Chapter 51

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Back at the revolution base of operations, the mini estate which Ryoka’s father had explained that it belonged to one of the Eldrian nobles that had come to settle here amongst the humans way before the freeze of the dragon continent, Ryoka and her family sat at the dinner table, present was her father right beside her, Adrian was seated at her other side and then Christine was beside Adrian, facing them was, Hugh, Jamie, Letty, Javier and Han Soek. Things had been a bit awkward between Ryoka and Letty ever since they discovered that Letty’s mother was Ryoka’s aunt, but then, Letty was adopted, so should it be an issue amongst them? Neither of them knew the way forward for their relationship, they hadn’t met since then, but then they were kind of too far gone and had fallen quite deeply in love with each other to just let it go like that, especially for Ryoka who could hardly believe just how much she had fallen in love with Letty, although she hadn’t told her yet, there was still some grounds to cover and now this relation issue. Everyone seated was eating and making little chats happily, suddenly there had been this bond that drew them even closer, and now they all cared for each other even more deeply, Ryoka guess that it might have not been like this if there hadn’t been those near death experiences they continuously had during their missions. Talking about death and missions, they had the memorial for the ones they lost on the dragon queen’s mission just the previous day, it had been an uplifting and emotional moment, everyone present got their resolve hardened even more, now they saw more reasons to put an end to the tyranny of the WIC as soon as they could. Still talking about missions, they had no idea what nest to do, the mission for the dragon queen was starting to look like a bust, wasted effort because she hadn’t been able to help out in anyway, all because her mind was still nothing but mush, she couldn’t form coherent thoughts, and her words where incomprehensible, she was damn catatonic, and that didn’t bode well for them because Ryoka had been so dependent on getting to know the next thing to do from the dragon queen, but Elouise the mother wasn’t in her right state of mind, she had brain damage already. Ryoka wasn’t really in the jovial mood as everyone else, she hadn’t been since she had realized that she might have been responsible for the death of her Aunt, and also joined with the fact that the dragon queen isn’t forthcoming, then again the whole burden of the revolution was still on her shoulders, as her father didn’t bother to step up as the commander anymore, he told her he was more suited as a captain or at most a general, the people had also agreed, and Ryoka knew that it was because she had actually made more progress in the revolution more than any past revolution did, so they all believed that she is truly the one that would lead them on till they achieve their aim and objectives. Suddenly as she was still deep in her thoughts, she felt a pull from deep within her, she searched and found out that it was draugh fuh that was beckoning to her, ‘That’s new’ she thought to herself, after all ever since she had been using draugh fuh, it hadn’t done this before, she had been the one using it but now it seems it wants to use her, so she allowed herself be pulled in into the plane that is draugh fuh. What she saw both shocked and scared her at the same time and at the same time she felt happiness, she saw her Aunt Dai, she was alive but not well, she was being tortured with a kind of technological device, she was strapped on the bed and the tech was placed over her head, she was struggling underneath it and wriggling about in pain and there were two other entities close to her, Ryoka couldn’t see them but she felt them, so they must be humans, meaning that her Aunt Dai had been caught by the WIC and was being experimented upon. As Dai jerked underneath the tech, the waves of the tech hit Ryoka threatening to kick her out of her aunt’s subconscious, but in reality, Ryoka jerked on her seat and grabbed a hold of Adrian’s arm, pulling him into the plane as well, the abrupt pulling gave Adrian whiplash at first but he quickly recovered as soon as he saw his mother, Ryoka hadn’t meant to bring him in, she had only been trying to brace herself against the waves but had held Adrian’s hand instead thereby bringing him into the plane. Adrian couldn’t help himself as he saw her, probably he failed to realize that they weren’t really there and could only see her because they were present in her subconscious, but he ran towards her and tried to hold her, which he couldn’t, then he shouted out so loudly “Mother!!!” but his voice was a silent scream thanks to draugh fuh and he wasn’t heard by anyone, but the effect of him trying to hold and call to his mother overworked her subconscious and in turn the technology got overworked and then it sucked in all the electricity and shut down, the effect of it shutting down kicked out Ryoka and Adrian from Dai’s subconscious and back into the ordinary draugh fuh plane. Ryoka left the draugh fuh plane, pulling Adrian out as well, everyone around them had worried expressions on their faces, they had caught that moment that Ryoka jerked and had been trying to get both she and Adrian to talk or come out of it, a to no avail, but now that they had come out by themselves, they started to relax. “What were there doing to her!?” Adrian asked and managed to look both sad and angry at the same time as was the tone of his voice. “I don’t know, but we gotta find her fast” Ryoka responded leaving the others wondering what they were talking about, eventually they would tell them of what they saw, confirming that Dai was indeed alive but under captivity and being experimented upon and then Ryoka will also inform them of how she hadn’t been able to use draugh fuh to connect to her before and after then and it was until that sane thing happened again that she was going to figure out exactly where her Aunt Dai was because the only thing she actually got from that encounter was the general direction where she was and even that wasn’t precise enough. After a few hours of brainstorming and trying to put together a plan to save Dai once Ryoka is able to get an exact pinpoint of her location, the family decided to put finding her as priority first because without that and without knowing her location they wouldn’t be able to know how to plan properly, and a rescue mission requires the utmost attention to detail and fine tuned planning, so the major work was again all on Ryoka, she now has to be on constant guard and watch through draugh fuh, so that any activity from Dai’s subconscious can be picked up again and this time they’ll use it first to get her location and then focus on rescuing her. That night, Letty visited Ryoka in her room, at first they only sat on the bed and only kept glancing about, unable to hold eye to eye contact, they haven’t had a moment like this since they had been declared cousins albeit adopted. “I’m not ready to let this go, no matter the circumstances” Ryoka said, then she held Letty’s hands and then they faced each other and gazed deeply into each other’s eyes, boring into each other’s soul. “Oh ok good, because I was about to start getting worried that that was all we were gonna be, nothing more than a mini fling along the way” Letty said and glanced away to hide her blushing. “What?! No, you mean more to me than just a roadside fling, I would never tag you as that, cos now you even mean more, all that are just more reasons for me to cherish you the more, care for you the more, and hold you even tighter” Ryoka said as she brought Letty’s hand to her lips and kissed. “Very well then, commander, what are your orders for me today?” Letty asked in a playful and naughty manner that excited Ryoka. “You have been found guilty of being too sexy, I have to court martial you, now lay on the bed while I work on your punishment” Ryoka replied to which Letty obliged and from there they entered a romance mood and had an erotic cosplay moment of bliss.
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