Finally seeing her

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Aarsh's POV   By God's grace last night I haven't dreamt about her. If I would have then I just couldn't control my self. I thought. Today is special. Am gonna see her after 1 year. I don't think I have the desire for her that I once had. But then I didn't understand why I am so excited to see her. Maybe I just wanna know how she is, has she found anyone for herself or not. Her being with someone else bothered me a lot. In the past when we used to be friends, she never dated anyone. But she had a relationship in her school days. When she asked about how far Sana and I was in our relationship, I just spilled some beans. I knew Sana never wanted to talk about our relationship to anyone, not even to Maithili sometimes. So respecting her privacy I told just a little bit. Then out of courtesy, or rather out of curiosity, I asked her about her relationship. She told almost everything in one go. Man that girl talks a lot! But most of the time I enjoyed it. But whatever she told just boiled my blood. It's not that that she was in a too much of a physical relationship, but her being with someone else made me go insane.   Suddenly I started to remember the first day I saw her. That moment will always be with me. Each and every moment with her was memorable to me, although. 5 years back.   "Sana, Aarsh listen. After class let's go to the mall nah. I need to buy certain things and Sharman is also coming there. You can also meet him there", Maithili begged us with her cute pout and puppy dog eyes. God she is damn cute! Being Sana and my best friend she always request us to do absurd things with her. For example going to the mall. I know I know going to the mall is not absurd. But accompanying her to meet her boy friend that too just a month away from our 2nd year exams was a bit absurd to me. I know Sharman is my best friend too. But don't you think we should study.    "Yes yes we will accompany you baby girl" Sana said without even asking my opinion. Well she never asked me about anything in general. But being in a relationship at least she should ask what I want or what I want to do. I never stop Sana for doing anything but sometimes I don't feel like accompanying her everywhere. But she never tries to understand what I want. Sighing I replied, "yes yes we will go with you. But there's still 2 hours before this ends. Sir told us he will take extra class right. Then we will go."   "Oh yes that small all girls' batch is gonna come now anytime soon. God I can't stand that batch. They get on my nerves so easily." Maithili huffed in utter annoyance. Well truth be told I even don't like the batch myself too. It's not that that I know each and everyone in that pathetic batch. I hate that batch because Shagun created that batch. After sheer ignorance and not sharing any notes or study materials with Shagun, she formed another small batch, after requesting sir. He, being a good human, agreed easily. If I would have been in his place, I would have just thrown Shagun out, especially after everything she did with Sana. She was Sana's best friend in college. They were like inseparable. People around them used to think they were either close cousins or childhood friends. Yes that was there bond. But soon Shagun showed her true colours.    She went behind Sana's back and started dating her ex-boyfriend. I know I know what's wrong with that. But the truth was even after their breakup Sana had  feelings for the guy. And the worst part was Shagun knew everything, every bit of emotions Sana had for that guy. Sana is a very introvert person. She doesn't like sharing or talking about herself at all. But she trusted Shagun truly and put her heart in front of Shagun. And what did Shagun do? She betrayed her. Moreover there was another girl in that batch, Nikita, who last day said that when Maithili opens her mouth it feels like she is a barking b***h. Who says something like that? I know Maithili becomes a bit loud when she gets hyper, but whatever Nikita said was totally and completely wrong. And how are we sure she said this? Last day few students of our batch did a class with that hopeless batch. Maithili and Vidushi, a close friend from our gang, did the class. After Maithili went home, Nikita said all this in the class, ignoring the fact that Vidushi was still there.   Bloody worthless creatures, a sick excuse in the name of women. I generally don't use abusive words, specifically on girls but if I say Shagun and her friend brings the worst of us, it wouldn't be a wrong statement. Well, thinking about all these things I suddenly hear a very sweet voice, "Sir may I come in?" the girl asked. "Yes yes Meera come in come in. Right now its your class only. Why wouldn't you?" Hearing this the girl, named Meera, entered the class. By the look on her face she seems a bit scared to me. I don't know why seeing her uneasiness makes  me a bit uneasy too. She sat down just a little bit away from the door on the floor, resting her back on the wall. Since the moment she entered the class I watched all her moves. From entering through the small wooden door to sitting down on the floor, from rubbing the sweat beads on her forehead with her cute blue handkerchief to drinking water, I watched it all. I feel like I can spend my days just watching her doing stuffs around me without getting a bit bored.    Realization dawned upon me when I looked her staring at me with a frown on her face and then her expression turned as if she saw a ghost. I also looked at her and somewhere I felt I saw her earlier too. I know I am seeing her for the first time in my life, but the feeling that I know her before hand was bugging me hell. "Areh Meera why are you sitting there? Come sit here. We still have a place here." Sana beamed. "No no its okay. Moreover I have to keep her place also." The girl rejected with utter politeness but a bit scared looking at me. Whose place is she gonna keep? Is there any problem sitting near me?   "Who is she Sana? How do you know her?" I asked my girlfriend, whispering in her ears, knowing she knows everything. "Remember I told you about Meera, the first friend in my college. That's her." she pointed. I quickly opened my phone and went to check Sana's ** profile. Yes there are 1 or 2 pictures Sana had with her. I opened Meera's profile. The horrible thing is she has so many pictures with Shagun and so less with Sana. 'Doesn't she know what she did to my Sana? Or is she another target for Shagun?' I thought to my self.    "Who is she keeping that place for Sana?" I asked  her. "Shagun" she replied with a scowl on her face. "Doesn't she know what she did to you?" I asked her again. If she doesn't know about her then we should protect her. I should protect her. I want to protect her.  "Yes she knows what she did. She knew it from the beginning, way before even I got to know about it. But I still kept my friendship with her just because it was  due to her pressure for which Shagun was forced to tell me everything. And to answer your next unasked question she supports her. At first she didn't but later on she supported her telling me it was Deepak's fault mainly. But why are you so interested about her?" "Nothing. I thought everyone supports you. Why is she taking her side though?" "I don't know and to be honest I don't wanna know. And now will you please put an end to the topic. You know I hate talking about it." she said and I stopped. well what else can I do.   But this one thing is keeping on bugging me. Why will anyone take Shagun's side? Why is she taking Shagun's side? I don't want her to take Shagun's side. I want to protect her. From everyone possible.    After about 15-20 minutes Shagun enters the class chirping on the phone. God her mere sight increases my BP! And the next thing I witnessed made me jump in anger. She entered and sat beside Meera, engulfing her in a tight hug, as if they haven't met in ages! Arrgghh disgusting. Wait why the heck am I being irritated? I don't understand. Sighing I turned to concentrate back to the class. But alas! I just couldn't. My mind keeps on going to Meera. With my best way possible, through my peripheral vision, I kept on staring her. I don't think she saw me staring at her, but maybe twice or thrice our eyes met, she became uncomfortable. I don't know why but I like to see the effect of my staring on her, although I want to remove the discomfort and change it into utter happiness. Why the heck am I bothered about her emotions so much? Who is she to me?  I just need to get away from her presence ASAP.   After about 1 hour my wish got fulfilled and sir said we can now go home. By the end of the class I am red with anger seeing Meera talking non-stop with Shagun, laughing with her, playing with her. I so wanted to scream at her and say, 'Don't talk with her. She is not good for you. Just stay away from her. Stay near me.' While we were going outside Maithili decided to have a quick talk with sir. For the entire time I kept on looking at Meera. As she was sitting on the floor she couldn't see me, but by the change in her behavior I understood she felt me gazing at her. She hesitantly looked at me. "Sir bye!" Maithili said at that moment and started pulling me and Sana. I felt Meera trying to say 'Please don't go' by the look of her expression, but she didn't utter a word. 'Come on girl. say it. I won't go if you ask me not to go', but again she didn't speak a word, and just kept on staring at me.  I came out of the building and asked Sana and Maithili to go without me saying I had to go to hostel for some work. Yes I stay in hostel. My parents live in Anandpur, my father being a school teacher and my mother teaches dance and music to the small children of the area. I just wanted to go to a secluded place and vent out my anger. I easily don't get angry, even if Sana continuously doesn't listen to me. But seeing Meera so free with Shagun I just couldn't keep my self composed anymore. I have to vent out my anger. Thinking this I left the place quickly. Back to Present     Remembering our first day, I got excited as hell. It's more of an exam to me. I wanna see that whether she has the same effect on me or not and vice versa. I quickly had my breakfast, called my driver and went straight to office. I entered my office and was greeted by everyone. Without paying any heed I quickly entered the lift and pressed the button for 21st floor. While in the lift I quickly texted Vivek Bhai that I have reached office and asked him to bring my new PA. I quickly went to my office, sat on my chair, calmed my self down a bit and patiently waited for them. After about 5 minutes Vivek bhai entered my office, alone. He is my secretary, more like company secretary. He is the sole reason why I am able to keep the company in control. He used to be close to my uncle and used to be his secretary. He is one of the best thing I got from my uncle, and I truly love him and respect him as my older brother.   But seeing him coming alone, I got enraged. "What the hell Bhai? Why are you alone? Where is my PA?" I asked seriously. "Wait wait wait. Calm down first. She is outside. But first let me have a word with you. Tell me why did you select her?" I tried to give some excuse as far as possible. I mean I can't tell him that I want to just keep her infront of my eyes right? What will he think then? I don't know if Vivek Bhai had bought my excuses or not, but sighing he told me, "Please don't fire her. I have made her sign a contract for 2 years so you better put your anger mode off for a while. She is quite shy. So please try not to scare her away."   'Shy? Please. She is very much wild behind her mask. She just knows how to hide it.' I thought to my self. "Ok ok now bring her." He quickly went to the door and heard him call her. She entered my office. Wow. She has come dressed up in a proper office attire. I didn't know she can look this gorgeous any day. Compared to the last time I saw her, she lost some weight. But her curves were still on point just like an year ago. Wow Meera. You have maintained yourself properly. After having a proper look of my office she looked at me, finally. To say she was shocked would be an understatement of the year.      After looking at her dark brown eyes and killing figure, I finally broke the ice. "Hi Meera. Long time huh?" I said with a smirk, clearly giving her the notion 'I knew you were going to be my PA'. She just kept on staring at me, like I was some sort of ghost.   Just like the old times, she kept on staring at me, giving out thousands of emotions from her beautiful eyes, without saying a word. And to my dismay I still had the urge to keep on looking at her until she disappears.    I clearly understood, we both had the effect on each other, even after a gap of one whole year.  
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