Remembering You.

472 Words
Her Birthday         My tears started to fall when I look at the clock, 12 am June 16 my mom’s birthday. I badly miss her, its been a year but I’m still in much sadness cause by her early death. I opened my f*******: account to create a status about my mom’s birthday, though she’s gone I never forget to share everyone how great my mom is. I browse my mom’s f*******: account, I don’t know maybe all this time I’m still hoping that she will share a new status. I was typing a birthday message for my mom when I heard something broke outside, I saw my father crying while holding a broken beer glass, just like the first year, he still can’t accept it like us he’ still in pain, loosing the woman of his life. I don’t know how to comfort my dad, I ended up hugging him, I don’t know what words to use to comfort him. I remember how they show their affection to each other even though we are around, my mom clinging around my father. I find it cringe before but now I wanted to turn back those time, I hate seeing my father miserable because of that accident. My mom visited my older sister that day, but unfortunately the jeepney she rides crashes in a tree that causes her death. I was on December avenue, my favorite concert that time, when I heard the news, listening to their song Time To Go hit different that time. Once I told my mom that I wanted to be like her, but she smiled bitterly at me and said “no, never dreamt to be like me, I want you and your siblings to be more than me.” Remembering those words make my heart ache more. When my father stop crying I helped him get up and take him to his room. Everything in this room still looks the same the picture frame on the bed side, their wedding photo hanging in the wall. I cover my mouth to stop myself from sobbing, as I lay my father to his bed I storm out of the room and continue crying. They said crying over break up causes ultimate pain, but loosing one of your family member will surely break your heart forever. Though I lost my mom, she will stay forever in my heart, her memories and her advices will stay with me forever. Just like December avenue said “Someday I'll find my way, When I look into the sun I see you shining above me, Embracing all the memories”. I will look into the sky remembering you mom, shinning in my memories.
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