Chapter 25

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“Are you ready for this?” Adrian asked as he got dressed back up in his battle tights, he had brought them both here in his dragon form, a bright yellow dragon, sleek, yet broad, and a bit bigger in size than Ryoka’s dragon, he had fewer spikes but then his yellow scales pulsed with heat and a dull glow of light, should the glow get a bit more intense he’d mimic the moon in terms of radiance. While she rode on him on the way to where the mission was to take place, Ryoka had another experience that beat ordinary explanation, the exhilarating feeling of riding dragon back plus the feeling of being high in the clouds, because Adrian had to fly really high up so as to be unnoticed, taking his bright and pulsing scales into consideration. “As ready as I’ll ever be” Ryoka said with more than enough conviction, she actually believed she had found her purpose, that is until things about her could go back to normal for her (whatever normal meant for Eldrians and their descendants) but till then, her sole purpose is to search for every way and any way to keep on damaging the WIC Inc, she knows that she might not be able to cripple them, but at least she would do enough to make them limp. “Ok, just remember, you’re on security take out duty, and I’m on provisions acquiring duty, alright so let’s make this work” Adrian reminded and charged Ryoka, not that she was looking unsure or nervous, in fact she was looking way too sure of the whole thing than even he himself, and he had done stuffs like this before unlike her who had only done it one other time before, but then that is to be expected of someone that had taken a whole laboratory facility out all on her own and as a bonus she saved him as well, the fact that she could go ahead and do it all on her own was even enough for Adrian to be rest assured. “Yeah, yeah, let’s make it work” Ryoka replied and headed out first since she was meant to take out the security that they had in place and hold them back as well, mostly by causing a distraction that would get their attention focused on her, by so doing she would pave the way for Adrian to go into the provisions section of the warehouse and pack what is needed and as well go into the weapons section and pack what is needed there too, then would come the signal from him and they would make their escape as planned as well. The warehouse in total was much larger than she had anticipated, Adrian had tried with his descriptions and drawings both in the sand and on paper, but those descriptions and drawings didn’t do justice to how large the warehouse really was, the sight almost overwhelmed her, as she saw it at first from above while on Adrian’s back, and now as they had landed and she looked around while she moved. There were about five linked buildings which made up for the whole warehouse as Adrian had rightly listed and she went right for the provisions building first so that that would alert the security to her presence, then she would run off to the farthest building which according to Adrian held only raw materials and had a bottleneck region amidst the buildings, there she would hold off the hoard of the security as they came wave after wave, Adrian had promised that it wasn’t going to be easy though, but it all depended on how well, how long and how cunning she is to hold the position and keep the attention on herself, their rate of success depended on her. At first she had felt as if she was given the bulk of the work, but after thinking about it, there was going to be a whole lot more to do while packing than just fighting with the security which she loved to do and would gladly do. Ever since she had started training with Damien and she had covered a lot of grounds in martial arts and other forms of combat and warfare, even faster than Damien had anticipated, and ever since, she had suddenly found a passion in fighting, not just fighting, but then also hurting those who mean her harm. She walked slowly with her head bowed as she moved towards the provisions building as she spotted two guards, she actually expected to hear the guards voices demanding who she was and how she got there and what she wanted, but then they were slacking off on duty, most probably because they don’t get much activities around here, no one dares hit the WIC after all, but then all that was about to change drastically. She had gotten really close to them before one noticed her and called the attention of the other, they actually got scared and Ryoka almost went out of character by bursting out in laughter. “Hey, you sststop, who are you? How did you get in here?” The one who saw her first asked when he saw that his partner had been shocked speechless, the question was right on cue as Ryoka had suspected they would ask, it was just like a movie now. She stopped right then and smiled inwardly to herself, she suddenly had this wild idea of scaring them at first, since they are on the edge already, it’ll be pretty easy to push them off and get them out rightly scared out of their wits end, so she feigned a raspy voice. “I am here for your souls” she said in the raspy voice and the two guards actually squealed a bit and drew closer to each other, ‘Where do they find these people?’ Ryoka thought to herself and rolled her eyes, these ones were actual dummies and she could keep playing them all night, but then she had a crucial mission to attend to. “So what is it gonna be? Who is coming up first?” Ryoka asked again in the raspy voice, now the guards were spurred into action, it was then they remembered that they had guns and so they brought it out with shaky hands. “Let me go sound the alarm and alert the others to the threat” the other guard said, his own voice was actually trembling, so obviously he was the most scared of the two, and was looking for a way to escape rather than have his soul taken by a mysterious girl that seemed to appear out of nowhere demanding for their souls, Ryoka suspected that he has to be a superstitious type as well. “Ok, go quick, sound the alarm” the first guard said, but in sincerity he was pained that he hadn’t thought of the escape excuse first, now how was he going to handle the situation alone, he thought and the thought only made him more fidgety. “Oh but I’m sorry, I can’t let you do that” Ryoka said and moved in a flash towards the other guard, the next thing the first guard heard and saw was the other guard being knocked out cleanly without so much as any form of resistance from the guard who crumpled down in an unconscious heap. The first guard immediately fired off a few shots at her direction but then Ryoka was long gone, and when he stopped firing he couldn’t see anyone there save for his knocked out partner, he gulped hard and took a few steps towards his unconscious partner. Ryoka was right behind him though unbeknownst to him and since he had done what she needed him to do, she tapped him gently, startling him as he tried to turn around, but before he turned, she knocked him really hard across the back of his head, knocking him out cold as well, he had fulfilled his mission of calling the attention of the other guards in the vicinity to this place by firing off those shots, now all she need do was to lead them all to the farthest reaches of the warehouse thereby creating a clear path for Adrian to operate and carry out his own part of the plan.
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