Pre-wedding Ceremonies - Part 1

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Meera's POV   Arrrggghhh! Its paining like hell. My head. My entire body. It felt as if someone threw me from a multi-storeyed building. It literally felt like dying is a better option right now. I could here some faint voices, but I couldn't understand a single word. I wanted to open my eyes, but it felt so heavy. 'God what is happening to me? Moreover, why is it happening to me?' I tried harder to open my eyes. I almost succeeded in it, but the bright lights in the room, made me abort my mission. "Yes Meeru, slowly open your eyes. Don't hurry." It was Shagun. Her voice sounded worried though. I opened my eyes. Everyone was staring at me. No, no, no, they were gawking at me as if am some kind alien? What the hell is happening?   "Babe do you wanna sit up a bit?" It was Varsha. She was standing beside Shagun who was sitting on my left side on the bed. I just nodded at her direction. She looked beyond my direction and nodded and said in a serious tone, "Aarsh." Then I looked at my right side, indeed he was sitting there with a scared or worried expression which is hard to decipher. He got up from the bed, positioned himself, bent down, and helped me to sit. "Comfortable?" He asked. I just nodded. "Umm... so why are you all here at such an early morning?" I asked looking everyone's worried expression. "Meera, where were you last night?" Aarsh asked. "Has Deepak done this to you?" Aarsh continued. 'What the f**k did he do? I thought however he is, whatever he is he won't hurt me, but by the looks of everyone round here, he just did something that I don't expect him to do? Oh my god! Did he...'    "Meeru, you were found in the water tank of this house, fully drenched, soaked. Your body turned cold. As cold as a dead body. You couldn't breath properly. You were unconscious for hours. The last time I saw you, you were going to talk to Deepak. Please tell us what happened to you." Shagun asked with too much worry in her voice. "And I dare you if you tell a lie. You may be thinking what kind of friend I am, but I just know you too well. You have very bad habit of hiding shits and protecting others. But not any more. I am tired with your shits, girl. You will speak up, and you will speak the truth. Enough of your stupidity to trust that bastard, protecting him and supporting him. Tell us. Right now what he did to you, or you will see the worst of me." Aarsh spat in pure anger. I have never been this scarred in my life. Many a times he has shouted on me, but this time it was completely at different level, as if he knew everything but just wanted to confirm directly from me. "I... I... I am" "Meera just speak up, for god sake. Don't test my patience." "Aarsh let her speak, please. You are angry on Deepak, worried for her. We all are. But try to understand her condition, man. Please calm down. For everyone at least." Rajat bhai said quickly calming him down. When did he come? He looked at me and continued, "Meera, its ok. You relax. Take your time. But please tell us everything. Every detail. Every thing before you fainted. We just want to know that's all. No one will do anything. Just speak up what ever you remember." With everyone's words, everything that happened yesterday with Deepak started to collect in my mind. Everything was scattered here and there; but if placed properly, something meaningful was coming up. I tried harder and harder to collect every pieces. Yes, we were arguing, he was accepting that he came back for Sana, he confessed he pushed Aarsh to the pool, he said he can see the bond between me and Aarsh, he wanted me to help him get back Sana, he was threatening me and then he hold me and drugged me. With that memory I quickly grabbed that area on my neck where he drugged me. Aah. its paining. He was definitely not gentle at all.   "What happen? Is it paining somewhere? Tell me." It was Aarsh. "Its nothing, he drugged me with a syringe and then it was complete black." "He only drugged you? That's all? I thought he would do something else. I must say am surprised." Sana said as if it was quite amusing to her. "No we had an argument. He said he came back just to bring you back in his life. Aarsh, he confessed that he pushed you purposefully into the pool that day, he wants to get rid of us, both of us so that he can get back Sana." I purposefully skipped the part where he asked my help, cause if I have said that, lots of questions would have arrived. I don't want this interrogation s**t to continue for a long time. Its killing me right now. "Why does he want to get rid of you? I mean its understandable in Aarsh's case, but why you?" Riya asked in perplexed tone. "Well, I saved Aarsh the other day from drowning, then am also one of the reason Sana broke up with him in the first place so he wants to.."    "He won't do anything," Aarsh said with a stern expression. "I won't let anyone touch you anymore. And I will also break all the business relation with his company." "Aarsh, you can't do that. The company might go in loss. Just because of this personal thing you can't jeopardize your professional life. That's too risky." Sana tried to persuade Aarsh. To be frank, I was also quite scared when he said those words. Its true Sana doesn't take part in Aarsh's business, but she is well aware of everything. "It is personal Sana. Look at Meera. She is not only my friend, she is your friend too. And that crazy ex boyfriend of yours tried to kill her. No way, am not going to do any thing with that shitty human. I have tolerated this far. Now its completely over. Her life is at least more precious to me than doing a business with him. Meera, get well soon, and you will make the papers to stop this colab. He hurt you so I want his destruction to be written by your hands. You are not only my PA, you are my... friend. And I will take care of you with whatever I have." "Aarsh, please." "No Meera, please. You saved my life from his hands, but here, I couldn't keep you safe even. Please I want this. You may or may not forgive me, but please let me do this. And don't think of anything else. You trust me?" I nodded. "I will make every damn thing right. Just get well soon and then I will show him what destruction means. And you will not stop me."     His words, his emotions, his expressions, everything seem different, as if he wants to say something, but was controlling himself. Its not that he didn't mean what ever he said, it just felt he wanted to say more. It felt as if he was not saying a major portion. I just looked at him, he was determined that we will do whatever he said. He was truly angry right now. I was confused whether it was the bond that made him angry to see me like this, or it was actually his own true emotions. Nevertheless, I couldn't stop anything. I know whatever Deepak did with me deserved punishment. He f*****g tried to kill me! Is he some kind of psychopath or what? I will never meet him face to face again. Enough of his shits. All my thoughts that were running to my mind, came to stop, when Rajat bhai opened his mouth and said, "Ok, ok. Everything will be done after Meera gets well right? Ok so let her rest. And I think I should leave, she is cured. Whatever weakness is there will be gone by 2-3 days. Oh and before I leave, there is a ceremony that is supposed to be held before the marriage. So Sana and Aarsh be at Anandpura by 8o' clock on Friday. If anyone else wants to come you can come too."    "What kind of ceremony?" Sana asked with a shocked expression. "Its like we have 2 doors which you have to open. It is believed that the door is opened with a rare kind of magic. A magic that resides in a pure soul. Well its all just believes and nothing else. Just an advice, push it hard and it will open." Rajat bhai explained. Magic? Really? Well, I need to see. "Ok then I have to go there and prove that I have a pure soul? What a joke!" Sana said mockingly. "No its not that. The basic thing is people will be gathered to see you while you do that. Actually they wanna see who Aarsh is getting married to and nothing else. Its kind of a coronation ceremony, yes except crowns obviously. Its more like coming to see who the new king and queen are. That's all. Guruji has asked you two to come, so you better come. If anyone else is interested you guys are welcome too." Bhai explained further. Clearly he was not happy with the way Sana mocked the ceremony. Well she doesn't know who they are actually. Not gonna blame her at all.   "I wanna go." I shouted with excitement. I had to go. I need to see what kind of magic show they wanna broadcast. Its better to be with Sana at that point of time. "No you will not go" Aarsh said with a pissed voice. Bhai told him something in his ears, then turned to me and said, "Meera, if you recover then only you will come. And Aarsh and Sana will check whether you have recovered fully or not. If yes, then you can happily and accompany them. If not, you won't argue and will not force them to take you. I have driven for 2 hours straight to come here and heal you, so I want you to get well soon. I haven't slept peacefully yesterday because of you, so I dare you to take your health for granted this time. Be a good sister and appreciate this poor brother's hard work. Ok?" he said making me cheerful. Its true nobody can heal me except Aarsh. Thank god Bhai was here yesterday. He was the reason I woke up today. He is truly a great brother and has a really great knowledge about herbs and medicines. I just nodded and became determined to recover as soon as possible to accompany Aarsh and Sana.   After Rajat Bhai left, within 2 hours we also left the beach house and started towards our home. We went in groups. Thank god I was in a different car and not with Aarsh. Shagun was luckily in my car so I didn't feel bore at all. We talked, she told me everything from the moment I disappeared. Deepak's message, their search, the treatment Rajat Bhai gave me. Everything. But one thing particularly caught my attention. She said at some point, Aarsh made her leave my side stating that he and Bhai will treat me. They could see that she was bit sleepy so they send her away, after that the next thing she knew was that Aarsh told everyone that my temperature came back to normal and any moment I can open my eyes. Its normal to everyone. But listening to it minutely there is some mystery. I seriously wanted to know what Aarsh and Bhai did with me in her absence. May be that helped me gain my consciousness, made be cure, but I must know it. Well, I will try with Aarsh first. If he becomes a hard nut, I will turn myself to Bhai. I know he won't lie to me. He is on my side.   After 2 hours of long drive, I went home. Everybody came to drop me practically. Everyone said bye. I was going to press the door bell when all of a sudden I heard, "Meera, wait." It was Aarsh. He got down from his car, came to me and said, "Listen, today is your off day. Tomorrow isn't. But if you don't feel well, I suggest you take a leave for a day or two. Join office only if you are completely fine. And if you think you can fake your recovery, don't forget I can catch you with in a second. So take rest properly. Ok?" "Is this all you had to say? For this you came out of your car?" I said jokingly. And I did a wrong thing.     "Do you really think I am joking with you? Do you even know how I felt looking at your cold life-less body? You were lying there almost without a breath. Do you think it was entertaining for me? You know what Meera, you are a very cold hearted person. With every second of you slipping away from me... from us, I was also slipping off my sanity. If anything would have happened to you, trust me, Deepak wouldn't have seen today's sunrise. Yes Meera that's me. And look at you. Everything is joke to you. Sometimes I don't understand how a person can be so cold hearted. You know what? Its a waste of time to care for you. Do whatever you want. Come to office or don't come to office, I just don't care. But if I see you getting sick, or any sign of sickness, I promise you it will be tough job for you. I don't care anymore." With that he left my hand which he was holding tightly in his strong grip. It will definitely leave a mark.    To be honest, I was hell surprised with the way he behaved. Since the morning, something was not in place about him. His concern, his emotions, his expressions, his words, his behavior, everything was concerning me. A lot of times he made me feel that he wants to say something but he was controlling himself. I decided to take a few days leave. I wanted to go to that nameless "magic show" kind of ceremony and for that I have to be absolutely fine. I don't know what measures the two have taken, but I am thankful to them for saving me, and the least I can do is to get well as soon as possible. The boys deserve that. I went home, freshened up, decided to take rest. No, its better I recover soon and accompany Sana and Aarsh on Friday. I know I have hurt Aarsh by my words, but I will not take his harsh words by heart. Its reasonable for him to act like that after seeing someone like that. And its so not right to mock someone who cares for us. I will apologize to him when I will meet him again at office sooner or later. With these thoughts I couldn't realise when slumber took over my mind.
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