The Final Battle

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They had decided to wait another 5 days before attacking that way Gaia's information would begin to become less reliable and to prepare their forces. Their main forces were all gathered at Karma's palace in preparation for the final battle. Kan was outfitted in warrior clothing from his village which included leather shoulder and knee pads as well as a strap on his back to hold his sword. Although the armor wouldn't do much to protect him and Vulcan, a dragon with powerful scales had offered to make his armor from his scales, Kan wanted to wear the armor of his people and his father in the final battle. “Kan, are you ready?” Bahamut asks. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” He replies as he hops onto Bahamut’s back. “No matter what happens, it has been an honor,” Bahamut adds. “Brother!”  He hears his sister call out. He looks over and sees his little sister running towards him. “Canna, what are you doing out of your room?” He asks. “I wanted to see you before you left.” She says, her face bearing a worried expression. “I see.” He says as Bahamut lowers himself so that Canna could get on. She hops onto his back and tackles Kan with a hug. “You’re going to come back safe right, big brother?” She asks as tears begin to form in her eyes. Kan pulls her off and kneels down so they were face to face. “Canna, I will come back safe along with Bahamut, Kirin, and Karma.” He says. “You promise?” She asks. “Yes, I promise.” He answers. Canna wipes the tears from her eyes and looks him in the eye. “Since you promised you have to come back.” She states. “Right.” He states. Bahamut lets her down and she waves goodbye as he, Bahamut, Karma, and Kirin depart. They traveled in silence. There were no words that needed to be said as their expressions said it all. They were determined to win, and no other outcome was even a possibility to them. They had arrived and were in position and floated hundreds of miles in the sky. As they waited, storm clouds began to block their view of the ground below. Once their view was completely blocked, they knew the battle had started. Karma used his power to get a sense of what was happening. After a few minutes that felt like hours, Karma nods, signaling that their time to descend was upon them. Kan takes a deep breath and slowly exhales. He rests his hand on the sword his father had given to him before he died and then gets a good grip on Bahamut as they begin to descend. Everything was silent as they descended at speeds he had never experienced. It was difficult for him to keep his grip and he was about to fall off when they broke through the clouds and an explosion of sound hit their ears. The battle was in full swing and it was evident that their surprise attack was a success. Athena was correct with her theory. He looked to the front of the mountain and could see that most of Amaraz’s forces were concentrated there. There were more dragons there than they expected, so it was safe to assume that Amaraz had suspected that they would be attacking soon, but wasn’t aware of when. As Kan watched, he was amazed at the scale of the battle. Mountains had been knocked over and entire forests had been leveled. There were hurricanes, lightning storms, and tornadoes of fire. Kratos who was the spearhead of the left attack had made quick work of the few dragons that went to intercept and was making his way to the front to help. The right assault team was at a stalemate with their opposition while the back assault team had nearly been wiped out. There were probably some strong dragons protecting that side, it was also the direction that Kratos and his platoon were headed. He was probably looking to keep them from the main battle. He focuses his attention on the mountain and can see a massive, jet-black dragon who he could only assume was Amaraz. He looked eerily calm. Most likely, he had already begun preparations for a counterattack. He looked over and saw Kirin who’s eyes glowed with the same ferocity as the day he found his brother's dead body. As they drew closer, Amaraz’s eyes darted up and they stared right into his own. “AMARAZ!!” He hears Kirin shout as a massive bolt of lightning crashes down onto Amaraz. The final battle had begun. Their battle was intense from the start. Amaraz had waved off Kirin’s initial attack only to be met with a blast from Bahamut that melted some of the mountainside and a gust of wind that cooled the rock immediately and knocked Amaraz to the side. They land on the perch that Amaraz was standing on and Kan jumps from Bahamut’s back. “I must say, your attack was magnificently executed. But what else did I expect when you have Athena on your side.” Amaraz notes as he pulls himself from the mountain. “Yes, it was a beautiful plan by her,” Bahamut notes. “To think that once you and I were good friends, and now we meet on the battlefield as enemies.” Amaraz states. “Life is quite cruel,” Bahamut notes. "I will give you one more chance as wold friends, join me Bahamut," Amaraz says. "It's much too late for that, especially after all the lives that you've taken," Bahamut growls. Amaraz looks over to Karma and Kirin and sees a glare that was just as menacing if not even more so then Bahamut's “So, you’re Amaraz,” Kan says. “And you’re the human Bahamut had taken. What made you so special that they took you in?” Amaraz asks. “Nothing really, I’m just someone that wants revenge.” He replies. “Revenge? How strange. You want revenge against me and yet I don’t even know who you are.” Amaraz states. Kan grits his teeth in anger and draws his sword. He slashes the air, an action that seemed idiotic to Amaraz until he feels something s***h his chest. “Huh?” He questions.  The attack only scratched him, but that was well more than what he expected. A human had not only hurt him but appeared to do it with some special power. “I see. So I was right in my deduction of your species. You’re too dangerous to be allowed to live.” Amaraz growls as he flares his wings and extends his claws. “You only fear them since they threaten your monarchy. We won’t allow you to continue your rain of terror.” Bahamut exclaims as he follows Amaraz’s lead and prepares for battle. They charge at one another and clash, shaking the entire mountain. The shockwave halted the fighting and drew the attention of both sides as they realized that the battle to decide the victor had begun.
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