The Pack House

1552 Words
“No, I’m not,” I scream in his face, struggling to get free. “You are, you saw all those wolves out there. The females and males separated at some point. That’s called the chase, it’s where we find our mate, I took you because you are my mate and no one else’s,” he says. ”I’m not even like you, your a monster and I’m not, now let me go,” I order and start kicking at him. ”I hope you know I’m stronger than you, I’m an alpha,” he says. ”I will never be your mate!” I scream. ”Who do you think is going to be your mate? A human? People constantly get divorced, but werewolves never leave their mate,” he says. ”Yes, because they aren’t monsters,” I say. ”We don’t kill each other for games,” he states. My wrist starts to ache in pain.  “Please, let me go,” I say. ”Why should I?” he asks. ”You’re hurting me,” I say. He lets go of my wrist but doesn’t step away. I rub my wrist, then look up at him. Why do I have to be his mate? Why did I have to go into the woods tonight? He takes a step forward and hugs me. I breath in the smell of him, it’s the smell of vanilla. I hug him back, warmth covering me. “I didn’t think you would be able to smell my scent so quickly,” he says and let’s go of me, his voice going back to when he first talked to me. “What do you mean? I just smelled vanilla,” I say. “Only werewolves can smell each others scent, but when it’s a human and a werewolf, humans can’t smell the scent until after they mate and you aren’t a werewolf because you would of gone to the chasing tonight, unless you, no it can’t be,” he says. ”What is it?” I say. ”It’s just that it hasn't happened before since a women can’t handle it that isn’t a werewolf,” he says. ”Well, if it helps my mom wasn’t ever in the picture, and by the way, my name is Krysabelle,” I say. “But hybrids can’t survive, and my name is Sebastián,” he says. ”What do you mean?” I ask, curiosity over coming me. ”A hybrid can’t survive the change unless it is helped by an alpha. And every werewolf goes through the change at age 14,” he says. ”That never happened because werewolves are not real,” I say. Werewolves are not real, my mind is playing tricks on me, I’m going insane. This can’t be happening to me, I’m the most sane person in my family. ”They are real. I am one, and I’m the alpha of the pack. I’m trying to figure out how you are still alive,” he says. ”Well when I was 14 I had a transplant and that helped me survive cancer,” I say. ”That makes you even more beautiful,” he says. I blush no one has ever called me beautiful and the way he said it makes me feel more beautiful. I look away to hide my face, my pink hair flows over my face not letting me see anything. Yeah, I have pink hair and I love it. He grabs my chin and makes me face him. This time it’s gentle not rough.  “What was that for? Are you shy now?” he asks knowingly. ”No. it’s just, it’s just...” I say, trying to find something to say. ”Cat got your tongue?” he says jokingly. ”No,” I say. ”Why do you act like that then?” he presses. ”Because no one has said that to me.... ever,” I say. He leans down and kisses me. I’m in shock. Why would he kiss me? I finally give in and start kissing back. What am I doing? Why am I kissing him? Why am I letting him kiss me? I finally pull back and we stand there in silence.  “Why did you just kiss me?” I say to break the silence between us. ”Who says that I can’t?” he asks. ”I do, you can’t just be kissing people that you hardly know and doesn’t want to be kissed by you,” I say. ”Well, I’m pretty sure that you liked it,” he says. ”No I didn’t like it. It-it was sloppy and I can tell that you haven’t kissed anyone before,” I lie. It was actually pretty good but I can’t give into this monster.  “You’re lying,” he says. ”I know for a fact that I’m not lying because I only tell the truth,” I say. ”Hey, did you know that we can tell when our mate is lying? And especially alphas know when their mate is lying,” he says. Oh my god what am I going to do? I look around the room for a way to escape.  “And by the way we know when a human is lying,” he says. ”Well, maybe your lying detector is broken,” I simply say. “And you wouldn’t be looking around the room to escape and that’s what liars do to escape the situation that they are in,” he says. ”I just want to go home, I’m missing The Flash right now,” I say. ”It’s eleven  thirty. I don’t think that is on right now,” he says. ”I just want to go home, to my bed and sleep,” I say.  “My wolf won’t allow that,” he says. ”No, I’m saying that to you, not some wolf, that I want to go home and my dad is probably worried sick about me,” I say. ”I will allow you to go but you need to come back tomorrow and every night after that,” he says. ”I can’t do that my dad will see me,” I say. ”You have to, or you will experience being sick all the time,” he says. ”I have to go,” I say. ”Okay but please come back, I’ll have the beta take you home,” he says. He takes hold of my hand and leads me out of the room and down the stairs. It feels weird holding someone’s hand that I hardly know. My hands start to sweat because I’m so nervous. ”Can you please stop being so nervous,” he says. ”I can’t come back,” I say. “You have to, I have to prep you for the transformation,” he says. We walk outside to a car and I get in. The driver drives away from the house. I look back and he stands there until I’m about five blocks away when we turn down a different road.  “Where do you live Luna?” supposedly the beta says. ”I’m not Luna, it Krysabelle and I live right next to the school, the green house with a brown door,” I say. He turns again and I start to get sleepy and I drift off to sleep. -The Dream-  I look around and I’m in a dark room. I’m in chains on the ground. A person walks inside the room, I think it’s a man. ”The Luna of the most dangerous pack is a hybrid, that makes me laugh, I can use you against him,” he says. ”I guess you forgot silver doesn’t effect hybrids,” I say. I tug at the chains and they come up from the ground unleashing me. I swing a chain towards him and it hits him, he drops to the ground. I look around to escape, I suspect there is guards on the other side. I see a window and start to break it. I’m crawling out but then someone tugs on the chains that are still attached to me and I hit my head. I wake up to someone screaming my name. ”Krysabelle we are here,” the beta says. ”Oh sorry bye,” I say and get out. As soon as I reach my room after I’m inside, I fall asleep again.
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