
1850 Words
Aarsh's POV   After Meera left for the office, I went to my bed and laid down there, closing my eyes, thinking what just happened when she was here. Yes, I know I went a bit too far with her. And f**k! Did I just cry infront of her? As if, if I beg her, she will be able to sought out my life. If I ask her to do something, she will bring out her magic wand, do some whoosh and hoosh and ta-da, my life is set. What do I think she is? My fairy godmother? No no no, I need to think better and do something meaningful in my life to make it better. May be what everyone is saying is true. May be its time I stop my craziness. There are many reasons I don't wanna marry Sana, but again there are also few reasons that makes me want to marry Sana rather than anyone else. I feel my family and Meera is right. What I am demanding is abstract, I can't be sure about it, where as Sana is real, I know her, people know her. May be I should give it a shot, give us a shot.   May be after sleeping for some time, taking rest would help me up. After that I will call Sana and we will have a chat, definitely. Yes, am ready to marry Sana, almost. But I wanna know why is she in so much hurry. What happened all of a sudden? Thinking about all this, my eyes shut and I drifted into sleep. Meera's POV   Its almost been a month now since Aarsh's breakdown, but I can finally say, rather shout it out, my friends are getting married. The idle couple in everyone's eyes are finally getting tied up with each other. Yes it took almost a week for Aarsh to declare he is getting married to Sana. I don't know exactly what happened in that week, but am just happy that he agreed to do this. Sana and Aarsh actually deserve to be with each other no matter what anyone says. My heart, also, came to agree with this. After I saw Aarsh declaring his marriage, I actually saw he was quite happy about it. That time my mind and heart came in to rest and agreed that its only for the best. Thank god it happened fast, I was going quite a bit crazy because of all the fighting they were doing in my head! Gosh, no wonder I have headache so much!   As soon as everyone got the news about the wedding, everybody started cheering like anything, specially the office employees. Everybody have started thinking that maybe now Aarsh would change now, become softer in nature, but I hardly doubt that. Well it doesn't matter to me, Aarsh is good to me anyways, but I also hope he changes a bit, maybe for the greater good. The announcement of his engagement soon spread like a wildfire. People everywhere wants to know who is the lucky girl, who Aarsh finally agreed to get married with and lots of other things. It was huge. Leaving or entering his office or house has become a task now. Can you imagine some of them thought I am getting married to him just because I am always with him. People are nuts, especially the reporters.    To stop all this bickering, Vivek bhai suggested Aarsh to reveal who is he finally getting married to. If the questions are answered soon, they at least will stop creating disturbances. He was actually very worried of Aarsh's privacy and my image. Moreover he also understood that the news of me linking up with Aarsh won't have a positive impact on Sana. Sorry to say, he was right. The moment the headlines came like me, the PA, is most definitely billionaire's secret girlfriend and would be wife, Sana called me immediately and started shouting in the phone. Damn that woman has got a voice though! It can definitely bleed your ears within minutes. No matter what, I somehow made her understand everything. She needs to get it that am a PA who has to follow her boss everywhere. I had a feeling that if these things keeps going on even after their marriage then I should already prepare myself to find another suitable job. Sana is hell crazy.    Soon moving all the thoughts aside I tried to focus back on my work. Currently am getting a report done in Vivek bhai's office as after lunch, I have to show it to Aarsh. Its one of the A-star beauty project. Yes Aarsh has handed over the project to Vivek bhai. Obviously, there is no one else in this company as worthy as him. I am just thankful, Aarsh has decided to give this project to someone else although every decision should be and must be taken my him only. Deepak is still a really active part of this project. I thought the moment he realizes that Aarsh is not going to present himself infront of him, he will also give away the project to someone else in his company. But no, he didn't. Looks like he is actually interested in this project and not just came to disturb us. Funny!   "Hey, so there is one charity function invitation came up. Aarsh's going and so do I write your name as the tag along?" Vivek bhai asked all of a sudden. "Sorry, um... uh... no, I won't be going." "Why? I mean what happened? You go to every party with Aarsh, basically every one knows you are his tag along, so-" "Not anymore. Soon he is getting married, and I think is time for him to show who has all the right to be his tag along." I said cutting him in between. "You mean Sana will go? Are you sure about that? You know nah Sana never goes to this kind of events." I just nodded, not looking up at him and concentrating on my laptop. "Then how are you so sure she will go this time?" he asked. "Its not about me being sure or not. Its about the time Sana starts going to this kind of events. They are soon getting married. Till last month they were just boyfriend and girlfriend. Although it was a steady relationship but the world would have thought it to be a fling. But the tables have turned now. They are engaged. Its kind of a permanent thing. People should know who is going to be Mrs. Aarsh Sharma. Its time they go public. And what's a better opportunity than this charity function?"   I know Vivek bhai is confused. I have never talked with him like this. I am sure he understood am planning something now. Something big. But he is not wrong though, not completely. Yes, I am planning something, maybe not big but something with Sana. I hope this time things will start changing now. This time Sana will have her place, her rightful place beside Aarsh. I have been enjoying things for a long time now, its time things starts falling into its place. Since the day Aarsh has announced his wedding, it has already started. But I want things to change permanently now, things that can leave a huge impact. The moment Aarsh starts bringing Sana to these kind of events, media will get the message about his long term girlfriend. Sana will also be happy with him.    "Why do I get the feeling that you are planning something against our boss? Something really big and dirty?" Vivek bhai asked me playfully. Well its better to say he knows me well, pretty well. "Cause am actually planning something. Maybe not dirty, but not small either," I smirked. "Woah, man, am getting scared now, that's kind of an evil smirk there. I have hardly seen you smirking Meera. Tell me, tell me what is it, I am just too excited to wait for it." "Sorry, bhai, but I just can't spill the beans. Not right now. You have to wait. Wait for Sana to do some actions." "Well jokes apart, does Aarsh know any of it?" "I don't think so. If he had, then Sana would have informed me, or worse, he would have reacted on it. But none happened, so I guess Sana is waiting for the right time."   After that we again went back to our work. I was almost done in the next ten minutes. When I was about to leave, Vivek bhai spoke again, "I really thought you would end up with Aarsh, somehow, but I guess I was wrong?" This shook me to my core. What the hell is he saying? "What do you mean by we would have ended up together?" "You know, you two are close, have a special, rather unique bond. You can control him, no matter what the situation is. After you have joined office, he became quite humane to everyone, almost. And honestly that's huge. Secondly, you, the one who hardly gets intimated by any person is easily intimated by Aarsh. I mean ya, he is your boss. But something is or rather was strange with you two. The way he looks at you, the way you behave with him, everything is different. Something we can feel, but we can't exactly see. But alas, he is getting married to Sana. I don't seriously like the girl from day one, something is odd in her. But never mind. I am not the one who is marrying her, right?"   I just nodded and went out of his room. Is it so easy to understand that something is going between us? I mean not exactly, but its true there is a bond between us, a bond that tie us together. No matter what we do, where we go, will we always try to find one another? No no. I can't leave any traces behind me. Everything has to be destroyed, this bond, this pull, this heartache. Nothing should stay when Aarsh goes to marry Sana. He needs to have a fresh start in his life. I know it will be hard for me to watch it, but I need to save Sana. If again her love story fails, she will consider herself as a failure. After her breakup with Deepak, she tried to commit suicide, but some how was saved. But how many times can she be saved. We can't just push her to the end every goddamn time. And when I know I can avoid it just by leaving Aarsh, I will do it. I can't let a girl die because of me, specially when she is my friend. I just can't. And Aarsh? He deserves some one better than me, better than a destroyer and possibly an anytime murderer. I just can't risk his life tying it with me. No, I just can't. Just to save my love and my friend's life I have to sacrifice my only chance of happiness, I should sacrifice my only chance of happiness.
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