spark they had for each other, the pull they had for each other, even without being physical, was lost somewhere.   "Aarsh, there will be no problem. Everyone is there to help you two out. Listen, she will try her level best to be the wife you deserve, and you too do the same. Plus there will be both of your parents, Maithili, Sharman and all of us. If there arises a problem, everyone will be there to support you, your marriage, your relationship. No one, I promise, no one will let to guys down. Just think about it. She wants to marry you, your parents want you to marry her, so many people can't be wrong nah? So just stop worrying and start prepping up for the marriage. Getting married is not an easy job, specially in our country and in a traditional family. So come on boy, buck up. Call your parents and say you are ready, call Sana and say you are willing to marry her." I said with a cheerful tone to cheer him up. I also somehow managed myself and told my mind, that this is why I sacrificed him, sacrificed us. This is the best thing happening right now, this way everyone will be happy. Well, Aarsh will take some time but soon he will realize how right his decision was to be with Sana, and not with a monster.   "Ok ok, calm down girl. Its me who's getting married, not you. But look at your excitement, always like the height of Mt. Everest! Where do you keep this kind of high excitement in such a small body, huh?" He asked playfully. "The exact same place where you keep your sorrows, boy. And obviously I will be excited. I know me and Sana are not so close anymore, but she is still a friend, buddy. And you, you are the closest friend I have at this moment, of course, after Shagun. But its true, you are close to me no matter what. So when two of my friends are finally tying the knot after such long time, I will be excited, of course. Plus we will get a holiday in the happiness of your married life." I winked and before he can hit me, I quickly got up from the couch and ran towards the door.    "Hey where are you going?" he asked. "To bring in your breakfast along with mine. Its getting late for the office and because of your terrifying message, I couldn't have my breakfast. Therefore, am starving." "Ok, go and bring it, but I don't wanna go to office today." "Why so? Please don't say you are the boss and that's why you can take leave whenever you want. I expect you are better than that." I said mockingly. "Hey, obviously am better than that! The thing is, I want to rest today. First that drowning incident, then the proposal, then at night I couldn't sleep getting worried. Am just tired from everything. It feels like I haven't taken a good breath for a long time. Please Miss PA, let your boss have some rest. If you want you can skip too today, after all am not going, you might not have much work." "Well nice offer, but I decline. As you aren't going, I think I better go. Plus its true, you take rest today, may be tomorrow too. When you feel good again then only come. But now lets have breakfast." I said calmly, and went out of the room.   Finally everything is falling in place, everyone will be soon happy, soon everything will be good. 'But will you be happy? Will you be good? Can you watch him being happy in his married life with Sana? Can you?'  My mind asked me. "Its better to see him happy with someone else than tying him up with a monster and a murderer like me." I said, finally accepting my fate.
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