Chapter 26

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They just kept coming and coming, there were so many of them, so much so that Ryoka was dripping wet, she was all soaked with sweat from perspiration and fatigue from fighting on and on to keep on holding the guards back. Adrian had warned her that out of the five buildings that was at the warehouse, one belonged entirely to the security of the place, they were like a mini army, they did drills like the army too, and in number they would conveniently be over forty or fifty in number, this was one of the reasons why there wasn’t usually a dragon with them, since they could very well handle even a dragon as well on their own thanks to their numbers and fair training. Ryoka had taken Adrian’s advice though and so she had found the bottleneck section of the warehouse and made her stand there, only a few of them could come to her at a time, hence making the fight easy for her to an extent, that plus the fact that they really weren’t professional fighters or killers, if she had to guess she would say most of them were from security companies and were not mercenaries, the issue she had though was that she was trying not to kill them and that made it a whole lot more difficult for her to keep up, seeing as they just keep coming no matter how many she knocks out. Another issue she had at first was their guns, they had actually shot at her, but then while in the heat of battle she discovered another upgrade to her dragon abilities. Normally, every time she fights she uses her dragon abilities like the dragon spectrum visions and the extra speed and strength, then for durability especially when she is about to receive a hit, she calls forth the scales to protect wherever the hit is coming to, the scales were really thick and strong after all. Damien had discovered this about her some time ago during training so he feigns his hits, pretending to want to hit a particular place but then he hits another place instead to get at her, but then Ryoka had eventually been able to start using the scales to counter even that. Right now though, unconsciously, without meaning to, the scales are acting as her defense seemingly on their own, as the battle progressed, she eventually got hit by the bullets that the guards shot and the barrage of bullets brought her to her knees at first, but all she felt was just a bit of the blunt trauma. She had been surprised as she traced her hands over where she felt the bullets hit, only to find patches of scales protecting just those points, there was no way even she could have been consciously precise to protect those exact points with the scales, so she knew at that point, that once again her powers had evolved, so she stood back up and kept on fighting, leaving the defense for her inner dragon to handle. The bodies were already piled up but still, more kept coming, the funny thing was that most of them did not even know of the foe they faced till they are able to get to her, they either got there to find out it was just one person rather than a band, or for some, they got there and found out it was only just a lady rather than a highly skilled man, to most of them, they had felt that they were under pressure of a much larger scale attack that was failing or falling apart or something, not knowing that the plan was going all too well, granted that Adrian was doing his bit. Then, an order passed through the ranks for them to stop the fight, Ryoka was almost relieved, but then she had no idea why so she was actually quite bothered, what if Adrian had been caught because they had found out why they were actually there and the distraction and disruption hadn’t worked? Ryoka thought to herself, but then she still put up a brave face and stood tall. Just then, someone walked through the midst of the other guards and came out to face Ryoka, the person happened to be a young woman probably in her late twenties, she had faded reddish brown air and tough features but her beauty was still very much notable, she was definitely older than Ryoka for sure but then her looks weren’t declaring that, and there was also a lot of authority about her, one that was beyond her age. The woman snapped her fingers twice and then the other guards started to carry away those that had been knocked down and unconscious, some of the unconscious ones were even coming to already and they groaned as they were helped along away from the scene, all of which the woman noticed. “Hmmpf, not one death, and you still look ready to take on a couple dozen more, which means you’re definitely not human, so who are you and what is your mission here?” the woman asked calmly with the authority she bore. “Hmm, top notch deductive ability, I see, finally someone with the brains, I’m guessing you’re the leader here? The commander or something?” Ryoka asked throwing back a question to the woman, she had quickly noted that she still needed to stall for time since she hadn’t seen the signal Adrian was to give, and since the woman was asking questions about who she was and why she was there, that meant they hadn’t caught him yet, they still hadn’t caught on to their mission yet. “I am the captain, yes, my name is Lilith, now answer me, who are you? And why have you embarked on this suicide mission? I have had my men search about the grounds and buildings but they couldn’t find anyone else, which means you really are alone, so probably you are a scout or something?” the woman said introducing herself and making more intelligent deductions albeit they were wrong deductions but then her words had just given Ryoka the best excuse to use to delay them since miraculously they hadn’t detected Adrian yet, how he did it though, she really would like to know. “Wow, you are worth every star to your rank, you know that right?” Ryoka said feigning being surprised “Quite right I am a scout, but then I have been found out before my team could get here, so my position had changed from scout to annihilator, because our mission is naught but one, the annihilation of the WIC Inc.” she said spilling a half truth and then she folded her arms across her chest as if in defiance. “What do you mean by annihilator or annihilation? I don’t believe that, if you really are what you say you are, then you wouldn’t have spared the lives of the many you’ve battled” Lilith said to Ryoka smirking and checking her out from head to toe, still trying to figure out the truth. “Oh really? Well then, why don’t you tell me what you believe I’m here for then, since you don’t believe my story” Ryoka said, she stood her ground staying on the spot even as Lilith paced about her but she dropped her arms back to her side should in case a move needs to be made, she knows that by showing confidence, Lilith would think she was faking it and so come to a different and wrong conclusion about what they were really about once again. Lilith stopped pacing and faced Ryoka “I believe you came her to steal, seeing as the bodies first found were the guards of the provisions store, both of them are still alive as well and I thank you for that, but then you have failed in doing that still yet, I believe you must have an escape plan which is why you are stalling right now, you need time for that plan to be able to work, hence why there is no point in killing anyone here, if it were that you were cornered and had no more options, then for sure you would have killed these guys” Lilith explained with wisdom, probably experience as well, although Ryoka didn’t want to believe that Lilith could have had so much experience in such little time of her age. Ryoka made a guilty look as if she had really been caught by Lilith, but then, although she was wrong full picture wise, she still got some things right like the fact that she needed the time to ensure Adrian is successful, Ryoka respected Lilith then from that instant on. “Well, allow me to give you this grace to try to stall for more time” Lilith said pulling off her camo jacket, “Fight me, I’ll only be aiming to capture you, after all you might very well be a very useful asset to the WIC, but then, as for you, I’m giving you the chance to aim for my life, so if you kill me or beat me either ways, you will be allowed to go free, on my honor” Lilith challenged Ryoka, she was holding her jacket to the side but she did not drop it and no one amongst her soldiers came to collect it from her either. Ryoka knew very well at that point that there was no way she could win against Lilith no matter how well or good she fought, but then she couldn’t turn down the offer, Lilith would only still just capture her, the only thing she felt she could do was accept the challenge and try to keep up just till Adrian was done, ‘why the heck is he taking so long?’ she thought to herself. “Fine then, I’ll play with you” Ryoka answered and smirked boldly, trying to still be confident about the whole thing when in all honesty she was now actually very scared of Lilith. “Tell me one thing then, what type and generation of Eldrian are you?” Lilith asked and then she dropped her jacket and at the same time rushed with phantom speed towards Ryoka who had been watching the jacket fall as Lilith had dropped it so she missed Lilith’s movement, and as the jacket hit the ground, so did Ryoka.
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