4: He Wouldn't Tell

2298 Words
        "HOW DID SHE TAKE IT?"    Jace lit his cigar same time as Chester came into their room. He had been wide awake since his brother went out of the house. It was already two in the morning, and he still got work tomorrow. However, something was bothering him so much that he couldn't sleep.      He was the one who advised his brother to admit the situation to the girl in black and white. He even told Chester to return everything she gave him. And now, he was also the one feeling guilty to the bone for hurting Kimberly, knowing that she had loved his brother for freakin' five years.      "Lighter than I thought." Chester smiled before heading to his wardrobe. He went past Jace's bed and started changing his clothes.      "She was supposed to get mad." He blew out his smoke. He found the answer very stressful. Kimberly taking that turn down quickly wasn't what he expected. He knew her. She must be eating her heart by now somewhere. "You can't be serious."     His bother shook his head. "She's even smiling the whole time. In the end, she even asked me to invite Jackie over."     "Really?" He furrowed his eyebrow in disbelief. He knew Kimberly for so long, he could decode her reactions even if she wasn't there. Didn't Chester know that Kim was the word complicated shaped into a woman?      "Are you sure she's okay?" He puffed his cigar again, successively this time. There was a considerable disconnection with what his brother was saying, and he couldn't come up to believe it.      "Yeah. She was even laughing the whole time."     He drowned in deep thinking again. He'd known Kimberly since High School. She was the same girl who promised her that she would fix him.      He'd waited for her to do it through his High School life.      He believed her to keep what she said across his college.      In the end, he continued being the deeply f*cked up guy waiting for her, not realizing that she had already forgotten what she said until it was too late.       She never kept her words.      And clearly, she never would.  . . . .         'MONTHS OF LEARNING HOW TO MOVE ON, Did I learn something?'      Kimberly sipped on the wine goblet she was holding when pain consumed her. Briefly, she looked around the people surrounding her at that party, crossing her legs seductively and letting her right leg tore through the huge slit of her dress. She felt the cold wind caressed her skin from her ankle to where the soft velvet fabric ends on her legs near where her thigh met her hip bone.      The thumping inside her veins reminded her of the reason why she was there; why she's now sitting alone in the darker side of that place like a vixen in a mating season while waiting for her prey, and why was she getting so fired on killing her glass of margarita to borrow guts.      It was Jace's birthday. She honestly had no plans of going there out of shame. But then she immediately changed her mind when Mrs. Eilish came knocking on her door just a few days ago.      An idea popped in her mind, and before she could even contemplate it, she was already going out of a luxury store holding a paper bag that got the most sexy dress she found inside it, a high slit backless red gown that almost left nothing to the imagination. So thin and soft that it clung to every curve of her body.       'I'm sorry, Mrs. Eilish, but you just made the worst mistake of your life, ' she thought while sipping her glass and looking straight at the jolly crowd before her. 'There's no such thing as enough time for a broken-hearted woman. Not until her heart gets what it wants by hook or crook. Should you have known who you invited, I bet you won't even want to see me sitting here in your youngest child's party.'         She spent a few minutes more squinting her eyes and watching everyone with her sharp eyes. Her red lips firmly pressed on her glass as she took in the soft music in the background. Her loosely curled hair was pouring on her white skin up to the small of her exposed back, creating a godly sexy mirage behind her.      She was never fond of layering too many makeups, but tonight was special. Thus, she spent more than an hour making her face. She wanted to be the best version of herself tonight. More than the old her that Chester turned down and even more than the broken woman he didn't choose...      "Kim?"      's**t!' Kimberly jerked from her seat when a cold baritone voice suddenly echoed from her back and made her turn. "J-Jace?"     "What are you doing here?"     She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat upon meeting his confused gaze. She didn't like the way he was looking at her naked back. It was hot, the type of hot that burns under her skin amid the cold November air around the place.      "Your mother invited me, " she managed to say after a minute of calming herself. Darn it! Why was her heart thumping like it wanted to come out of her chest and past her gown's plunging neckline? If you don't like me here, then talk to your mother..."   "Go home."   "W-what?" she faked a laugh, giving him a quick once-over. How dare he say that? "You see, I know this is your birthday, but I swear, Jace. I didn't come here for you. So if you please..."     "Listen to me and go home!" Jace's voice came out louder and more robust the second time around. His towering height and his usual ruggedness made her hate him more.      He was judging her based on how his fiery eyes were looking at her back. And she couldn't loathe him more with how unwanted he made her feel. Disgust was in his eyes like he already knew what was about to happen. He then gritted, "Get out of here."     "You know what, Jace? Why don't you walk around and get busy with your other birthday guests?" Her defense mechanism went on red alert when Jace's gripped on his glass of wine tightened. Nonetheless, she dismissed the fear that crept her skin and looked away instead, gazing at the crowd who were enjoying the event.      The Eilish's residence was a picture of wealth, a two-story house with a yard enough to entertain a decent amount of people. There was also an extension lot just across the road that serves as their parking lot. There were a couple of people tonight, walking here and there, not to mention the catering service that the family had rented.      "You see, I'm just one of your many guests. I'm sure that you will find someone out there who's worth spending your goddamn precious time talking with, " she smirked at him. " Happy Birthday, anyway."     "Kimberly, will you just..."     "Jace, will you just go away?" she completed his sentence for him, watching his jaw clenched as she did. Who cares? She wasn't here to pleased him anyway. "Again, just talk with your mother. If you're worried about me coming here empty-handed, then fine! I'll send you something later. What do you want anyway?"     "Shut up!"     "Oh, you're mad!" she chuckled emptily. "Why? Is it mandatory for me to remember your birthday? FYI, you're not Chester. You're just his brother...."     "You look like a sl*t." He finally burst while looking down at her. His face was turning red, but then his voice remained low and dangerous, "And with that, I mean a bed slut. This is a decent occasion, Kimberly. I never remembered inviting a prostit*te."     Now that was beyond overboard.      Kimberly's lips quivered in an attempt to say something, but then Jace was fast when he turned his back at her and angrily marched to the crowd. What he said was worse than a slap across her face, that her hand landed on the hem of her gown and unconsciously covered her exposed velvet legs.    She was mad while breathing heavily. She could even feel her heart flinching in anger. Clutching on the soft fabric of her red dress just above her knees, she gave her margarita a huge gulp, bottoming it up until it was no more.      She shot his receding back a dagger stare before gritting, 'Remember this, Jace. That's the last insult you'll ever do.' . . . .     JACE ENDED up tugging on the close collar of his polo while sitting some legal distance away from Kimberly.      The breathing difficulty was getting worse every time their eyes meet accidentally across the few tables between them.      With the object of his sensual wet dreams sitting somewhere in the dark wearing a dress that couldn't even cover what he'd imagined for the rest of his life, he felt like burning in hell.      "Why so stiff, Engineer ?" he turned to his shoulder upon feeling someone sat behind him. His gaze was welcomed with the brightest grin he had seen that night. It was Doctor Melissa, one of his... so-called past bed buddies. "You look pissed. Anything bothering you, Birthday boy? "     It took him three seconds at least to tore his mind from Kimberly, the woman who was causing his palm to sweat against his glass of wine. Forcing a smile, he nodded to Melissa, acknowledging her as politely as he could. Then, he bottomed his glass, hoping to at least ease how dry his throat was since he laid his eyes on Kimberly's back. "Glad you came, Melissa."     "Well, I don't have patients earlier." The doctor in her black dress shrugged before playfully propping her elbows to the table in front of them. She then flirtatiously moved closer to Jace, pressing her soft breasts against his arm and grinning at him invitingly. "You haven't visited my clinic nor my apartment for some days. Are you that busy, Jace?"     "I'm always busy."     "Really? Even for this?" Jace hitched a breath when a soft, warm hand suddenly landed on his crotch, feeling him under his trousers under that covered table. Melissa started massaging her there, no preamble nor any drama. Just as how he always liked it.      "Melissa, there's a crowd around and..."     "Oh. You're getting hard already?" A huge smile broke Melissa's lips upon feeling Kimberly's effect on him. Then as if she wasn't torturing him enough, Melissa slid her hot mouth to the back of his neck, careless of all the attention she was drawing. "You missed me this much?"      'No. I missed that stunning girl in red right now who's taking forever to leave this place...' his mind answered on his behalf but then cussed when Melissa suddenly groped him. "Oh s**t!"     Jace felt the difficulty of his situation doubled when Melissa's hand expertly pulled on his zipper and slipped there. He wanted to close his eyes and imagine that it was Kimberly who was sitting beside him, doing this kinky stuff on him.      However, he couldn't even afford to close his eyes. Especially when he saw Kimberly suddenly stood up from where he left her and rushed to one side of the party. He bit his lips to suppress a moan with the evil yet the discreet way the woman beside him was doing him dirty. But regardless of how responsive his body was, he just couldn't peel off his sight from following Kimberly across the place.     Kimberly's alabaster skin looked beautiful under the soft light. Her red dress compliments her curves all in the right places. She looked like a goddess to him, who was a mere mortal.       'Damn it! Kimberly was showing too much skin.' He felt all the other guys' attention turned to where he was looking, and god knew how he suddenly wanted to do a killing spree on his birthday.      It wasn't his intention to anxiously stood up from his seat when Kimberly opened her arm for someone he couldn't see since the crowd was blocking his view. His neck stern a bit with how bad he wanted to see who she was welcoming in her beautiful slender arms.      It didn't take long when the person he silently wished not to come out of their house came to his view and gave his woman a warm, welcoming embrace.     He felt himself broke a bit. He wouldn't tell it to anyone, though, so he just laughed when he thought Melissa cracked a joke while pulling his trousers.      He pretended to look away from his brother and the only woman he had wished to smile at him the way she was doing with Chester.      He acted okay, convincing himself that he was fine, just like all the years that had passed him by.      He sat back and let Melissa do everything she wanted with him, discreetly looking at the two beautiful people standing at one side of their house as if hiding in the dark. Mentally taking note of how happy Kimberly's smile looked like while talking with his brother and comparing it with how she always gazes at him with anger and disgust.          His chest was aching the whole time, but he wouldn't blurt a word.         Until something happened that made his brain blacked out.         He didn't know what happened next. All he remembered was Melissa's voice calling him to come back as he crossed their lawn with huge strides to get his car.         He wanted out.         He suddenly couldn't breathe.         The air in that place was suddenly not enough for his lungs to function well. Kimberly kissed his brother... passionately. Just like how he had always imagined her to do with him.
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