New Start, New Mark

4067 Words
I moved into a small apartment in Seattle as this is where my new job took me. I don’t take many jobs, only the higher-marked jobs that no one else can do or doesn't want to. They are more dangerous, mostly known to most as a suicide mission, because the chances of not only completing the job but coming out alive are very very slim chances, but those are the jobs I am good at. I am a chameleon- I can blend in, in any circumstances. Right now, as I wait for instructions for my job, I still go to school. I may not want to do this for the rest of my life or as much of one as I have left. This was my last year, so as you can guess, I can’t wait to get it done and over with. I just hope that my cover doesn't get blown. I am ripped away from my thoughts and my training as an alarm sounds, “s**t! Way to go, dumbass!” I yelled at myself. It was the first day of school and I was already late. How did I let this happen? So much for blending in… I ran from my small living room into my bedroom, ripping my clothes off as I headed for the shower. I jump in the shower with no time to set the water temp, as freezing cold water rushes out - s**t! s**t! s**t! I yelled, as it,, lands on my hot skin, from,, the work out, hurrying to wash up, shutting the water off as I wrap a towel around myself, I go to the sink grabbing my toothbrush and just squeezing the toothpaste on, then grab my hairbrush, trying to brush my hair and teeth at the same time while running into my room throwing clothes about to find something non eye-catching to wear, I throw my brush on my bed toothbrush still sticking out of my mouth,I just put on the first pair of underwear I grabbed, I put on a pair of black baggy jeans with the legs cut up, a dark green sports bra and a Halestorm t-shirt, running out of my room hopping as I put my socks on running to the front door, I slip on a pair of yellow work boots not even stopping to tie them as I grab my bag and run out the door throwing my toothbrush over my shoulder. I ran to school as it's not that far from where I live, just a few blocks. I keep running, when it hits me, s**t! I forgot to put in my contacts. Once I entered the school premises, I rushed to the bathroom, praying I had a spare set in my bag. Once in the bathroom, I dug in my bag, please, please, please… “YES!” I yelled as I pulled out the small package and hurriedly opening it and placing the brown color onto my violet-colored eyes, exhaling, I turn to leave the bathroom, just as the door opens 4 girls rush in excitement in their tone as they talk about new guys who also started, I exhaled once again as relief washes over me, with these new guys maybe, just maybe, I can go unnoticed which I think may have just been the case since none of the girls seemed to notice me. I smile at myself as I think great just as I like it. I left the room, heading to the office. Not once did any of the other students look my way. I was proud of myself for not being noticed, since I didn’t really give myself time for a full costume. But hey- it worked. I smirked as I laughed at myself. My cheer for myself didn’t last long. After getting my class schedule, I walked into the first class unnoticed or, so I thought, there is always that one that just has to f**k it up. Just as I sat in my seat, the girl next to me looks at me and practically yells, “OMG! You’re new, aren’t you?” just as she stretched out her hand to me, I felt all eyes were on me, ignoring it, I smiled as I took her hand. “Hi, I’m Teala Anderson- and you are?” answering in a small mousy tone. I responded with “Lita” Hoping it would be the end, but boy was I wrong, this girl went on about a mile a minute, about how she hoped I would like it here, all the clubs, the after-school tutoring, and on and on, I didn’t think she had an off switch till the teacher finally entered the room and she shut up like someone hit her mute button. Thank god! I never thought I would be happy to see a teacher. With about 3 min left of class, she looked over to me, a huge smile on her face, “So? What is your next class?” I shrugged as I pulled out my paper, just as I got it unfolded, she ripped it out of my hands with so much enthusiasm. OMG!! We both have the same classes. I will walk with you.” Well, so much for being invisible- this girl introduced me to everyone she passed. In between her fast, incoherent rants about I don’t even know, I couldn’t keep up with them. I couldn’t take it anymore. Just as I was about to say something, some huge guy walked up, bringing her into a hug “Teala, calm down, you’re going to scare the poor girl or give her a migraine.” she looks down as her cheeks start to heat up with embarrassment. He looks at me with a grin showing a little pity in his eyes as he says “Sorry about my sister, she gets a little carried away when she meets someone new. We don’t get many new kids here, but hey, at least she will get the party started, isn’t that right sis?” she smiles up at him then introduces us “ This is my biggest and eldest brother Mika. Mika, meet Lita.” he stuck out his hand with a smile before I could take it. A very loud sound came from behind us, making us all jump. At the end of the hall, a guy had another person pressed up against a locker. The sound I am guessing was the impact that came from the said body being slammed into the said locker, “ Don’t look”, Mika said with urgency as he tried to turn me away from the scene, but I wanted to know what was going on. “Why?” I asked as I still tried to see what was going on, “ Some things here are just best left alone.” he said with a serious look on his face, which I might add is very hot, this guy was very easy on the eyes, his hair a messy dark brown, the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen, long thick lashes that would make any girl jealous. I mean, jeez, this guy was perfect in every way. His sister was just as beautiful. The only difference was she had blonde curly hair and Hazel eyes. These two were really beautiful people, from looks right to attitude. “ So, who is that?” I asked, slightly annoyed, as no one did anything to help but I tried not to show it. Who knows, maybe the kid meeting the locker deserved it. Though something in me said otherwise. Mika and Teala looked at me. Teala was the one to answer, turning away “That Lita is trouble with a capital T. It’s best to stay away from him.” she started walking down the hallway as I decided to follow her to our next class. The hallway cleared pretty fast. Students separated me from Teala, so I was the last to get to the classroom. Just as I was about to enter, someone grabbed me, me being who I am, my instincts kicked in, but I needed to keep it cool to not let anyone know who or what I was. I had to play a meek little human, it was very clear to me that this guy was a vampire, as Teala and Mika are werewolves. I shut down and allowed him to pin me to the wall, though I was still seething in anger, I so wanted to rip this guy part. Sometimes I really hate being what I am. He had me pinned between him and the wall with both arms stretched on either side of my head with his face inches from mine, as he said “How did you like what you saw?” looking at my feet, not even glancing at him once. “I-I d-didn’t see anything.” I said in a hushed whisper, he removed one hand from the wall as he clasped his nasty rough and calloused hand on my chin, forcing me to look up at him, he must have mistaken the redness of my face from anger as a blush because he grind looking at me with a sick smirk as he said “I may decide to keep you as my girl.” I pushed him away and entered the class as if nothing happened I could still feel his eyes on me, s**t! Looking forward, I noticed Teala waving me over to the lab table, she was sitting. “Hey, where did you disappear from?” I looked at her with an annoyed look. Oh, I was just outside. Someone grabbed my attention.” worry washed over her face. “ Don’t worry so much, I may be new here but I can handle myself, besides nothing happened.” I tried to soothe her worry as I put a smile on my face. The class went by fast. Hell, most of the day went by fast, with no other incidents so far. Next was lunch. As Teala and I left the room, I asked her, “So is the food here at least edible?” she laughed. “Actually, yes. This is a very expensive school, hence the surprise when I saw you as a new student. I know we have a few others, but they are not the same, they were transferred.” we continued on as she continued to speak" We have one of the world's top 25 Chiefs that cook for us. I think you will be happy to see what our lunch is like.” she turned facing forward with a smile. Keeping the lunch a secret, I don’t mind, though I like surprises. Entering the cafeteria, my eyes widened, it was like a 5star restaurant only with several buffets. It's like a tour of the world. Each buffet represents a different country. Japanese, Italian, Greek, German, Indian, Indigenous, Mexican, you name them, they probably have it, but as soon as I saw the sushi I was a goner, I walked over with my mouth watering, there was lobster spring rolls, crab California rolls, smoked eel, salmon, tuna, squid, yellowtail. I grabbed my favorites, which were the lobster spring rolls, smoked eel, and salmon, with a cup of green tea, then I walked over to the Greek side and took a slice of Baklava for dessert. After paying to turn on my heel, I looked for the table where Teala and Mika were sitting, seeing they were sitting with a s**t load of people. I decided to find a quieter place, heading outside where I liked it best. There was an empty table, so I sat down and started to eat. But my quiet time was taken away when someone sat next to me. I tried my best to ignore them, hoping they would either leave me alone or just leave. ”Hi, I’m Evan, sorry about earlier. I was trying to mess with you. Sorry if I took it too far, I couldn’t help but notice you so I wanted to say hello.” I turned my head to look up, it was trouble with a capital T. Well, at least now I have an actual name. I turned my attention back to my food. “Well, are you going to tell me your name?” he asked as I kept eating my food. I responded in a nonchalant tone “Nope” He shifted in his seat as he cracked his knuckles, “why not?” I turned away, grabbing my tray, ignoring his question and walking away from him. The next thing I knew, my tray was flying out of my hands. “I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!” I huffed mentally as this guy was really trying my patience. Maybe I should be an actress later or if I get the chance to retire, because this would totally win me an Oscar, I winced at the tone of his voice and cowered away playing my part perfectly, when this job is done, this guy has a very rude awakening.” WHY WON’T YOU TELL ME YOUR NAME?” there was a loud growl coming from behind us we both Jumped at the unexpected sound, there stood Mika anger rolling off him in waves anyone near could feel, “Because she doesn’t need to. NOW BACK AWAY!” as Evan backed off, he looked at me with something I couldn’t make out in his eyes as he said “This isn’t over, mouse. I tried to be nice.” I knew just by his eyes he meant it. Was I scared? Hell no. Do I play the scared damsel in distress? Sadly, Yes, for now, anyway? I stood there shaking. Any onlooker would think it was from fear, but it wasn’t. I was fighting my inner self not to put him in his place. No one knows I am a Kitsune, as far as everyone out there thinks, my race is extinct. The strongest supernatural being out there. OK, well I mean the gods and goddess are the strongest, but I am not far below them. Mika came up wrapping his arms around me, taking me into a hug, “It’s OK, you are safe, we won't let anything happen to you.” I was wondering what he meant by "we". Soon my question was answered as Teala and 2 other boys joined us, all looking like they wanted to rip something or someone apart. Teala moved in, taking me from her brother. “Come on, after gym, I will drive you home, OK?” I nodded to her as I walked with her to the locker room. “So, Lita, tell me how are you at sports?” Teala asked with curiosity, “Honestly, I don’t know, I have never played any. I imagine with that alone I guess the answer would probably be, I'm not.” Teala laughed at my statement as she agreed “ Ya, probably. We will soon find out, this week in the gym is co-ed baseball. I will help you OK.” she looked at me for a second, then said, “or well try to anyway.” “Hey!” I faked a pout and pushed her shoulder playfully. We both laughed as she knew I wasn’t hurt by her words. She only spoke truthfully. We opened our lockers and Teala pouts as she says “ I don’t know who decided on these uniforms, but I feel like I am naked wearing them.” I looked at her with my brow raised. She pulled out very short booty shorts with a matching sports bra, yellow and black. While the shorts were black with a yellow waistband, the bra was yellow with a black band around the base with the school name Seattle Phoenixes with a phoenix in flames on the lower left leg of the shorts. I rolled my eyes. “Must have been a man,” I said, pulling my shirt off. “OMG, you have tattoos?” I looked at her as I laughed “Wow, you are observant, aren’t you?” I have Koi and Cherry Tree tattoos that went from my shoulder blades down mid-back, With two Koi fish swimming in a circle, as the Cherry tree starts at my left ankle and continues up to my ribs, there are more intricate designs as well as falling petals. The look on her face when I took my pants off was priceless. “ What? Do girls not get tattoos here?” I asked as I finished getting ready. “Well, yeah, but they’re mostly small, unnoticeable.” no one would have seen mine either had I known I would be this exposed, I would have covered it. “ It’s not a big deal” I shrugged as I put my long hair into two braids. “Well, shall we get our semi-naked asses out there or are we going to hide in here all day? Cause I mean I am fine with that as well.” Teala laughed at me as she started to push me out the door, “ You wish, besides, that beautiful tat needs some recognition.” We walked out to the sports center field where everyone was waiting. As soon as we approached, I felt eyes on me and I hated it. I really do feel naked, even more so now. These guys are raking their eyes up and down my body as the girls are glaring at me. I can't help but wrap my arms around my body protectively. “ For those of you who are new, my name is Mr.Garth , since you are new, you will not be expected to participate today, as I have not yet had a chance to separate you into teams that I had already assigned at the beginning of the year. You are, however, expected to join in on drills starting with stretches, then 40 sit-ups, 40 crunches, 40 pushups, then run 10 laps around the entire field. If anyone is caught walking, everyone runs until class is over.” I don’t know why he was looking at me when he said that. Probably because they think I am a weak human, since that is what they can smell, if anything, standing there I caught the scent of wolves, vampires, fae, and dragons. No humans in this class, though I know there are some as I could smell them in the hallways. He blew his whistle for us to begin. As I bent over to stretch, I felt on my ass. I rolled my eyes as I sat to continue my stretches, since I had to stay flexible, I did splits, stretching, touching my head to my knee, wrapping my hands around my foot on both sides, then turning to face forward still in a split. I stretched forward, placed my arms above my head, leaned my nose to the ground, I stood up, grabbing my right foot from behind and pulling it up, arching backward and repeating on the other side, going into my routine I do at home during my training sessions. When I was lost as to where I was, when I opened my eyes, all eyes, and I do mean all eyes were on me. f**k!I really need to be more careful. It isn’t like me to forget my cover. “ Damn girl.” I heard Teala say to my left, “ Oh I used to be on a gymnastics team in one of my old schools.” I lied through my teeth hoping she would buy it and not ask further questions. I was lucky as she responded with “ oh no wonder.” as she shrugged her shoulders, losing interest. We paired up for the sit-ups and crunches, taking turns holding each other's legs down. Yes, legs straight on the ground, not knees bent. This is how they do it here. We get up after our sets are done and start jogging to start off. I am rammed several times as I hear the words from those passing, “don’t you dare f**k up” with looks that could kill. I smirked as I continued to run. Normally I would smoke all these assholes, but not today. I made my body heat up so I would sweat, leaving them with the impression that I am, as they think, a human. I even stumbled here and there and slowed down, huffing and puffing, trying to make the effort look real and it must have worked because, next thing I know, Teala is next to me, “ Lita, it's ok if you need to stop, don’t hurt yourself.” I look at her as I am huffing, “How many more laps? I lost count.” “You have this one, but you still have a long way to go.” I looked ahead at the long track hugging the football field as I huffed. I say, "Nah, I can do this, besides,. it's all I have to do today, since I don’t have to participate in the rest of the class, you go ahead and finish OK, see you after class,” I. huffed, wiping the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand. She looked at me with concern before she ran off, leaving me behind. I finished off my run and to keep up with my farce, I fell to the ground huffing for air, making it seem like I needed it, when, in fact, I was perfectly fine, as I laid there I slowly brought my body heat down as I no longer needed to produce sweat. I sat there watching the class play their game. It seemed easy enough. Soon the class was over after showering and getting dressed, I walked to the parking lot with Teala just as we reached her car Mika ran up to us, “ Hey Teal, I need a ride.” “ What happened to your car?” she asked with a raised brow and arms crossed. “The Twins needed it, they got out at lunchtime, so I gave Jasper the keys.” “WHAT? They - got out early? No fair,” she pouted “ how did they get so lucky?” Mika shrugged his shoulders, “you know how it is, they get straight A’s no matter what. So now they get half the day off.” Teala pouted as she unlocked the doors “ I really need to get them to help me.” not sure what the hell I was thinking but I opened my big mouth. “I can tutor you, I have a photographic memory so I get great grades as well.” Teala squealed as she hugged me “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” she cheered. I couldn’t help but laugh. We got in the car. Mika, being a gentleman, offered me the front and sat in the back. I told Teala the directions to my apartment. Once we pulled up she looked up at it with her nose scrunched up. “ You live here?” “ umm, yeah.” she turned to me with her eyes so wide I swear if they went any wider they would fall out of her head. “ Oh hell no! Lita you can’t live here..” I looked at her with my own shocked expression “what? I kind of don’t have a choice. I have little money and haven’t found a job yet. It's not permanent.” OK, so I lied again. I have a lot of money, but I don’t like to show it off. The only purpose of money, to me, is a place to sleep and food. That’s it. She looked back at Mika with a pout. “It's fine Teala, I am OK here, I promise.” I told her as I got out, “I’ll see you Monday, OK?” “ Well, what about the dorms? They are way better than this s**t hole.” They are full, besides I like my privacy.” she just nodded her head as she looked at me with a worried look. Mika got out and moved to the front, then they drove away.
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