Chapter 8

1242 Words
They arrived home by 8:20pm and Emerald got out her key and unlocked the door. "Home Sweet home." She said with a grin as Marek slumped down on the couch then got up and went to the kitchen. "Do you want a coffee?" He asked "umm, sure." Emerald answered. coffee was not really her thing because of it's bitter taste. She rather prefered a Latte because of it's smooth velvety taste. "You don't sound sure." Marek pointed. "I don't really like coffee, especially at night. I just love the smell." She answered as She slumped down on the same couch Marek was on earlier. Five minutes later, he came out with two cups and handed her one. "Thanks," She muttered and put the cup to her nose, loudly inhaling the content. "Hmmm, smells amazing." She groaned and laid back. Marek came to sit next to her as he watched her. That simple action had caused his heart to race a bit. He had stayed at home being bored and he imagined he was going to miss her again tomorrow. would She accept to go with him after school again? "So, what did you do half of the day?" Emerald asked suddenly. She couldn't imagine what they would talk about, but somehow conversations had to be made. That's what Xiao hui kept on pushing her to do. "Actually I woke up late, then I realised I couldn't use my phone for anything. I was so bored and decided to go out and met Olive, she's the one who directed me to Olympic park." "Oh, great. Let me see your phone." She held out her hand and he dropped it there. "What you need is a good VPN, and helpful apps that will make life a bit easy for you here." She shared with him her vpn and Chinese Baidu translator app, then connected him. It took almost half an hour and soon he was connected. He watched her as She worked silently. She could squeeze her face or bite her lips if She concentrated. It was cute and Sexy he couldn't stop a smile. She then gave it back and his messages came flooding in immediately. He was flooded with relief since he could now keept track of his business and family. "Thank you so much." He Said rather loudly making Emerald laugh. She had noticed throughout the day that he talked a bit loud and firmly. He's English was s**t Ofcoarse but having spent all her years with different people who couldn't speak English as a first language, She understood everything. "No problem." She said, finished her coffee and got up. "I'm gonna shower and sleep, I have an early day tomorrow." She was suddenly reminded of her situation as She stood on her feet. She felt dizzy and paused by the wall to settle her head. "You alright?" Marek asked noticing her face. "Yeah, I'm good." She Said and stood straight then continued to the bathroom. Her mood was on and off, She liked men then She suddenly didn't. She showered, towelled herself dry then wore her big T-Shirt. She took her inflamable bed and walked to the other room. "Goodnight," She muttered as She walked passed Marek. "You're going to sleep now?" He asked. "Yes, it's almost 10 and I have to wake up early tomorrow." She continued to the next room where She lay her bed down and pumped air in it. "Wait, by the way, Can i see where you sleep?" He asked standing up. "Why?" She asked hesitantly. "Because Xiao hui told me I was sleeping in your bed so I wanted to make sure you are comfortable." "Oh, don't worry about me. I'm Good." You're not! "Psst." She truly wasn't comfortable. "Are you sure?" He asked as he eyed the thin skinned bedding. It looked totally uncomfortable. "We can share the bed if you don't mind, I know I don't." "No, I'm good, Thanks." She answered rather too quickly. She wasn't sure she would keep her Hands to herself if they shared the bed. His body looked so magnificent She could imagine how just a touch would feel like. "Goodnight." She forced a smile and he smiled back. He backed away and She closed the door of the room. No Girl had ever turned down his offer to share a bed. He wasn't even offering s*x, just sleeping on a comfortable place, which was hers already Ofcoarse and she had refused. He went back to the bed, put on some soft music and laid down and remembered the day's events. In all his wildest dreams, he couldn't imagine meeting a woman like Emerald. How had fate done this. It probably was nothing, just some passing emotions caused by being far from home. Emerald was so calm, so positive and so confident or too confident, he thought. Like earlier when he had complimented on her smile. "You have a pretty smile." He Said as they had waited for a taxi. "I know, right." She had answered just naturally as a person who gets that on an everyday basis. No Girl had ever answered him with self assurance like that. She was also a mystery he felt he wanted to solve. Like how she would go for a one night stand carelessly and get pregnant and how Xiao hui's boyfriend said Emerald was a bad influence to Xiao hui yet she looked like a total innocent person. Well, he had almost two weeks to figure her out. He slept off and waited for another evening with her tomorrow, he still didnt know what he was going to do before she returned from school. Like every weekday at 5:00am, Emerald woke up and dragged herself to the bathroom pausing to orgle at the exposed boxer clad backside of a certain Polish big guy. She brushed her teeth, showered, towelled herself dry and dressed up then called a taxi. She really loved to eat breakfast but was always too lazy to make one, so She put on some light make up and waited for her taxi. Five minutes later it was downstairs waiting, She took one last glance at Marek and hoped she saw him today too. Tomorrow was a Friday, She had an appointment with the hospital in the morning. Her life would hopefully get back in line after she did the abortion. She felt so disgusted by herself. She couldn't imagine that her life had come to this. She had gone overboard this time, and that mistake was never going to happen again. God was probably going to punish her for that. Good enough Alex had said he would be there with her during the process. I mean, he was also responsible. Xiao hui and Roma had suggested that they go and beat him up for her but violence didn't solve anything. The guy had not denied his responsibility, so he wasn't that bad. She was so nervous, what If something went wrong during the process? What if she never had kids again? What would She do If She gave birth and didn't know what to do with the baby? What if Alex never showed up tomorrow? She had a lot of questions. But no answers yet, so She was going to live one day at a time and see what goes. Her taxi reached the subway and She got out. Thoughts on hold, work here I come.
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