Chapter 3

1041 Words
[Georgie's POV] He is probably thinking I am too easy. Yeah. Definitely. Judging by how he looked quite conceited and self-assured as he tried to lure me to this suspicious interview, I immediately guessed there was more to it than what he was telling me. I may be drunk but I am not an i***t. I checked the watch on my wrist and hid my doubtful feeling with a wobbly smile as I agreed with his offer. After all, I could not just reject this opportunity as well. I wanted to get the direct scoop once and for all, and if that means I had to lead myself into a trap, I would do it. I don't care. Licking my lips as I struggled to walk steadily I went in the direction of the doors. But failing to keep my balance, Kieran must have felt the need to help me as I sensed his warmth enveloping me on my side with his arm settling over my shoulders. I held my breath for a moment. For one, I already expected that we might get a little closer if I go with this interview... But it was another thing experiencing it all for real. I was totally not prepared for his contact. I tried to keep my cool though. I was nervous, to be honest, but I did not want him to notice that so I straightened my back more and let him invade my personal bubble as he guided me towards the exit. By the time we managed to get out of the place and into the narrow sidewalk, I was immediately relieved to breathe in the cold air of the night. It was already two in the morning, the red-light district was still a little crowded. I was just too glad that I still had the cap and the glasses I used to disguise myself. Typical and cliche but it really works most of the time. I turned around to peek at Kieran and scowled upon seeing him doing nothing to hide his face. What the hell? He really does not care if anybody sees him like this...  For all I care, some sleazy journalist could just simply take a photo of us right now and post a juicy scandalous detail for sure by tomorrow. Puffing out a breath, I tried to maintain a reasonable distance from him, stepping to the side to make it look like we have nothing to do with each other. Noticing what I was doing, Kieran approached me instead and even had the audacity to lean forward until his eyes were leveling mine and there were just about a few inches left between our faces. "Are you planning to run away?" he questioned in a whisper. I could feel a few onlookers staring our way and I tried my best not to mind them even when it was starting to get to me. I sighed heavily, stepping back to regain my confidence as I matched his stare. "I'm not," I told him back, still scowling, "Can you please not get too close to me, Mr. Locke?" I was trying to make it all formal so that we could set some boundaries between us but Kieran just laughed at my words as he smirked and put both of his hands on the pockets of his coat. He took a moment as he stared towards the road, still with that mischievous smile plastered on his face. Then as if finally realizing something, he turned to look at me again. "You're kind of weird." Excuse me? Coming from him, huh? I snorted and bitterly chuckled at that. This guy obviously had no idea what that word meant at all. "Just so you know, Mr. Locke, if there is anything weird in this whole situation, it's the fact that you're giving me the chance to interview you." He acknowledged my statement with a nod of his head and smiled to himself as he said, "Fair enough." "You seriously just letting me do this tonight, huh?" I probed, knowing fully well that there was already something behind this whole fiasco he was trying to bait me with, "I mean, not that I am not grateful for it, but I don't think it would do you any good at all." "Well, it sounds to me like you're now trying to change my mind, Miss Georgina," he said after a pause, turning his face once again to meet my gaze, "If you don't want to do this then just tell me. It's not like you're genuinely concerned for me anyway. I know that you don't really care if this interview really ruins my career after all." That was quite blunt. But I can't say that he was wrong as well. Feeling like I fell into a trap, I simply shut my mouth for my sake and looked away. That caught me off guard, honestly. And he almost read my mind, making me a little uneasy inside. Silence immediately filled us in and I composed myself while I waited for whatever that we were waiting here. Then as if answering my confusion, a black shiny luxury car pulled up in front of us and Kieran reached for the door on the backseat. He opened it and stopped as he gave me a look, a silent offer that meant I had to get in. I quietly obliged and settled myself inside, inching closer to the other side as I felt Kieran getting in behind me. He closed the door as soon as he took the space beside me. I heard him sigh in comfort while I fidgeted, feeling a little awkward. Then Kieran broke the silence when he ordered the man behind the steering wheel, slightly jolting me from my seat. "My place," he said in a cold tone. I gulped and looked out of the window, trying to act nonchalant. "If you say so, Mr. Locke," the guy on the front seat replied back in a clipped voice. I then wondered to myself as the car sped on, going past the familiar streets that I knew so well already, what had I gotten myself into? Seriously... what the hell am I doing here?
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