13. Strong Seventeen

2098 Words
It had been a few weeks now since she had been moved to her new room. She had to admit after nine years of lying in a dark, cold, and damp room, on an uncomfortable bed and with nothing to do but to sit in silence and plot her revenge her new room felt like heaven. The expectations however that came with it- that he could touch her inappropriately made her feel sick and she wanted to rip his throat out every time he touched her - which was often, however she knew even though she was improving in her warrior training she was still no match for him so she was forced for now to comply.  The past few weeks they had settled into a new routine, he would undo the shackle that kept her tethered to the bed then Isabelle would be permitted 30 minutes of privacy to relieve herself and shower,  Isabelle would have to then come back into the room to dry and get dressed in front of him, they then sat and had breakfast together before Isabelle would go and train with the warriors and he would go to do his Alpha duties, around 6 pm Isabelle would arrive back to her room and be given a few hours of freedom to shower, change into the sexy pyjamas he had left out, eat dinner and then relax before he would arrive back about 10 pm. He would re-lock her in her shackle before they went to bed together where he would fondle her roughly for a while before they went to sleep with him pressed against Isabelle's back an arm wrapped possessively over her whilst he slept soundly and she drifted in and out of an uncomfortable sleep feeling his stiffness pressed against her terrified he would break his vow and take her innocence in the night and not wait until her 18th birthday. Isabelle hated the forced intimacy of the routine, she hated having to dry and dress in front of him as it made her feel degraded and exposed, she hated the rough feeling of his perverted hands roaming her body squeezing and pinching her painfully. Her only consolation was that so far he had stuck to his vow and not tried to take her innocence - yet. The months passed quickly as they followed the same routine.  Isabelle knew her birthday was soon she wondered if he would plan another surprise for her ... god, she prayed not. After being forced through the ordeal of her morning routine with this time the Alpha demanding to look at her longer than usual before she was permitted to dress Isabelle practically ran to the training field with joy. The training field was the one place Isabelle felt safe and in control and she looked forward to the company of her trainer who she had come to look upon as almost a father figure. Seeing the trainer she ran to him and enthusiastically threw her arms around him and embraced him in a comforting hug. " Ah good morning sleeping beauty, did you sleep in? I was beginning to think you weren't coming ."  He smiled down at her with genuine affection whilst he brushed a stray strand of hair from her face in a fatherly gesture. " I am sorry, I took longer than normal to dress this morning," Isabelle said in a hushed tone as embarrassment crept into her face making her blush. The trainer did not know exactly what happened between her and his Alpha in the privacy of her room but it wasn't hard to guess, not wanting to embarrass her further or cause her any distress he rubbed her back soothingly as he spoke. "It's ok Isabelle I understand. Now come on let's get you warmed up and ready to kick ass ." He smiled down at her then lead her to the centre of the arena.  As Isabelle started her first of the 100 sit-ups given to her as warm-up exercises her mind drifted off thinking how much she had changed over the last near 10 years, it was in the last year however she had changed the most. Over the course of last year although Isabelle complied with the Rogue Alphas perverted abuse on the outside and appeared an obedient and weak victim, on the inside she coursed with anger, anger so strong it began to ignite a spark that formed a connection to her inner wolf something that at first shocked Isabelle since she-wolfs were not meant to be able to form a connection with their wolf until close to the time when their wolfs were ready to emerge fully, a sign the she-wolf was fully matured enough to phase into a werewolf for the first time and then mate when she found her fated mate. Now however instead of shocking Isabelle, it gave her hope she could soon start to fight back. The connection to her wolf also gave her an advantage on the battlefield as it gave her small access to her wolfs enhanced eyesight so she could see her attackers move in slower motion, advanced smell so she could pick up a hidden enemy and advanced hearing so she could hear her enemy approaching and although her connection to her wolf was not fully formed yet, therefore, she did not have complete access to her enhanced abilities or their full potential because she was born a twin and an Alpha female her abilities were still very strong giving her an advantage. Her connection to her wolf also made her a lot stronger and she now had more strength than a pack Beta and was very close to the strength of an Alpha. "Whoa save some energy for the fights kid " the trainer laughed whilst looking down at her smiling. " excuse me? " Isabelle replied still a little bit dazed. " I said slow down kid you were only told to do 100 and you've done about 150 and at a crazy speed, you were going so fast if we stuck a red costume on you, you might have been mistaken for the Flash ." he joked hoping the reference to the comic book character would make Isabelle smile and help her get over her upset this morning. "No, I am sure I am even faster than the flash and of course prettier ." Isabelle joked back as she reached for his outstretched hand and got up. " We will see kid, now come on we better get started they are desperate to get their butts kicked, " the trainer said gesturing to the group of Rogues who were eyeing her with fear and lust. Isabelle walked over to the Rogues and took a defensive position preparing for the signal to fight as she did she couldn't help but think how over the past year her trainer had also changed, he had immediately warmed to Isabelle after she proved herself a resilient and a determined student and they had developed a father and daughter type bond but he was always respectful of his Alpha this past year however although he never openly disrespected his Alpha she was beginning to get the distinct impression that he didn't like him or the Rogues in the pack .. what made him stay then she wondered? Isabelle dodged the Rogues who was in human form kick using her enhanced eyesight. She then leaned forward and punched him in the face breaking his nose and sending him flying backwards about 4 meters in the process. She heard a leaf crack to her left and out of the corner of her eye she saw a large grey wolf running towards her its paw pulled back preparing to strike her with its razor-sharp claws, she flattened herself to the ground quickly when it was within breathing distance of her back then grabbed its tail as it jumped over her and harshly pulled. Hearing a yelp of pain from the wolf, Isabelle quickly rolled forward and then brought her elbow down sharply on the wolfs exposed neck as hard as she could - breaking the wolfs neck and killing it instantly.  She looked around, there were 10 werewolf's bodies in human form either unconscious or dead and 2 werewolf's bodies in wolf form lying dead on the ground, to her right sat a bench full or Rogue wolfs in human form cradling various parts of their injured body scowling at Isabelle as she smiled at them sweetly in return causing a few of them to growl. "Wow your definitely the best warrior I have ever trained. " the trainer said looking at Isabelle who was gleaming in perspiration. " You look exhausted, good job for today its only 4 pm but you've worked hard today you can finish early as a reward,  go back to your room and relax and don't expect me to take it easy on you tomorrow because it's your birthday ." He smiled. It was her birthday tomorrow how had she forgotten again, after last years 'surprise' she had been keeping a mental count down to count down the days until her next birthday so she can be prepared, her count was wrong by about two weeks. She began to feel sick and frightening thoughts of what horrible 'surprise' he would inflict on her this year started to creep into her mind making her tense. Isabelle looked over the trainers shoulder and seeing the pack of Rogues were watching her she forced herself to relax so they could not smell her fear. She still, however, didn't trust her voice and not wanting the Rogues to hear any emotion in her voice either she simply nodded her reply to the trainer before swiftly turning and briskly walking back to her room. Entering her room she flopped onto the couch exhausted and worried and she picked up the book she was reading last night and read a few more chapters to take her mind off her fears, after a while, Isabelle decided she could no longer stand her sticky hair that clung to her due to her earlier perspiration so went into the bathroom for a shower were some of her worries slowly began to wash away along with the soap suds from her shampoo. After a long steamy hot shower, she wrapped a fluffy towel around her and walked back to her room thinking what she wanted to do for the next few hours when she caught wind of his scent close by and froze. It had been a long year for him. After moving his little mate into a nicer room more befitting her station on her sixteenth birthday he just couldn't control his wandering hands, her body was so perfect it was begging to be used by him- he had managed however to stop after touching her and had never mated with her yet no matter how badly his c**k throbbed or his wolf demanded he did. He had been content up until now with sleeping beside her every night to get a strong dose of her scent and then in the mornings looking at her naked body and then taking care of his needs later in private thinking about her luscious curves and scent however it had been a year and he needed more from her now and he would get it very soon. " I see your senses are getting stronger my love and you can sense prey or this case a predator now even when they are hidden." he said coming out of the dark shadows to stand in front of her.  "You must be training very hard ..well done." he looked down at the book left on the table and then looked at her nervous expressions. " Don't worry I will be gone soon, I just came to tell I will not be sleeping here tonight I have pack business and will be away but since it's your birthday tomorrow training is cancelled  and I will be back at night to celebrate with you so just relax until then ." Isabelle had mixed feelings the thought of sleeping alone unmolested for the first time in a year made her giddy with excitement but him telling her he was organising another surprise damped her high spirits." Oh before I go .." he quickly pulled her to him and kissed her passionately and then stood back to admire her bruised puffy lips said the words Isabelle dreaded to hear " Now strip."
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