10. Training begins

1986 Words
" Wake up pet. " Although said in a soft voice almost in a loving tone the voice none the less scared Isabelle awake and shivers ran down her spine. Coming to her senses quickly she remembered who the voice belonged to and her vow to kill him using her warrior training she darted from the bed and charged towards the monster in front of her prepared to try and kill him. The Rogue Alpha looked at his sleeping future mate with pride, she looked beautiful and peaceful. He leaned down close taking in her natural scent before whispering in her ear to awaken her in a tone that almost sounded loving and then using his Alpha speed quickly made his way to the other side of the room so he could observe her reaction. He wasn't disappointed his little mate reaction proved she was going to be a challenge to tame ... and he would have fun taming her. Isabelle had the monster in her sights and was closing in,  she noticed oddly he just stood there calmly smiling as she pushed the odd observation and the uneasy feeling it brought to the back of her mind she refocused on the mission at hand .. to kill. When Isabelle was close enough she pulled back her fist summoning as much Alpha and twin power as a not yet matured she-wolf could and prepared to strike, however just before her fist could make contact a burning pain seeped through her body targeting her every nerve and made her collapse on the ground withering in agony making the Rogue Alpha chuckle. " You don't disappoint my pet you are still as FIERY as always... " He paused and walked closer to her smiling down at her still laying on the floor, riddled with agonising waves of pain.  " A humorous choice of a word to describe you is it not my pet considering the fire that currently burns through your body ... " Isabelle forced herself into a kneeling position to look straight into the Alphas eyes doing her best to convey her hatred in her expression since she was still in too much pain to talk.  " Ah how pretty you look on your knees my pet I cant wait to make use of you like that when you are older .. don't look so confused my innocent little mate you will come to learn what I mean when you are old enough for now .. let's focus on your first lesson one you can understand. Look at your wrist you see that pretty cuff? As well as being forged with my crest so everyone knows you belong to me it holds another purpose, it's magic. " The Alpha walked past Isabelle who managed to shuffle round to follow him with her gaze. "My mother was a witch you see and I have learnt a few small tricks one of which is being able to spell cuffs like that one to torture my ... trainees when they do not follow my command or they displease me. So lesson number one always do as I command and please me or you will suffer greatly ." He moved to the barred cell door and unlocked it leaving it open as if a challenging Isabelle to dare attempt escape. " You have 30 minutes until I come to fetch you, go shower and change into the clothes left in the chest of draws, I will have breakfast sent to you shortly and don't bother wasting your time trying to remove the cuff magic formed it on your wrist and only magic can remove it ." Finishing his lecture he turned and exited the cell when he heard her defiant growl " I will never be your mate and maybe not today but one day I will kill you ! " he smiled he was going to have so much fun with her. Isabelle sat for five minutes on the floor processing the new information. She was his captive now not just physically but magically as well, she was not strong enough to fight him or his magic ..  she would have to wait and it didn't matter how many years she waited one day she would get her revenge she vowed for now she will try and stay strong.  Feeling the pain slowly begin to fade, she stood herself up on wobbly legs and made her way to the bathroom, she would for now do as he bid as she had no other choice and admittedly the prospect of a shower to ease her pain and breakfast to fill her grumbling stomach that ached painfully with hunger, (she had no idea how long she had gone without food )Sounded very appealing but she couldn't help but wonder what further tortures he had planned for her to endure next. Isabelle after showering and stuffing her face greedily with the large tray full of food that had been left for her and changing in the bathroom away from the invasive cameras into clean plain cotton white underwear, a pink vest top and black joggers and a surprisingly comfy pair of branded trainers sat anxiously on the edge of her uncomfortable bed waiting for him with dread. She was just thinking about how it was strange all the clothes in the draw fitted her perfectly as if the buyer knew her exact size when she caught his scent he was coming. The Rogue Alpha walked into the cell with an air of confidence and authority he looked at Isabelle and nodded his approval as he noticed she had followed his commands. Without bothering to speak he stepped aside leaving the doorway opened and gestured for Isabelle to get up and follow him out. Isabelle tried her best to swallow the feeling of fear and forced a neutral expression on her face and a look of hatred in her eyes she looked at him directly in the eyes sharing her hatred before obediently following him out into the hallway. Her allusion of bravery was quickly shattered however when he put his hand at the small of her back to guide her and she flinched at the contact. She looked angry and defiant on the outside but he could smell her fear, the scent was intoxicating and he could not help but feel amused at her attempt of bravery. She suddenly flinched as he made contact and he managed to contain the laughter that threatened to spill from his lips at the sight of his brave little mate's illusion of bravery suddenly being shattered by something as trivial as a gentlemanly gesture. They walked down the dark corridor that smelled heavily of mould and that had a few heavy metal doors along the wall and up a winding set of concrete steps. The Alpha looked like he was mind- linking someone Isabelle noticed and suddenly without warning the heavy oak door was pulled open and sunlight shined into Isabelle face making her squint. The sun oh Moon Goddess its warmth felt heavenly on her skin and the cool, crisp and fresh scent of the air smelt wonderful. Isabelle was lead out into the centre of a field and they abruptly stopped. Isabelle took in her surroundings the prison she was held in seemed to be at the bottom of the large field,  it looked to be made of reinforced heavy bricks and there were no windows only the singular heavy oak door that she could now see was guarded by two intimidating-looking werewolf's standing either side, the prison looked completely impenetrable. To the left and right of the field there lay thick forests, not welcoming forests filled with beauty like the one at home but dark forests that looked creepy, like the ones in horror films were victims got lost in and were savagely killed by some form of monster that was lurking nearby. In front of her, there was a large gathering of Rogues in human form who were lined up in an army style formation awaiting their Alphas orders. Isabelle's gaze swept the first row taking in their appearance, they were tall, muscular and had an aura of a predator, they had vivid red eyes all concentrated on Isabelle, Some held gazes of lust, others of hunger or hatred they all however made Isabelle shudder. Behind the Rogues Isabelle could see what looked like a residential area, this must be there pack lands she thought as she stood numbly feeling overwhelmed by it all. Seeing his little mate had finished her appraisal of her surroundings a courtesy he permitted her, the Alpha stepped forward in front of his pack taking Isabelle by the arm and bringing her with him. " My Rogue pack some of you have met this little she-wolf by my side but let me introduce her formerly, as some of you may know she is the daughter -and the only surviving child of the recently ... deceased Alpha and Luna of the Golden Moon pack. The Alpha and Luna I am sure you all remember .. meeting .. a few days ago .. especially the Luna who to some of you would be most unforgettable .. "  he stopped and cruelly smirked at his pack members the ones of who had raped Sarah began to smirk back thinking of their fond memories.  " This little she-wolf has .. impressed me and I have decided to keep her, she will train with you as a warrior until she reaches maturity and then I will claim her as my mate and she will be your Luna. You will not be soft with her on the battlefield, train her well for your future Luna must be strong! However you will not maim her or kill her, remember she is MINE and anyone who dares touch her will wish for death when I am done with him.. is that understood? " A uniformed chorus of " Yes Alpha " replied. " Take her, " The Alpha said to a wolf beside him who was near the same height as him and looked stronger than the other werewolf's lined up and with that he left Isabelle standing alone with the stranger and the deadly pack of Rogues. The 'stranger' turned out to be the pack's warrior coach, he was an older man who was tough but highly skilled at his job. He never went easy on Isabelle despite her being young and only a she-wolf instead he pushed her harder than any other werewolf trying to get her to reach her full Alpha female and twin power potential. Nine years had passed and over the years he had taught her well and Isabelle was quickly shaping up to be a marvellous student able to attack and kill up to 4 wolfs at once in her human form that leads to the trainer developing a soft spot for her. Isabelle had also formed a sort of routine, she would be woken up at 5 am by the Alpha who took the time to casually inspect her to see how she was developing and then she showered, dressed and ate breakfast before being lead to the training field where she would train from 6 am right up until 9 pm ( taking a 15-minute break for lunch) when she would then be taken back to her cell to shower, eat her dinner then left to sleep. The routine in all was exhausting but Isabelle was grateful for the opportunity to train as it meant she was getting stronger and one day she would use that strength to kill the Alpha. In the meantime, however minus a few isolated incidents of defiance ( that earned her the punishment of the cuff being activated and her missing a meal )  Isabelle had spent the last nine years being somewhat obedient and faking loyalty to the Alpha waiting for her opportunity to strike that was however until the day of her 16th birthday when everything changed.
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