8. The lone survivor

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Fear fuelled adrenaline coursed through the pups blood making them run as fast as they could for their lives. The scent of blood, invaders and death hung heavily in the air as tree branches seemed to reach out and try and grab them tearing at their clothes and piercing their skin as they whizzed through the forest in a blur. They tried desperately not to think about the look of worry on their fathers face when he urged their mother and them to leave or the tone of fear in their mother's voice as she mind- linked them to go to before saying what sounded like a goodbye message. So focused on blocking out terrifying images of their parents Josh was not concentrating on the path ahead and tripped. "Josh! " Hanna ran to her baby brother and urged him to get up, Isabelle who was the fastest of the three ( due to the combination of her being an Alpha female and a twin as well as a committed warrior in training) stopped and looked over her shoulder at her siblings before running back to assist. " Get up Josh .. please we need to go now.." Isabelle said desperately scanning their surrounding for signs of the enemy whilst trying o lift him up.  " OW... I think it's broken. " Josh cried whilst looking down at his foot that was twisted at an odd angle for conformation. Noticing his foot was indeed broken and not wanting to waste any more time Hanna scooped her baby brother up and looked at Isabelle meaningfully before they turned and prepared to run as they began to get into a fast pace they suddenly stopped as a huge brown wolf jumped from the bushes blocking their path. The pups screamed in fright at the shock and stared at the wolf in front of them that looked deadly, crazed by its blood lust.  Quickly gathering her composure just as her warrior training taught her Isabelle took a defensive stance then mind -linked her siblings " Hanna I will distract him, when I give the signal take Josh and run half a mile straight ahead then at the large y-shaped oak tree bear left and follow that path, the red hut is about another half a mile in that direction I will catch you up .."  " No Izzy, it's too dangerous !" Josh terrified for his twin replied. " Isabelle no I am the oldest it's my responsibility to protect you.." Hanna began.  " I know you are the eldest Hanna but I am the stronger fighter and more likely to succeed, please don't argue we don't have time ." Isabelle looked at Hanna pleadingly before Hanna thinking logically rather than emotionally as a protective big sister finally nodded her agreement.  " On my mark.. 3, ..2, .1, ..GO ! " Isabelle screamed through her mind-link before without warning lunged forward towards the confused looking wolf whilst her elder sister did as bid.  Isabelle having the element of surprise managed to run at the enemy with speed and jumped on his back whilst he still stood there in shock.  She reached her hands forward and jammed her thumbs into the wolfs eyes, just as she had seen on an episode on Game of Thrones, a TV show her parents had forbidden her to watch - looks like it comes in handy being a rule breaker some times she thought as she managed to blind the wolf permanently in one eye before he howled and shook her off his back snarling.   Isabelle landed with a thud smacking the side of her head on a rock, the wolf rushed forward and pinned Isabelle to the ground between his two massive paws with razor-sharp claws that Isabelle noted were still covered in blood and had small bits of flesh from the wolfs previous victims. " You will pay for that you little mutt, I will rip your limbs off first.. then your ears .then." before the wolf could finish his threat Isabelle pulled her dagger ( that was gold at the hilt so harmlessly wielded but silver at the blade so deadly to werewolf's ) from her dressing gown pocket and slit the wolfs exposed throat.  The wolf fell dead on top of Isabelle drenching her in his blood, not having the luxury of time to process her first kill Isabelle abruptly stood and ran after her siblings. With her speed she soon caught up to them, Hanna and Josh looked at their blood-soaked sibling with worry before the scent of the blood-filled their nostrils and they promptly realised it was not Isabelle's.  The three of them could see the red hut a few hundred yards up ahead but just as they started to feel hopeful a malicious howl came out of nowhere and the scents of various unknown wolves assaulted their senses, blood-red eyes slowly emerged from the shadows and Hanna still holding an injured Josh and  Isabelle stood back to back realising they were surrounded. The Rogues eyed their latest prey preparing for an attack when the pups without warning doubled over in pain and clutched their chests as a burning pain spread through their bloodstream. " Dad" Hanna whispered in disbelief and she clutched for her younger siblings hands to comfort them. " Well, looks like the babies have just lost their mummy or was it daddy ?" one of the large wolfs mocked smiling cruelly as the rest chuckled. " Maybe it was both,  either way, it's rather inconvenient timing.. killing is not as much fun when the prey don't put up a fight and you look like you are already dead... Still, I guess we still have a job to do .." as the pack started to enclose on the pups some looking at them with boredom and others unveiled delight their Alpha mind- linked them " find the Luna's and Alphas pups, do not kill them hold for and wait for me any wolf who kills them ..WILL BE SORRY !"  The Rogues obeying their Alpha made their way over the three siblings but instead of killing them they roughly dragged them to a nearby tree and threw them under it waiting on their Alphas arrival. The pups were just starting to overcome the pain of their father's death ( feeling their bond to their father and Alpha breaking) when a fresh wave of pain radiated through them and they screamed in agony feeling their mothers soul slip away no longer able to handle the pain of losing both parents all three fainted... The Rogue Alpha smiled as he left the Golden Moon pack house hearing the Luna's screams of terror and pain in the background before it went silent, he was headed to the forest where the pups were last seen, a feeling of pride washed over him he had finally destroyed that b***h and Alpha and their pack as he promised his father. It was a shame his father was not here to sake his lust on the b***h and see the torment in her eyes before she died but he had made sure she suffered feeling her mates death, hearing his plans for her pups and then had her body roughly used by his pack before she took her last breath - he hoped that would make his father proud. As the Rogue Alpha entered the clearing his pack respectfully bowed their heads and stepped aside making a clear path the pups who lay on the ground and were beginning to stir. The Alpha studied them the eldest Hanna held some of her mother's beauty but he could tell would never grown be as beautiful as she mother was in her youth, her body was still developing but he could tell disappointingly it would never have luscious curves but would grow to be a lean athletic frame, still she was pleasing enough and he would keep her around for a while so after she reached maturity he could make use of her body.   The male pup looked smaller than he expected, considering he was a twin and had Alpha blood he should at least at this age have the strength of an average wolf he looked to small to hold any power, the pup was weak, he despised weakness so would kill him first he decided. His gaze then travelled over to the youngest she-wolf. She was covered in blood he noticed but he could smell it didn't belong to her, he wondered how she got in that state. Despite her young age, there was no missing her strong Alpha aura, she had potential to be very powerful, he sensed, he bent down closer to her and wiped the blood from her face to get a closer look at her features. She was a beauty, her skin looked so pale and smooth,  her face was oval with well-defined cheekbones, her lips looked full and rosy and her closed eyes had long thick lashes, he could see under the blood her hair was a blonde tone and her body although that of a child still looked muscular but had the potential to develop desirable curves when she matured. She really was a beauty he knew she would be stunning when she was a full-grown wolf it was a shame have to kill her but she was too young to sake his desires, her sister he would have to wait four years or so for but he would have to wait near ten for her and he was not known for his patience. Josh and Hanna awoke slowly, Hanna gasped at the man hovering over her sister who turned to look at her, he was the most handsome werewolf she had ever seen although as handsome as he was his face held a cruel smile and his aura was one of dominance and malice that instantly made him off-putting. " Hello, little ones in case you haven't guessed I am the dreaded Rogue Alpha, soon to be your Alpha too Hanna.." he purred looking over at her frightened and equally confused face. " You boy however I have no need for .. " as he Alpha mind linked a rogue standing behind Hanna and ordered him to hold her he phased his fingertips into a claw and stalked towards a cowering Josh he lifted his hand preparing to strike when he felt a sharp pain in his calf and screamed. Feeling dizzy and sick Isabelle woke and opened her eyes, pain shot through her head and her vision was slightly blurred, the whack on her head when she hit it off that rock during the fight and the pain of losing her parents had really done a number on her. As she blinked the blurriness away and looked around to get her bearings she noticed two things immediately, one there was werewolf standing in front of her with his back to her with a powerful and dangerous aura and two he was about to kill Josh. Without care to the consequences, she pulled out her dagger and stabbed it at the most accessible part of his body, his calf. The Rogue Alpha turned in a rage to find the source of the attack and was shocked to find Isabelle standing in the perfect warrior stance, her dagger in hand prepared for a fight. He starred into her eyes - eyes he noticed that were a mesmerising emerald trying to asses her, she exuded an aura of power that even had some of his Rogues bowing their heads slightly in submissiveness she looked beautiful yet deadly and he had to admit he was impressed by her bravery and power for such a young wolf. " Ah you must be the younger sister .. is..isis.. no ..ah .. Isabelle." he let her name roll off his tongue in an impressed tone as he walked closer. " Stay away from my siblings you ... beast of I will gut you .." Isabelle screamed no longer feeling afraid as her anger rose. "My what a fowl little mouth you have for a lady." he smirked whilst mind- linking his Rogues behind her to hold her as they did her sister so he can dispatch the male mutt before deciding what do about Isabelle who he was starting to warm too. A Rogue behind Isabelle reached out to follow his Alphas orders and grabbed Isabelle's wrist in a brutal hold she winced in pain dropping the dagger but using her warrior training she pushed the pain aside grabbed the assailants forearm snapping it violently sideways until she heard bones snap she then kicked him in the shin and using her super-strength flipped him over her and flat onto his back. The Rogue Alpha hearing the scream of his Rogue turned just in time to witness Isabelle flipping the Rogue three times her size into the air, he gaped at her in amazement before he could command more Rogues to take her two more ran towards her and Isabelle again braced for battle. Isabelle punched the first so hard his jaw snapped violently before he flew back landing on the ground the other one kicked in the delicate bits her Dad and told her to target on a male and when the werewolf fell to his knees in front of her she grabbed his pain-stricken face and twisted violently snapping his neck and killing him instantly. The rogues stood in silence looking at the young she-wolf who had beat three of them, they were just cautiously thinking how to get her without getting hurt when their Alpha mind - linked them " ENOUGH .. grab her down, and do not hurt her ." hearing the frustration in his voices the Rogues panicked and 8 of them rushed forward and grabbed her this time successfully managing to take her captive.  The Rogue Alpha walked up to Josh who was now being held by two Rogues and without further hesitation clawed at his throat killing him. Hanna slouched forward and began to sob loudly whereas Isabelle shook violently against the arms that held her determined to break free and kill the Rogue Alpha as a burning [pain seared through their blood due to their loss. The Rogue Alpha looked at both she-wolfs, Hanna had some beauty and he could defile her sooner but she seemed timid in nature and that bored him he wanted a challenge it was no fun when they didn't struggle he decided he would keep them both, Hanna would sake his lusts sooner and Isabelle would be a prize worth waiting for. " It's been a long day ladies, and now I have killed that mutt.," he said kicking Josh's lifeless body enticing a warning growl from Isabelle and a louder sob from Hanna. " I have decided I will keep you both as my playthings .. once you have sexually matured of course in the meantime you will sever me as your Alpha... " " You will never be my Alpha !! " Isabelle shrieked her expressions and tone one of sheer disgust and anger causing the Rogue Alpha to smile. " Mercy please sir, please let me and my sister go, please ." Hanna began to wail. The Alpha was becoming more and more put off by Hanna's weak nature, he walked over to her to think about how to proceed. Hanna sensing the Alpha was approaching assumed her appeal had worked  " please Alpha let me and my sister go free, if not us both then please release my sister she is just a pup, I will sever you willingly if you let her go please I beg you ..." she whimpered. Not being able to stomach any more of her weakness he acted swiftly and slashed her throat the same way he did her brothers and her body landed gracefully on the ground. Isabelle screamed and thrashed with even more determination as the Alpha glided towards her smugly.  " I will kill you .. you bastard I swear I will .." the Alpha reached forward to look into the mesmerising eyes of his little prize " Oh I know you will try " he purred as he grabbed her face forcefully so he could look deeper into her eyes. She was definitely a prize worth waiting for, super strong, fierce, deadly and beautiful I am going to enjoy her he thought as he began to dream about her as a mature wolf and him finally using her body he abruptly snapped out of it when Isabelle leaned forward and spat in his face. The Rogue Alpha acted on instinct the backhanded Isabelle so hard she lost consciousness, annoyed with himself that he hit her in the face that will damage her looks he roughly picked her unconscious body of the ground and held her to his muscular chest and eyed his Rogue wolfs mind linking them  "let's go home" then turned and they left the blood-soaked land of  Golden Moon pack, littered with dead bodies and the heavy scent of death. That morning would be the last time she would ever see her family again she was now the lone survivor.
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