It's Him

1142 Words
Meera's POV   After Mr.Joshi explained me my job I was shocked. Rather to say I was completely taken aback. What ever I understood, I got a clear view that our beloved CEO does not need an assistant, he needs a nanny, the one who can take care of him, accompany him everywhere like a shadow. Wow! There are not too many rules but those rules were quite absurd. For instance - I have to come an hour before he comes and make sure everything is in order, just the way he wants, get him his coffee every time he asks, with a particular recipe. I mean who has a recipe for a coffee! Whatever. Then keep his office clean and tidy all the time. I mean am I a maid? Attain meetings every time. Well, the only part I thing is normal. Then, if he requires then I have to stay at his bungalow. I mean I have my house, why do I need to stay with him. I shouldn't complain about that, well staying at CEO's house will be exiting, but what is the need? I felt certain rules were quite absurd. Oh and the most absurd one was I have to go out of station and even leave the country if he does that. Remember when I said I have to be his shadow. Well here is the reason.   Listening to all these absurd rules, my job already looks like a goddamn challenge. But I was well determined that I won't quit. I have to make a difference. I have to prove my self. Convincing myself I went on further and signed a 2 year contract. Well they wanted assurance that I won't leave the job as already 4 PA  had already quitted or were fired. The main reason again our beloved CEO. With each passing moment I was getting impatient to meet this man. Who is he? What is he? Why the heck is he like this? And to add agony why the f**k is my mark burning. It is getting impossible to ignore it right now.   "Miss Sharma you wait here. The CEO will soon arrive and let me introduce him to you personally. Just one request. Be nice to him and if you think something is not right then speak up. I know there are words about him getting angry often, but the truth is he gets when people never cuts him when he is wrong. Sometimes to see people through he plays little games. So I suggest you speak up your mind openly. That's the only way you can survive. 2 years ago when he came he was just a simple minded boy. But now he knows what he is, what he is capable of and he believes every one can succeed in their lives. That's the reason he wants all of us to put the best foot forward and not just follow him. He never wants followers. He wants comrades who can work with him, by him and not for him. So please be a bit patient if he lashes out. He will also listen to you once he understands your clear motive." He said assuringly. One thing is now clear to me, our CEO is not that bad. He understands and respects every ones capabilities and wants the best for all. He just wants to motivate them but ends up getting angrier and angrier.  I guess after the huge responsibility he has of the company he wants everyone to be a proper part of the company's success.   Suddenly my thoughts come to an end when I heard Mr.Joshi say, "Miss Meera the CEO has arrived."   We went to the floor above us, the floor for the CEO's office. "Wait here a bit", Mr.Joshi said as soon as we stepped out of the elevator. Basically the elevator opened to a great hall/corridor. Everything is white mostly, even the vase and the other not so important furnitures. I don't understand why the heck are they even here? Useless spending of money. Well being an eco student for about 7 years made a huge impact in my decision making skills. Mostly I judge the usefulness of the things at first and then the money spend on it is either worth it or not. I just can't stand people wasting money on useless shits. I mean come on if you have money use it in a proper way. Why spent it on something which has basically no use? If you have too much wealth donate it bro! Why waste! This particular habit made me embarrass quite often, even the ones who goes out with me. But I do have a point right? Shagun and some of my school friends taught me to control my anger and then vent it out after sometime. 'Meera you need to calm down. It's his money, his office, maybe for him it's not worthless.' I thought to myself.   "Meera come on in now", Mr.Joshi said peeking his head out from the only huge two sided door on the floor. I entered the office. Damn man, its huge! No no, not even close to huge. The office is completely white, with cream color furnitures in it. On the right hand wall, no its not an ordinary wall, its a huge glass wall , like the ones from floor to ceiling, which leads to a beautiful well maintained garden balcony. On the left hand side of the room, there is a huge lavish, leather sofa set with a moderate size coffee table. The one sitting on the sofa can directly enjoy the nature through the glass wall on the opposite side of it. Behind the sofa set, the entire wall is covered by the book shelf. And to be honest, I have never seen so many books all together in my life. Man its not just a bookshelf, its a goddamn library!   "Meera meet our CEO, Aarsh Sharma. Aarsh this is Meera Sharma, your new PA. And please try not to make her quit." Mr.Joshi said teasingly. I looked at the CEO. And what I looked at made me almost dizzy. Its him. Its Aarsh. Its my Aarsh. 'No Meera not yours. He is Sana's. That day when you left him, you left everything, even your fate. You left your claim on him. You left him for Sana's sake. God why is this happening to me?' I wanna cry and scream at the same time.   "Hi Meera. Long time huh?" he smirked.   He knew. He knew everything! He knew that I was going to be his PA.   I just wanted to shout at him and ask 'Why are you doing this to me? Why? You promised me Aarsh, you promised me.' But I couldn't say a word.    Not a single word.   Just like the old days. 
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