Chapter 20

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“You don’t look too good” Dante said to the goon he was interrogating, the guy was doubled over and holding his stomach which had received multiple hits from Dante, but he was better off than his colleagues who were all laying sprawled about, and were as unconscious as a dead frog. “I’ll ask you one more time before I send you to join your fellas, which container is it?” Dante asked the guy who could even hardly speak, they were at a shipping dock and there were a lot of large shipment containers there. They guy tried to stand and point but he fell back down in pain, and so from right where he was on the floor, he pointed to a direction “It is labeled hazardous, please just don’t kill me” the guy said gasping. “Now that’s a good man, and believe me, killing? That’s just not me, I’ll make you sleep though, forgive me if I’m a bit rough in the process” Dante said and knocked him out hard with a hit to the back of his head, he sprawled out and looked like the rest of his colleagues. Dante went ahead to the direction the guy had pointed out and just as the guy had said, he saw the container rightly labelled hazardous with graffiti spray paint. He broke the lock with his fists and opened it, just as he had expected though it contained the illegal goods he had expected, crates of packaged food items with illegal drugs and products hidden in them. But what he did not expect were the human cargo he found there, about six kids were in the container, all under the age of ten he was sure, now this would put a breakage in his plans he thought in exasperation. He knew the WIC were into deeply illegal stuff, but this was way over the top, he was as well sure that the kids must have something to do with their experiments, probably these ones have been found out to have the dn genes in excess as well. He went out of the container, pinching his nose and then he made a call “I need you here, there is a huge change in effect” he said as soon as the person he called picked up and without the reply from the person, the person hung up, he knew though that the message was received and would be acted upon. He looked back into the container, at the scared faces of the kids, he really didn’t like being put in this situation at all, how was he to handle this now, but then, that was why he had made that call, the recipient was excellent at stuffs like this. He noticed something about the kids though, they were of different races, and he could trace a few of them just from their appearance; African, Asian, North American, South American, European, Australian. What would the WIC want with different races of kids though, he really couldn’t figure that part out as he started working on sorting the illegal goods and separating them from the actual goods. Not so long after he heard wind whooshing and beating of wings, he picked up a bag he had with him and headed out, he got to the clearing just as the dragon touched down and shifted back to human, a lady with similar features as he. He threw the bag at her once again thinking on how alike they really looked, anyone who had a close look at them both always asked the question are you twins? Or they’d rather say whoa you guys look so much alike, makes him want to grow beards faster than the rate it is currently growing. “What? No hello lil Sis?” The lady said when she caught the bag and he headed back towards the container. “There is no time for hellos and lil sis” he answered, he wondered how she couldn’t, get embarrassed at being start naked in front of him, even if they were siblings, she ought to still have some shame. “But you just said it, right now, right then, you said it, so where did you get the time to do that?” she asked in her usual pestering and stubborn way, whenever she gets the opportunity to be alone with him as such, she forgets her rank and becomes as troublesome as any other little sister to her elder brother. Dante signed he was prepared for this ever since he had called her, but then no matter how prepared he gets, she still manages to get under his skin, he loves her for it though, she is his only sibling in the world, how could he not. “C’mon, Dai, you really need to see this” Dante said to his kid sister and as she followed him even as she was getting dressed. “Hurr, don’t tell me that my big bro can’t handle one teeny weeny container of illegal drugs and pr…” she was saying but cut herself short when she saw the kids inside the container, they stood up when they saw her as well and stuck to the side of the container. “What? How?” she asked her brother totally confused and shocked at finding kids in the container, from the intel they got, it was just supposed to be drugs and products in there, not kids as well. “Well, I just opened it and found them there, this means this cargo must be very precious to WIC, I think we just hit the hornets nest and are about to get stung” Dante explained. “Well you are right, we have been doing this for a while, I knew it was only a matter of time that we were gonna catch something too big for us eventually” she agreed, they worked for the WIC after all hence how they could get info about such dealings which they always try to stop once they figure out it was going to be too dangerous for the public. She went close to the kids slowly and reassuring them that it was going to be ok, whilst Dante only kept on sorting through the goods, still removing everything illegal. The plan was to send the container right to where it was supposed to go but without any of the illegal stuff, and a problem with that now was that the kids were part of the illegal stuff. “D, have you checked these kids?” Dai asked while checking the kids herself. “No, I figured they are being taken to where they will be experimented on” Dante answered, he would really like it if he hadn’t been entangled in all this. “D, these kids are not being taken to be experimented on, they have already been experimented on” she said to her brother, taking out the tags tied to them and showing it to him. “What? They are dn mutants already, two bronze-backs, two platinum-backs and two wysterns” he said in shocked surprise reading from the tags, from the tags he noticed something else that made him sweat some more. “These kids are to be sold on the black market -to different world leaders I’m sure seeing that they are of different races- they will be used as weapons” Dante realized and got exasperated. “We have really bitten more than we can chew, haven’t we D?” Dai asked her brother as she as well realized the implication of the business deal they had just halted. “One of us has to take the fall for this, this is gonna be the end of the road, I think it should be me though” Dai said, right then, they both knew that was the only way things could even remotely be better for them both. “Does it have to be? I could as well take the fall” Dante responded instead. “C’mon bro, don’t be silly, they will know there is no way you are involved and I won’t be as well, but then the excuse for me could be that I just had to do this when I realized that kids were involved, everyone knows how much I love kids” she said reasoning with her brother. “Ok then, you have to go off the radar for as long as possible though, I’ll try to keep them off your actual trail as well till it all goes cold and you become untraceable” Dante said. “Well it won’t be easy, seeing as I’ll have these little ones with me, but I’ll try, oh and if you get any more, don’t hesitate to send them my way, we can’t keep letting the WIC have their way, they will cause the next world war if they open nations eyes to weaponized dn mutants” she said and Dante nodded in agreement. He was pained, this was the last time he would see his kid sister for a while now, not till things settle and he is able to go see her at whatever hideout she currently is at the time, but as it is, no one knows when this matter would due down or if it even will, this is a huge deal after all. As they finished up with the packing and all, Dai moved out with the kids, she had already prepared their minds that she would shift into a dragon and carry them on her backs and they would fly off, while Dante destroys all illegal products and leaves the container to go where it is sent. But as soon as they got outside of the container, a dragon descended, and not just any dragon a good old generation Volcanis, an original Eldrian, and one of the most dreaded breads of dragons. Dante looked at his sister Dai, and she looked at him as well, a silent agreement was made right then, it was either them plus the kids or the volcanis. Dante and Dai looked alike, they had the same hair color, dark grey with black highlights, they had the same deep grey eye color as well and even their face was almost structured the same except for the fact that Dante’s was manly while Dai was feminine. But the resemblance did not end there though, they were also both as powerful, ruthless, skilled, and dangerous both in human form and dragon form, both of them were diamond-backs, rare and formidable, and they would never allow anyone or anything to stop their advance. It was either them or the WIC and they sure as hell would never pick the WIC over each other.
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