Chapter 1.

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"You will meet the love of your life next month." The old lady Said looking directly at him. "Complete baldadash," Marek Balinski swore within himself. What was he even thinking coming to see a future teller? In all his 35 years, he had never done anything as stupid and rash. He had just come out of a long term toxic relationship and he didn't expect the old woman to talk to him about love. He was done for now and wanted a rest from love. He was planning a tour to China, he has an ex girlfriend turned friend five years ago who was living in Beijing, he was planning to visit her in the process. "Can you tell me something else?" He growled at the woman who shook her head. "You'll determine your own future." She smiled at him and he frowned. Duh, Ofcoarse No one was going to determine his future for him. Time to run from this bullshit. He was a God fearing man and though once in a while he did crazy stuff, that didn't mean he was a bad guy. He thought the old woman had a creepy smile, anything to get away from her, so he just nodded, got up from his sitting position Which had already started giving him cramps in the muscles by the way, and he exited the building. When he reached outside he glared at his friend Aleksander Wojcik who grinned back at him. "How did it go with the....?" Aleksander asked. "Don't you ever, make such a stupid dare with me." Marek cut him off rudely then he turned to walk down the street to his car. "C'mon man, it wasn't that bad, was it?" "It was the worst dare I've ever done, remind me not to lose a bet to you next time." Marek growled as he opened his black BMW convertible and got inside. His friend chuckled and went over to the passanger door. "So, what's on the list today?" Alek asked. "I'm dropping you off to your house then I'll pick a package which I have to deliver today." Marek answered normally. "Cool, because I got plans tonight." Alek wiggled his eyebrows. "Don't even think about anything like inviting me over, I've had enough of you today." "Hey, who said I was inviting you?" Alek protested, "Just so you know I've got other friends." "Ofcoarse, the nerdy ones." Marek said arrogantly. He knew Alek considered himself lucky to have him as a friend. People like him were hard to come by, handsome, independent, Boss, dare he continue? He smirked as he watched Alek sideways, even though Alek used to play him once in a while, Marek always managed to push the other man's buttons. "Okay, here we are, say Hi to Ola." Marek said to Alek who was getting out. Ola, was Alek's teenage sister. She had moved to Warsaw to live with her brother. She always said the country side with her parents was too boring for a girl her age. ****** Emerald looked at the notice for the second time. She took a picture of it and made sure She used the right translator to translate it. She was going to make two years already in China but her Chinese hadn't improved that much. She could try to communicate Ofcoarse but when it came to writing and reading hanzi (chinese characters) her head couldn't even think further than nihao , Yes, it was that hard. She sighed as the notice became clear to her. She and her other foreigner friends were being evicted from their apartment. Reason? The LandLord had illegally constructed another wall inside to make an extra room, How housing Management office found out? The old chinese neighbours had complained about a lot of foreigners sharing an apartment. As far as Emerald knew, they lived six people in the apartment, three separate rooms and two people in each room. Okay, maybe that was too much for some people, but Beijing houses were expensive especially for foreigners, so they had to make sure not to live lavishly because they were always here not to stay. They had come to work for a better life back home, not to spend money like they were retired or on holiday. So, the ultimatum to still use the apartment was as long as every room inside the apartment was occupied by one person, no sharing. Emerald took a picture and posted it on their roomates group chat. The others were also shocked by the news. Being evicted wouldn't have been a problem at this time, and it wasn't for the others either because there was enough money to rent other cheaper houses. But Emerald had planned earlier that she would leave Beijing to go and study in the South of China, hopefully Shanghai, so She hadn't wanted to fill in Application forms by herself and She had hired an agency to help her, because they had connections and understood chinese very well. So, some of the money had been paid to the agency to work on that. She had a little more money left, but She also couldn't risk signing a house contract of six months or a full year because She only had a month until her JW forms returned from the University. "Eme, what are you gonna do?" Her roomate, Anapieva asked her. They had talked about it and agreed that Ana would be the one to stay because originally the house contract had her name on it. Ana, who was from Krygzakstan was both her roomate and classmate in a chinese language class. They had met there and became friends. Ana, had been there for Emerald a lot of times. She had offered her a place to stay when Emerald needed one urgently, the time She was to return from Shenzhen and had no place to go to. "I don't know, Ana, I'll definitely think of something." Emerald assured her friend. She had only one week to find a place, so the sooner She started packing the better because she had a lot of stuff. She had to buy more suitcases in order for everything to fit. "Okay Gal, but just so you know, you Can stay a little longer." Ana assured her. "I know Gal, it's just that you've done enough and I don't want to load on you too much." Emerald Said. "C'mon, don't say that. You know for me it doesn't matter." Ana replied. Emerald has always loved her for her forwardness and honesty. If she never liked anything, She would say it outright and if She liked something She would also admit it. She never had to lie to make anyone like her. "I know," Emerald groaned falling backwards on the bed, "I just want this to be over with. Because I don't like being in suspense. If my forms can just return now, I would just know where to go and what to do next." "Don't think too much, my dear. Just take your time." Ana said as she sat by her vanity table and removed her makeup. They both agreed and Emerald turned to her phone as Ana finished with her preparations for tomorrow's class. Emerald smiled, the two were total opposites, how they managed to get along, no one knew. While Ana was organised, Emerald was not, Ana was white, Emerald was black, Ana was Asian, Emerald was African, Okay the list could go on and on. But the point here is they were good roomates. They had divided their very big room in two so that everyone had their side of everything, there were two big wardrobes with mirrors on them. There were also two tables and chairs. The only thing they shared was the big blue comfortable Couch, it was irresistible.
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