The Mark

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As I entered my apartment, there was a manila envelope on my floor that was pushed from under the door. As I threw my bag and keys down, I walked to my bedroom, opened the package and pulled out the contents. As I pull out the document there is a plain sheet of paper that says targets payment of 5 million each. That’s not right. There should only be one mark. I moved the paper to see a handsome older gentleman with a kind smile. Name- Peter Alaster Anderson Age- 49 Race- Native American/ Werewolf Rank- King Alpha Pack- Luna carmesí (Crimson Moon) Profession - CEO Anderson, Inc Next is a beautiful woman with the same kind of smile, love, and joy showing through her striking bright hazel eyes. The image shows a woman of love and warmth. Name- Nina Jade Anderson Age- 46 Race- Irish/Werewolf Rank- Queen Luna Pack- Luna carmesí Profession- Fashion designer I flip to the next and my stomach drops. There is a picture of Mika, Name- Mika Xavier Anderson Age- 23 Race- Irish/Native American/ Werewolf Rank- Prince/Future King Alpha Pack- Luna carmesí Profession: college student/ Seattle, Phoenix Higher learning academy With 3 other photos to go. I flip through quickly. Sure enough, there are the twins I saw at lunch, Name- Jasper Ryse Anderson Age 22 Race- Irish/Native American/ Werewolf Rank - Prince/Future Beta/ future Alpha king Pack- Luna carmesí Profession-college student/ Seattle, Phoenix Higher learning academy Name Jax Ryder Anderson Age-22 Race- Irish/Native American/ Werewolf Rank- 2nd Beta/ Future Alpha king Pack- Luna carmesí Profession-college student/ Seattle, Phoenix Higher learning academy Then my heart dropped as I reached the last photo. I closed my eyes and breathed out, please don’t be Teala. I opened my eyes and looked down at her, looking up at me with her bright shining eyes and warm loving smile. Name- Teala Snow Anderson Age-21 Race- Irish/Native American/ Werewolf Rank- Princess Pack- Luna carmesí Profession-college student/ Seattle, Phoenix Higher learning academy My heart stops. Why is this family targeted? Normally, I am only asked to deal with high-risk marks, the scum of the earth, the lowest of the low. What is going on? I looked at the information in front of me. What the f**k, this can’t be right? I may be an assassin and a very good one, I might add, but I don’t just go out killing people. There is nothing more to this file, there has to be more. There is always more. I dig into the envelope looking for a drive, a disk, anything of their crimes, but there is nothing here. Something isn’t right, I grab my phone. Call my handler “why are you calling?” he says in a confused tone. I never call. “ What the f**k is this s**t, Collen?” “To what are you referring to?” “ WHAT THE f**k IS WITH THESE TARGETS? THIS BETTER BE A FUCKEN JOKE! I DON’T KILL FAMILIES AND I DON’T KILL WITHOUT PROOF OF HEINOUS CRIMES. THERE IS NOTHING HERE COLLEN, NOTHING!” “Whoa, calm down Shadow, I don’t know what you are talking about. I haven’t sent you your target yet. As a matter of fact, I am looking at it now.” “If you didn’t send this mark, then we have a huge problem, a very, very huge problem. Not only am I compromised, but the Royal family is in danger. We can’t allow this. They need our help.” “I agree with you. This is indeed a problem. How do you feel about changing it for one? Instead of taking lives, how about you save some for a change of pace? As for you being compromised, there is no way anyone would recognize you. They're all dead, so maybe it was a mistake in delivery? However, there are other operatives in your area who work for me. I can give a heads up if you want? Also, did you set up your perimeter once you got there?” “I am going through the footage now,” I tell him as I put the files back. Whoever these were meant for may just come to collect them. “I am sending you a still of the person who slipped it under the door. I want everything on this guy ASAP.” I hung up the phone as I stared at the man on the screen. This guy looks dirty, almost homeless. I would make a guess that he was a rogue. About 5’10” black oily shoulder-length hair, brown eyes, long beard, ratty clothes. I note that as I make my own file on this guy I want to know everything about him.. I put the file in a secret compartment I made as soon as I moved in, then went to the living room to set up my training Items. Just as I was about to head to the closet, there was a knock at the door. Walking over to the door, I waited a bit as I couldn't look through the peephole as there was a small camera there. I stepped back, opening the door, there stood a man, I would say about 24 years of age, my eyes locked onto his Jade-colored eyes. I was momentarily stunned as I took him in. This guy was built like a god, a tanned body that would heat up any woman had. He was giving me a chill of eery coldness. Even his perfect smile froze the very blood flowing in my veins, turning it to ice. “I believe a package was delivered to you by accident,” he said in a deep husky tone. I snapped out of my trance “I’m sorry?" I asked, a little confused. "A package was delivered here earlier, where is it?" He demanded "what does it look like? I have had a lot delivered while I was out.” so he described it to me. I then turned around on my heel to go into my room. Once I came back into the living room, I was instantly pissed. This guy just invited himself into my house. I don’t let it show, however, I have a feeling I know what may happen. First the intimidation, then the threat next is death, but it won't come to me killing him, because I know what he is, and I am a good actress. However, I couldn't help but to push his buttons. “ Excuse me! I did not give you permission to enter my home!” he looks at me with a chilling grin as he says “ I don’t need permission from a weak woman, now where is my package?” he bit out." Find it yourself. I bit back at him as I roughly shoved the stack I was holding at him. He went through them until he found what he was looking for. Looking at it closely “You didn’t open this, I hope, for your sake.” with as much threat as he could muster, his voice like venom. “ No, I haven’t had a chance to open it yet, I just got in a few minutes ago. And even if I had opened it, what the hell would you have done? Not a damn thing.” I bit out at him. He looked me up and down, his cold eyes raking over every inch of my body before he looked me in the eyes. “It wouldn’t end well for a gorgeous piece of ass like yours.” I scoffed at him as I rolled my eyes “Ya well, I didn’t, so you can leave.” as soon as that left my lips I was pinned against the wall behind me, his eyes staring right into mine his hand on my neck. Then his eyes started to take in every inch of my face as if to memorize it, just millimeters away, his nose barely touching mine, his coffee and smoke-scented breath fanning my face. Just as quickly as he pinned me, he was gone. I think he was looking to see what I was, or if my heartbeat picked up from fear which it didn’t. Then I heard him in the hall as he walked to the right. He was calling someone. “Yeah, I got it.” “No, there is nothing to worry about, she is just human, she didn’t even open it.” “ I am looking at it now.” “Are you crazy? It is a suicide mission for very little pay. 5 million isn’t even enough to get my ass out of bed, let alone to kill multiple high-security marks. The chances of getting one, let alone 6, is impossible.” “I don’t care how high you’re willing to go, I will not go against the royal family, I am not stupid.” “ Go ahead asshole, try to send someone to take me out, good luck on that. You don’t have enough manpower to afford to lose anyone if these are your targets.” “Don't threaten me!” “Because - when I find you, and I will, I will rip your f*****g head off.” “The Shadow? Hahaha really? Yeah, OK man, good luck finding him, no one knows who he is or how he gets his targets. I really doubt a piece of s**t like you knows who it is, because if you had, you wouldn’t be looking for a hitman. They would be dead by now. But hey thanks for the laugh.” There was nothing else said after that, I heard him open his door approximately 3 doors down. Then slam it shut. I ran to my room to get the image and send it to Collen. I wanted to know who this was. There is a good possibility that this guy could be an ally. After that, I get my training gear on, set up my equipment and start my workout. As I punched the bag I wondered how in the hell I was going to protect 6 people at once when they were all over the place. I am so used to working alone that it’s hard for me to ask for help. I know if they are to live, I need to, and soon, starting with getting close to Teala, Mika, and the twins, which is going to make this even harder. I have survived so long because I have no weakness. No one, to be used against me, but I know that no matter what, even if you totally loathe the person, feelings do tend to enter the heart. Sometimes loathing turns to fondness or even love. I need info. The sooner the better. After my training, I put my gear away, then got into the shower, washing away the tension and stress left over from the workout. Just as I dried off and got dressed, there was another knock at my door. I went to answer it, there stood Teala. I was stunned to see her as I didn’t tell her my apartment number and there was no way she followed my scent. As I do not give one-off for that reason, I keep it hidden. For the moment, as soon as I walk into the building, I hide all of my scents, even my human scent, so as to not be followed. I am pulled out of my thoughts as she says “ Sorry, I got your address from the office, I would have waited, but this homework for calculus is kicking my butt, I need help.” she looks at me with a sheepish look. I couldn’t help but laugh a little, “Sure, come in, I was about to make dinner, would you like some?” I asked as I opened the door wider for her to enter. She smiled at me with a bright smile saying “sure I would like that.” she moved into the living room, setting her bag down. I tell her to make herself at home while I cook. She turned on the TV as I went to the fridge, grabbing the things I needed. About 45 minutes later, our dinner was just about done. I could hear the door open from down the hall. Listening closely, I could hear the guy from earlier, walking down the hallway, stopping in front of my door. I laughed internally as I could hear his stomach growling, then going back to his own apartment, the smell of the homemade Chicken Mushroom Alfredo and the four-cheese garlic bread must have brought him. I know the guy seemed like a dickhead, but... If I am correct and this guy can be an ally, I need to play nice. This will give me a chance to see if I can trust him, seeing how he thinks I am human and one of his targets is in my apartment, which I am sure he caught her scent the moment he hit my doorway. I didn’t like the fact I was about to use Teala as a pawn, but I really had no feelings for her either way, so her being bait was OK with me. Besides, nothing would happen to her. If he can be trusted, he won't do anything to harm her and even if he changed his mind, I would be there to protect her, even kill him in front of her if need be, but I really think there is nothing to worry about. So I looked over to Teala after I set the table for 3, telling her I would be right back. Walking down the hallway, I could hear him pacing in his apartment. His stomach is growling so loud I can't help but feel bad for the guy, an assassin's life is hard, with not much work, and little pay for some. When a job finally does come, the pay isn’t enough to last. The job he just turned down would have set him for life, so money isn’t the reason for his passing on it. I couldn’t help but wonder why. I, on the other hand, am the highest-paid assassin there is, so I never go hungry, plus I never pay for high-end living-so sitting in my bank account I have well over 100,000 billion untouched. If I can get him on my side, I will pay him well, but first things first. To make it look good, I knock on a couple of doors, apologizing with a “sorry, wrong apartment.” Then move to his door. I can hear him by the door already looking out the peephole as I knock. While I wait for him to open, I try to think of what to say. Soon the door opens, he is staring right at me with a cold stare. “Um, hi, I know we didn’t get off on the right foot today. I felt bad for how I treated you after you left, though I got the impression you really don’t like me, but you are the only neighbor I have met and would hate to be on bad terms. So I was wondering if you would like to join me and a friend of mine for dinner,” I said. Looking back between him and the floor trying to be a convincing human, he looked at me with a skeptical look before he said,” How did you know where I live?” I looked at the floor as I answered “I heard you slam your door shut earlier, so I knew it was down this way, so I knock on a couple of doors and well here you are.” he just stands there listening to my heart beating to catch me in a lie however, my heartbeat stays the same, “ I- I do cook very well, so you don’t have to worry about getting sick or anything, I promise. But, if you don’t want to, I- I understand.” I say as I turn to walk away. “Wait,” he says as he touches my arm. I flinched a little. After all, I mean having the same man touch you after an incident such as earlier that afternoon would only make sense. Right? He pulls his hand away, as he says “what are you having.” I smile internally because he is now trying to pull the human card pretending he doesn’t know. “ Um, homemade Chicken Mushroom Alfredo, with four cheese garlic bread. But if you are busy, maybe another time.” I walked away with a smile on my face. I knew he would come. Not even. 3 minutes after I entered my apartment. As I started to put the food on the table, there was a knock on the door. I excuse myself from Teala who is now sitting at the table, sorry we have one more guest. I say as I make my way to the door, “ Hi, come on in, umm I am Lita by the way, thank you for accepting my invitation, please come in.” I open the door wider for him to enter as he passes he says “ Harley, and thank you for the invite it smells wonderful.” I laugh a little with a “wait till you eat it.” we make our way to the table as I introduce them, “Harley, Teala, Teala meet Harley” they smile at each other and shake as we take our seats, “Please help yourselves.” I say with a smile. Harley took our plates, dishing out ours before himself. This act took me by surprise as he didn’t seem like the gentleman type earlier while he had his hand around my throat. But then if I were in his shoes, I would have done the same. In our line of work you have to be ruthless, and cold you can’t show weakness as it could be the end of you. We spent dinner just talking about nothing personal, but about movies we have seen, the music we like, etc. Not once did he look at Teala even sideways. This guy is pretty good at acting as well, but it's hard to tell if this is an act or if this is the real Harley, not the Assassin/hitman. If he's anything like me, it's half-half. After dinner, I expected him to leave right off, but he didn’t. He cleared the table, then did the dishes. He said it was his way of thanking me. While he did that, Teala and I set off on her homework. It was assigned last week before I got here. I soon found the best way to show her how to do it, so after about 2 hours it was done. Now it was roughly around 8 pm so she said her thank you’s and goodbyes. Once she left, I realized I was alone. I am not sure when Harley left because he never said goodbye, huh, strange, I thought to myself. Instead of dwelling on it, I headed into my room to get ready for bed, pulling on a light blue silk button-up short-sleeve nightshirt and black booty shorts I crawled into bed and fell asleep.
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