The Fruits of our Labor

1408 Words
Throughout the next two weeks, the students of class 1-A spent their time diligently training. Just as Kazuna had said the days after their first day felt like hell. Once the second day began, Kazuna started to take a more active role in the training instead of just giving tips. The hand-to-hand combat group spent their time getting tossed around when trying to use the moves Kazuna had them practice on him. The power group didn't have it any easier. If Chiyo or Haruna didn't create their ice or water or Haruka didn't create a defense field fast enough, then they would get rushed down by Kazuna. If Shiba couldn't go max speed fast enough then he would get through on his back. The training was so intense that after each day, everyone had bruises, mostly from Kazuna, and was overjoyed at the prospect of going home. At last, the final day of training was upon them.  "Ok, everyone. Today will be the last day of training so that we can rest for the final few days, got it." Kazuna says. "Wait, we aren't training until the day before?" Shiba asks. "No. Training is important for growth but so is rest. The last three days will be important for you all to let your bodies relax. If you go all out all the time your body will give out on you, especially if you do a lot of training with your power as we have." Kazuna explains. "I guess you've got a point." Shiba concedes.  "Since we're done with our training why don't we go out and eat somewhere together?" Matt suggests. "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea!" Emiko exclaims. "I don't know I'm exhausted." Shiba says. "Not today, I wouldn't even make it to the city. I mean tomorrow, Saturday." Matt adds. "Yea that sounds great. It'll be the first time we hang out as a class. What do you think Kazuna?" Kagura says in excitement. "Well... er... I..." He stutters not sure what to say. "Common Kazuna you have to go especially since you're the reason we're even going anywhere together." Matt says. "Yeah, if it weren't for you we all would have been training separately." Emiko says in agreement. "Besides, this can be a way of us thanking you for taking the time to train all of us." Akeno adds. Kazuna pans through the pleading faces of his classmates before he finally gives in. "Fine, fine, I'll go too." He says in defeat. Everyone cheers and begin to head home. Kazuna looks at his classmates and smiles. "They may be idiots and a little naive, but, they are some good people to have around." He says to himself. "Oh, one more thing." He says. "Huh?!" His classmates' reply. "Since it is our final day, why don't you all show off what you've learned by combining what you practiced each week and going head to head in one on one battles against each other so that you all can see just how much you really improved." He says. They all look at each other before they smile and respond in unison. "Understood." Kazuna split everyone up into groups of two. The groups were as follows: Ayame and Akeno, Shiba and Matt, Haruna and Chiyo, Haruka and Vincent, and Emiko and Kagura.  Everyone gets into pairs and begin their mock battles. Akeno and Ayame had a grueling slugfest in which Ayame came out on top, Shiba wore Matt down since he couldn't hit him, Vincent and Haruka's fight was interesting since Haruka used her new force field to stop vincent's supersonic attacks, Haruna and Chiyo's fight was a war of attrition and who could create ice or water faster; Haruna won that fight just barely, and Kagura and Emiko's fight turned into a sword fight in a way leading to Emiko's victory. Once everyone bandaged up and began to ate Kazuna began to speak. "So, did you all notice any improvement?" He leads. "Yea, before this training I couldn't have hoped to beat Vincent!" Haruka notes. "Chiyo used to always beat me since water is more common than ice." Haruka states. Kagura looks down in defeat, a move that Kazuna notes to question later. "Good." Kazuna says like a proud teacher. Later, while Kazuna and Kagura were walking home, he decides to question her about the defeated look she had after their mock battles. "So?" He says. "Huh?" She replies in confusion. "What's with the sad look?" He asks. Kagura looks down at her feet. "I didn't win my fight?" She answers. "So?" He says again. "I lost." She says once again. "And I'm saying so what. Everybody loses at some point, as long as that defeat helps you improve for future battles, then you have gained something." Kazuna says. "But everyone else improved so much. Haruna was finally able to beat her sister and Haruka was able to beat Vincent because she learned a new way to use her power." She says. "What do you mean? I put you up against Emiko because she was the worst matchup for you. Her speed would stop you from properly using your power, forcing you into a close-quarters brawl." Kazuna states. "Really?" She asks. "Yes really. If you were the same Kagura from before the training then your fight against Emiko wouldn't have been as close as it was." Kazuna says, trying to reassure her. "If you say so." Kagura says, still a little unsure if she improved or not. "You'll still do the sword training with me right?" She asks. "Of course." Kazuna says. Kagura smiles, allowing Kazuna to rest a bit easier.  The next day Kazuna was leaving the house, on his way to the place that his class would be eating at. As he walked out the front gate he notices Kagura leaving her house as well. She notices him just after he does and waves him over. Kazuna waves in response as he walks toward her. "Hm... This is weird." Kagura says. "What? Is there something wrong with the way I'm dressed?" Kazuna asks. "No, you look fine. It's just that I'm not used to seeing you out of your school uniform." She clarifies. Kazuna lets out a sigh. "That's good. I wasn't sure what to wear. I don't really go out that often." He says. "Really? Have you not gone into town with your family?" She asks. Kazuna shakes his head. "I live alone. The rest of my family is in America." He says. "Mhmm... It must be hard being a high school student and living alone." She replies. It isn't that bad. I know how to take care of myself so it really isn't an inconvenience." He reassures. "In any case, let's get moving or we'll be late." Kagura says. Kazuna nods his head and they head off to town. They arrive at the same time as everyone else and they head in.  "Even in regular clothes, you look cool Kazuna." Emiko says with a gleam in her eyes. "I must say he does look very handsome." Akeno teases. "Aw man even out of school Kazuna's more popular than me." Matt cries.  Everyone laughs as they take their seats. They eat, talk, and laugh for over an hour. Kazuna couldn't help but feel overjoyed. This was what he wanted, to be a normal high school student doing normal things with his normal friends. Kagura notices the look on Kazuna's face and starts to laugh. "What's so funny?" He asks her. "Nothing. It's just that I've never seen you with such a happy look on your face. Even if that happy look is still a bit of a poker face."She notes. "That's because I haven't been out with friends in years. It really brings a smile to my face." Kazuna answers. The class continues enjoying their time out for another thirty minutes before they finally leave. They all wave goodbye, ending their day out. As always Kagura and Kazuna were heading home together. "Ah, that was fun." Kagura says. "Mh." Kazuna mumbles in agreement. They continue walking in silence before Kazuna speaks up again. "Thank you, Kagura." He says, seemingly out of nowhere. "Huh? Why are you thanking me?" She asks. "If you didn't convince me to come along, then I would have been home instead of going out with you all. I had a great time too, so, thank you." Kazuna adds. Kagura blushes and looks forward. "Mhm." She squeaks. "Also, I'm sorry. We didn't get to do any sword training today but I promise we'll definitely train tomorrow and the day after." Kazuna says. "Eh, don't worry about it. I had fun today too. Besides, as long as we train for the next two days then I'll be fine." She says. Kazuna nods and they continue home. Ending a relaxing day.
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