Chapter 21

1380 Words

Nikolaus kept to the forest, off the roads and paths that crisscrossed the landscape. The daylight was pleasant, but they were too visible, too exposed for his taste. The two horses definitely sped up their pace, but if they were chased, the great beasts would be too slow for escape. He glanced at Kaillen, pleased to see the boy seemed more alert, less exhausted. If they had to flee on foot, he at least would be able to hold up for a short time. The young man's determination and fortitude were very evident, and Nikolaus could not imagine many of his own recruits responding as well as he had. He would keep his word. There would be a place for Kaillen in the ranks. He just could not quite imagine where. The need he felt to protect the younger man urged him to keep him close, and the th

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