5. The One with the Difficult Choice

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Chapter 5: The One with Difficult Choice. All rights reserved 2018 San2045 Randhir's POV I tried very hard to not think about her. The way she was standing there talking excitedly with her friend I guess was not very unique. But the way her face changed and different emotions flicked on her face as and how much it was captivating to watch that I just couldn't peel my eyes off her. She looked like someone I had seen before, her beauty is just so blinding. I turned around only to find Lauren standing there as well. Lauren is kind of my girl, as in she's not my girlfriend but we have s*x. Also I didn't want to put the name of this relationship nor does she. We are very open to taking other partners and I'm sure she's happy with this. I walked towards the line and a snaked my arms around Lauren and kissed her, hard. After a while I realised that I shouldn't have kissed Lauren in front of her. But I just wanted to see the look on her face when she sees this. Was that evil? I don't care. Someone from the crowd yelled so I parted away from Lauren. I just did that. Breathing deeply I averted my eyes to look at her and she looked a bit shocked and a hint of disappointment of sort crossed her eyes. I meet her eyes and was finally able to see her face clearly. She was the true definition of innocence and beauty. Her thin pink lips were parted slightly as if witnessing this scene was too much for her. Her eyes met mine and she held them, not even blinking so I just gave her a smirk and winked at her only to hear her gasp. My smirk widened at that and then I just walked towards the empty table I sit regularly on. So I turned around one more time and gave Lauren a final look, trying not to look at her. It was difficult because out of the corner of my eyes I could see her biting her lips. Just then I heard my phone beep. I opened the message and saw it was my sister. She was asking about my whereabouts so I decided to call her instead. "Hello?" I said as soon as she picked the call. "Hello Ron where are you? I have been searching for you." She said in a tired voice. "I'm in cafeteria. Hvae you picked everything you need?" I asked because it was her first day here but I was very well aquainted with this uni. "Yep." "Good. Just hurry up then. Next class is in few minutes" I reminded her. I was so glad that she took the same programme so I knew her schedule matched mine, pretty much because I had to squeeze in my football practice and she was thinking about doing something else as well. "Okay. Bye" She hung up the phone and just then I saw Chris approach the table. My best friend. "Finally something I love" He mumbled loudly placing the tray on the table. I looked at his tray and rolled my eyes. He gets to eat the same breakfast once every week but he's so dramatic about it. "Hey where is Vids?" He asked looking around. "She'll be here in few minutes" I answered and then turned my eyes towards the line. I saw her approach our table with her friend in tow. I looked at Chris who was busy stuffing his mouth with Mexican skillet and eggs. She settled in a table front of us and then her attention was turned towards the blonde who was sitting beside her they both were talking. I couldn't hear clearly, they soon started to eat their food. I looked back into the phone as my phone beeped with a message. I ignored it. "Hi I am here" Vidhushi said as she approached us with her tray and I nodded my head. Just then she turned her head towards Chris and mumbled something under her breath. "Missed you Vids" He sarcastically taunted her and she huffed. They don't see eye to eye and are always fighting for some reason and as much I enjoy that I don't take sides or do anything about it because it's seriously none of my business. "I am not sitting here" She said and walked away near to Sanyukta's table and she settled there. A grin lit my lips. That was definitely good. "Randhir lets go" I looked towards Chris with a confused look. He was eating one minute but now he looked busy cleaning the mess well not exactly cleaning but I think searching for something. "What are you searching for?" I asked as I picked my leather jacket from the chair. "Got it." He exclaimed and the turned towards me. "It's coach message. He want us in field in five minutes. Hurry." Chris stood up from the seat picking up his phone. Well we both have got our share of punishments so it doesn't bother me anymore. Our coach is very strict, he was a football player of NC for ten years then he got kicked out. After that he has been training students brutally. I took one last look at her and then headed back to the field. *** "San where were you? We were worried that you got lost or something, with a dead phone. Imagine." I heard Kaustuki's voice as she crossed her hands against her chest and looked at me. Sarcasm was clear in her voice. Vidhushi and Jiggy were both looking at us like we were some soap opera stars ready to have a fight. "Do I sense a bit of sarcasm there?" I teased while standing up from my seat. My legs felt wobbly, sitting here idly for an hour does that. "Oh guys we have a winner here" Kaustu said obviously irritated by my behaviour. I rolled my eyes at her. She's so good at this. "I'm sorry that I couldn't call back, I was talking to mum" I lied. It was not a complete lie. But yeah. She huffed nodding her head head so I dragged her out of the classroom with Vidhushi by my side and Jignesh trailing behind us . I had a class to attend. I was relieved that they didn't see me and Randhir or else I would be mortified, explaining them the details. I sighed as soon as I was out of the class. Four hours continuous lectures sucks. I was glad that it was the lunch time. We all four marched towards cafeteria. I was starving after attending all those four lectures. I pursed my lips looking at the menu, there was so much to select from and I had no idea what to choose. But today's special was Mexican cuisine. So, I picked the small mexican lunch combo. It consisted of grilled vegetable taco and tomato and drunken cheese salad. A water bottle along with it. Vidhushi ordered chicken taco and some salad along with it and walked with me towards the table while Jiggy and Kaustuki were busy deciding the menu. It was difficult choice. "It smells good" Vidhushi said rubbing her palms together while opening the foil. I didn't dare smell it cause I was not a fan of chicken or any other type of non veg. "Babe you need to try this without salt of course. This carrot salad is so healthy" The loud squeaky voice broke my reverie so I turned around and looked towards the source of voice, my eyebrows knitted together while looking at the face that seemed similar. Of Course it is she's the same girl who had her tongue shoved in his throat. My gaze lingered on her for a while then my attention turned towards Randhir who looked ready to run. I would too if I had to eat that spicy carrot salad. I read about it on the menu, it comes with a Spicy chicken and white bean chilli. A mexican lunch combo but I guess she only took the salad. "Lauren I don't want to try that. I can choose my own food" His face contoured with irritated look. He stood up from his seat and walked towards the counter leaving her all alone. She shrugged and started to eat her salad. "Vids is that your brother's girlfriend? She's very..." Kaustuki paused and then cleated her throat as if thinking of something, "interesting." She completed and looked at Vidhushi. I peeked into her tray. She had Chicken Enchiladas along with fries. Weird combination. I shook my head at her taste. But I did love her choice though. There were so many vegetables adoring the enchiladas. I love green vegetables, especially the leafy ones. I remember I used to eat Spinach in my childhood only because of Popeye, the cartoon I used to watch. It was such a good TV back then. "She's Lauren, head cheerleader of their football team. She is a snob. She thinks of herself as royal." Vidhushi snorted shaking her head as if she was remembering her experience. "But I don't think she's his girlfriend." Vidhushi folded her lips while picking at her food. "Let's not talk about her." Vidhushi said after a while with a deep sigh. Clearly she disliked Lauren. And for some reason she doesn't want to talk about her. I couldn't agree more, I surely didn't want to hear about that girl. And no I wasn't jealous that she was sitting at his table. I could see why Randhir was with her. She was sexy enough to be a model. She was a head cheerleader. She lacked fashion style but she had the element that boys would be attracted. Her blue sleeveless deep cut crop top would have made her look chic if she had not paired it with peach hot shorts. Her black wedges added to the disaster. Seriously no fashion sense but great choice of clothing though. I mean the YSL shorts are great fashion choice. But yikes I could never wear them with wedges. "Hey did you know that our group projects will start by the end of this week?" Jignesh asked while picking one of the quesadillas from his plate. I groaned while Vidhushi and Kaustuki followed my lead. Just like that we started to discuss about group projects and how university sucks. After our lunch, I decided to go to the college library and pick some books I had to read for my course. Jiggy had no class so he walked back to his dorm while Kaustuki and Vidhushi decided to go the locker room to collect their things. Registering your name and getting a library card proved to be pain in ass. I had to wait for hour to complete the whole procedure. Finally, the card was printed out and I was allowed to pick one book. When you are standing in a room full of books it is difficult to pick only one book. I wanted to grab a copy of Pablo Neruda but that was not in our semester this year. Debating for a while, I picked Chinua Achebe's Things fall apart. It was a must read book this semester. Sighing I checked out of the library. It was a long day. And it wasn't even over. ***
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