6. The start of the m******e

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The three weeks leading up to the ball were passing in a blur, they now only had 8 days left until the ball and they would be leaving tomorrow morning to start their journey to the King's Palace in the royal city. Sarah had used the past 2 weeks to continue with her daughters Luna training preparing them for the ball She had resorted to bargaining with Isabelle, to make her apply herself fully to the lessons. The bargain struck was she would teach Isabelle the bare minimum lessons she needed only and Isabelle would do her best to master them in return for the spare time the unnecessary lessons such as flower arranging, poetry, the singing lessons etc that would now be used for Isabelle to train with the warriors instead, it seemed to be an amicable compromise for them both. Sarah had also been briefing her Beta Claire (Watt's mate)  on tasks to be completed when she was away and training her on the duties she would need to carry out in her place. She also had to as a pack for her family for this trip, organising details such as their security during the journey and choosing a gift for the King, it was hard work and she was looking forward to relaxing at the palace and spending some stress-free quality time with her mate and pups. David had been no less busy, wolves came to him in hoards with their problems he had to solve, the harvests had to be taken in, new warriors had to be selected and trained to replace those lost, his self tax assessment for several of his businesses were due and a few of the houses and buildings in his territory needed repairs that could not wait until his return, all this whilst keeping on top of his regular Alpha duties such as keeping an eye on the pack's security and overall health, blessing new pups at their birthing ceremony and welcoming them into the pack and keeping on top of his daily correspondences - being an Alpha was hard work! The pack although still grieving for the loss of their fellow pack members had somewhat come to terms with the distressing event and were slightly comforted by the fact it had now been several weeks since the attack and there had not been sight nor smell of a single Rogue within or near the pack's territory or indeed the neighbouring territories, meaning another Rogue attack was highly unlikely. David the packs Alpha had held several meetings with the pack elders, not one wolf could think of a motive for the attack meaning most likely it was a random attack by overly bold Rogues who were passing through and attacked simply because violence was second nature to them and the pack's warriors were in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Although the conclusion was the pack was not being targeted specifically and was in no immediate danger, the fact that the Rogues had the ability to mask their scents (something no other werewolves knew how to do  ) and they reportedly were working as an organised pack lead by an Alpha were troubling facts that had every werewolf in the Golden Moon pack and indeed every werewolf in the kingdom who had heard of the event on edge, the reason why the King had decided to combine the ball with an Alpha meeting the day before. David hoped the Alpha meeting at the palace would produce useful information and was keen to hear from his fellow Alphas if the Rogue pack had been spotted near one of their territories. After all, the evidence showed they had moved on from David's land and they must be somewhere right? David thought to himself. As David sat behind his desk in the Alphas office pondering that thought he received a mind- link from his Beta, "Alpha are you free for a quick meeting with myself and my mate ?"  "Of course Watt give me five minutes to finish off this last bit of paperwork then you can both meet me at my office, if agreeable ?" " That would be great thank you Alpha. " Watt replied informing his mate the meeting had been approved they both made their way slowly to the Alphas office whilst David used his Alpha speed to finish off his paperwork and put on a fresh pot of coffee for his guests' arrival. David was once again sat behind his now cleared off work desk just a way to enjoy his first sip of coffee when he smelt Watts and Claire's scent shortly followed by a sharp knock on his office door " Enter " David responded. "Alpha." they both greeted him bowing their heads respectfully. David for a brief moment looked at his Beta and his mate, despite them being a couple for six years now the sight of them as a couple still made David smile warmly with a hint of amusement. Watt was over six feet tall was plump looking ( although healthy and blessed with Beta power ) he had wild vivid red hair ( courtesy of his Scottish heritage) and a long scraggly beard, he had unruly bushy eye browns and his facial expressions made him look like the stereotypical grumpy old man, even though he was only in his late 40's. Claire, on the other hand, was the total opposite, she was short at only five foot four and lean, she was very well groomed and looked the image of a perfect housewife, her facial expression was always one of kindness, which made her instantly likeable. They were an odd-looking couple yet they completed each other and had a harmonious and happy marriage. " Coffee's fresh-made help yourselves then please take a seat and tell me what I can do for you both ." Watt and Claire took David up on his offer and then sat on the big black leather chairs opposite him, cradling their coffees ( Watt's bitter and black and Claire's sweet and creamy ). " Alpha, the immediate danger seems to have passed and with you and your family going away tomorrow we wondered if you would permit the 9 pm curfew to be lifted and for us to organise a proper wake for the deceased tonight followed by a feast for the pack members to come together again and relieve some of their worries ?" Claire asked hopefully. " Before you asked for the meeting I was just thinking how all the evidence pointed to the Rogues having moved on and I was planning on lifting the curfew and other restrictions on our return, so I don't see why not... However the pack members are still not permitted into the forest unless they are warriors patrolling  and visits from other packs or Journeys across pack borders for our pack members are still prohibited unless authorised by you Watt in my absence, is that understood ?" Claire full of enthusiasm jumped from her seat and ran towards the Alpha grabbing him and squeezing him in a grateful embrace an action that received a low growl from her mate. " Oh shh Watt quit your possessiveness, you know it was nothing more than a friendly gesture among friends  ..." Watt scowled but before he could get a word in Claire bounded towards him grabbed his hand and began to drag him out the office " Thank you Alpha, you will not regret this the pack members will be so thrilled, now I must speak to the Luna to get her opinion on decorations and assist her in the planning, we need to organise the food, decor, seating, entertainment, have the families of those killed notified and ask them to write a few words. about the killed warriors come on Watt for that display of possessive jealousy you are helping.." as Claire continued to drag her mate out the office Watt looked over his shoulder to his Alphas amused expression before mind - linking him " Save me please.." David shook his head and watched with a grin as his strong Beta was dragged along by his determined mate.  David agreed it was a good idea it was just what the pack needed. The rest of the day passed quickly for Claire and the Luna but felt torturously slow for Watt who was forced to help with the preparations.  By sundown, the families of the deceased were contacted and had prepared short obituaries about the fallen warriors and the field to the west of the packs land had been completely transformed to hold the event.  Fairy lights twisted amongst the tree branches, candles had lain in a path down an aisle towards a stage and lanterns displaying pictures of the deceased showcasing happier times were scattered throughout the field providing lighting as well as shrines family, friends and fellow pack members could visit to light candles in the warriors' memories and share their stories about the victims with fellow mourners.  Tables had been set up in their dozens piled with towers of a mouth-watering buffet of food (werewolves ate a tonne !) and seating had been arranged in the form of picnic tables with benches, that were decorated with white linen cloths displaying the Golden Moon pack crest (a full moon surrounded by stars with a gold werewolf paw at the centre) gold silk napkins sat on fine white china plates and gold cutlery sat beside the plates. Long but thin twisting tree branches ran down the centre the table forming a homemade 'woodsy' feeling table runner that was intertwined with fairy lights, pumpkins sat on top of the branches hallowed out with a simple circle in the middle of them and tea lights sat in the middle of them producing a romantic glow, the tables were scattered with a few beautifully coloured autumn leaves in rich shades of reds, purples, oranges and greens and acorns painted gold lay across the table.  In all the Luna, Claire and begrudgingly Watt in a very short period of time organised a wonderful wake that had run smoothly and a breathtakingly beautiful autumn-themed setting for the feast that was beginning shortly.   " That wake was perfect my love it did the fallen warriors justice and their families have all approached me to tell me how much comfort it brought them, thank you." David said wrapping his arms around his mate he glanced at the magical scene before him " Wow the field is unrecognisable it looks bewitching." Sarah leaning into his warm embrace glowed at his praise and her inner wolf purred. " Thank you, dear, although it was Claire's idea and a team effort to accomplish the whole pack worked together, not forgetting the assistance of our most enthusiastic volunteer Watt.." Sarah chuckled.  "Well remind me to thank them all later, right now my beautiful mate lets join the pack and enjoy our self's .. come you deserve a drink." The Alpha and Luna made their way to the centre and mingled with the pack members who were all enjoying the taste of freedom they had been denied for weeks and were dancing erratically, socialising by joking with friends or stuffing their faces greedily. The celebrations continued into the night with all pack members having fun and enjoying each others company, they had all dressed up and made an effort as well grateful to have something positive to focus on after the recent mournful event completely oblivious to the dark shadows with blood-red eyes that lingered nearby observing them. They were stupid he thought, like little lambs awaiting slaughter.  They had been lulled by the weeks of peace into a false sense of security - all part of his masterful plan. His bloodthirsty Rogue army grew restless, for weeks they hid right under the Golden Moon packs noses stalking their prey but obediently waiting patiently until he gave them the word to attack- well tonight they could release their pent up aggression and he would finally get the revenge he promised his father the Rogue Alpha thought darkly. The wake and feast had been a grande success the families of those fallen received closure and the whole pack embraced the chance to let go of their worries and return to some sort of normality.  It was about 3 am now and all members of the pack were tucked up in their cosy beds slumbering peacefully, relaxed and joyful for the first time since the ambush ( well all those apart from the 30 who were on guard duty patrolling ). It was quiet, deadly quiet as the monstrous shadows with blood-red eyes masked their sent and swiftly and brutally wiped out all of the patrolling wolf's, their ripped bodies lay lifeless on the ground as the Rogues crept towards the residential area. Entering the houses in regimented form just as quietly as they killed the warriors they killed every occupant with as much ruthlessness as they did the warriors, pups an all, so quickly the struck that no one even managed to let out a warning howl or mind-link an alert. The Alpha jolted awake. Something was wrong, very wrong he felt weak as if he was losing the connection to his pack, no warning howls were sounded or mind-link calls for help but he sensed something was wrong. " Sarah .. SARAH .. " he shoved her awake. " what is it David are you ok ?" Sarah could tell by his tone and his anxious scent something was wrong. " Something is happening, I feel like I am losing my connection to pack members... I feel weak. I think we are under attack quickly fetch the pups and go with Claire to the panic room I have a mind - linked Watt him and Claire are on their way to our floor. " David kissed his mate quickly and tried to mind- link his warriors and the rest of the pack ... silence... no reply... that could only mean they had either renounced the Golden Moon pack and left the pack or .. they were dead.... all 112 members. Sarah and David ran into the hallway at the same time as their pups did who were looking up at them with frightened expressions, Watt and Claire had reached the top of the stairs both smelling as anxious as David but were putting a brave face on for the pups. " Change of plans, Watt and I will escort you to the panic room and we will head downstairs to secure the pack house and try and contact the warriors, Sarah once inside the panic room contact the neighbouring packs and ask for aid, Watt and I will join you when we can," David said in his Alphas tone as there was no room for arguments. Claire and Sarah did not like the idea of leaving their mates but knew they had to follow their Alphas orders and protect the pups, Claire grabbed Hanna's hand as Sarah grabbed the twins and they ran in the direction of the panic room Watt and David phased into their wolf forms (Watt's a red wolf whose coat was as scraggly as his beard in human form and Davids a grey wolf that being an Alpha was slightly larger than the average wolf ) and followed behind protecting them from the rear.  They reached the end of the hallway and sharply turned right, seeing the panic room at the end of the corridor as they began to run towards it however a large bottle smashed through the window in front of them hitting the wall and bursting into wild flames, setting the hallway on fire and blocking their path to safety, the Pups screamed and the adults although in shock grabbed them roughly and guided them back in the opposite direction their only means of escape.  " Claire, Sarah take the pups to the garage take the land rover and drive to the nearest neighbouring pack, we will hold them off for as long as we can," David ordered through mind-link as they ran frantically down the stairs to the ground floor.  " David there will be too many let me stay and help please my love Claire can take our pups to safety the three of us can hold them off long enough for back up to ..."  before Sarah could finish David interrupted " That was an order GO NOW .. I can not fight with the thought of you in danger please go and keep our pups safe my love... I will join you when I can now GO !". Sarah looked lovingly at her wolf mate before turning swiftly running with her pups and Claire in the opposite directions to do as he bid, as they turned the corner they heard sounds of a battle and the smell of blood coming from the room they had left their mates. 
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