Chapter 2: One Dreadful Night

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I stared at the ceiling as I reflected on my life. I guess I deserve everything that is happening in my life right now. I was the reason why my parents died. They sacrificed their lives just to save me and now I’m here living a hell of a life probably because I deserve to. The memories of that one dreadful night still haunt me up until this very day. It was a rainy night. I was just seven years old when it happened. I was asleep when I heard noises and loud banging around. I saw my mom entering my room. She looked scared and disoriented. She asked me to stand up and go with her. I was still sleepy; I didn’t know what was going on. All I know was that it was chaotic. “Mom, what is going on?” I asked her when she pulled me abruptly as she slowly opened the door out of my room. “Mom! Where is dad? Are we being attacked?” I started crying when Mom didn’t answer me and she was just looking around and was alert. “Ssssh,” She said as we made our way to the kitchen. It was dark. I guess they turned the lights off so we can move around freely without letting anyone see. We were almost at the back door when it opened and I saw Dad. He was waiting for us there and looked different as if he was carrying the weight of the world. I heard another explosion again and I flinched. I have never heard an explosion as loud as that before. I guess it was really so close to us. Dad guided us out and I saw what was going on. Fear crept through me internally when I saw some of the pack member’s houses were burning. Jeez, what the hell happened there? “Come on,” Dad said and held my hand. I was so scared to the point that I was holding his hand so tight. We were about to run to the woods when we were stopped by two men in front of us. They looked ready to kill us. They had guns that were pointing at us. I guess they were hunters. They’re the ones who kill werewolves and I think I knew already why my parents were pretty much shaken. There was news about werewolf hunters killing an entire pack and then burning the packhouses. They have special weapons most of them are advanced technologies that have poisons and can kill us in seconds. I was shaking. I wasn’t ready to die yet. I was scared for my life and for my parents. My dad put me behind him along with my mom. He was angry. He tried scaring them with his growl, but it was of no use. Dad turned to me and he had that look that I really didn’t want to see from him. He also looked at my mom the same way. Mom was crying as well and that made my heartbreak even more. *Run as fast as you can and never look back,* He told me and mom through our mind link. My tears were falling nonstop as I knew what he meant by that. He’s saving us no matter what. There wasn’t much time and before I could apprehend everything, dad shifted into his wolf form and lunged at the men in front of us. Mom pulled me out of there and we ran towards the woods. I kept on looking back and calling out to dad, but I don’t think he could hear me. He was fighting with those men and my heart was broken seeing him shot by one of them. I hope he gets to kill both of them. “M-mom, we should go b-back and help dad,” I cried out loud. We can’t just let him fight them alone. He’s going to die if they shoot him and he gets hit. “Just keep running, Aye, you have to make it out of here alive,” I have never seen mom as serious as that. Me? What about dad? What about her? Why do I feel like they aren’t going to be with me after this? “Mooom!” I screamed when someone held my hand and pulled me. A man with a gun was holding me so tight with his arms pressed on my neck. What the hell?! “Aye!” Mom called me out but she was held down by another man with a gun that was pointed at her head. I know how those guns can kill us in a snap because they were designed for werewolves and they were laced with poison. Everything happened too fast. The next thing that I saw was Uncle Meson jumping in front of us and taking me away from the man that was holding me. They rolled down to the ground and I was just standing there not knowing what to do. My mom was fighting with the man that was holding her earlier. She couldn’t shift because at anytime the man could easily pull the trigger and she'd be poisoned to death. They actually developed such advancements in their weapons against us which makes us fear them. We were caught off-guard, I guess because we didn't expect them to attack us. We were a pack with a good reputation and we didn't harm any human alive. We were taught to hunt and prey on wild animals and not on humans who the werewolf hunters swore to protect. "Run!" Mom yelled which made me snap out of my thoughts. She was pinned down on the wall and was giving her all to push the man on top of her. She looked weak and I saw bloodstains on the side of her shirt. Oh my gosh! I cannot leave her like that. I was crying and was gasping as I saw those blood. "Aye! Run!" Mom screamed at the top of her lungs. She was struggling and she was looking at me firmly. I turned my back on her while I was crying so hard thinking about how and where I would go. I couldn’t do it anymore. I stopped reminiscing about that night. My emotions would still get the best of me and I would feel my heart breaking into pieces once again. I sighed before I decided to go to the kitchen and get myself a glass of water. I stayed and cleaned the mess that they left behind because I was sure that Aunt Hillary would be mad if she went home to a messy house, even if they were the ones who made the mess in the first place. I always have to clean after them.
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