GA's Training Camp

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Kazuna was in class thinking about his decision to allow Kari to attend the Early Starter's Program.  "I know that it'll be good for her to get strong and be able to defend herself and I'm sure this is what she wants. But I can't help but worry that her improving her power will lure Zer to her. It's just a hunch, but I have a gut feeling that Ken was researching her for Zer. Ken may have said that they've gathered all the information they need, but if she unlocks some new ability with her power, Zer could rekindle a newfound interest in her." As the thought continues to trouble him, Ms. Saugoma walks in to start class. "Alright class, there is one more announcement I would like to make. Most of you already know that second-year students take part in a special two-week training camp at GA's island after the first term ends. However, this year is going to be a little different due to certain circumstances." She says while driving her gaze towards Kazuna. She quickly averts her gaze and clears her throat, drawing a near-silent sigh from Kazuna. "This year there will be more security. Students will be assigned a buddy that they will room with, travel, and train alongside. Kagura, as class rep you'll be in charge of assigning buddies. Since there are 32 students you all will be split into 6 groups of 4 with a special agent assigned to watch over you. If you're parents have any questions or concerns, let me know and I will answer any question I can." She states. The students nod in response. "Do any of you have questions?" She asks. "With the added security, are the higher-ups expecting an attack?" Akeno asks. "No room for subtlety around here I guess." Ms. Saugoma says while placing a hand over her face. "That is a possibility although there is no evidence to suggest that there will be. Despite that, we've decided that it's better to be safe than sorry." She answers. "Anything else?" She asks already dreading asking the first time. "What 's the plan if there is an attack?" Kazuna asks, "You all are to do everything in your power to escape and let the teaches and special agents handle it." She states. Kazuna opens his mouth to say something but Ms. Saugoma raises a hand to silence him already knowing what he was going to say. "Unless it's an absolute emergency where there is no possible way you can get away without fighting, do NOT engage them. I understand that you're exceptional Kazuna, but it would be best to keep just how exceptional you are a bit of a secret so as to stop any questions from being raised." Ms. Saugoma adds. Kazuna closes his mouth seemingly content with her response. "Anything else?" She asks once more and is glad when no one else piped in. "Great!" She says with a smile. Their homeroom had become more of a social period ever since mid-terms ended. When homeroom ended and the students headed to the classes they were shadowing in until they met again for lunch where they discussed the upcoming training camp.  “Do you think we’ll actually be attacked?” Emiko asks. “I doubt it, the security is going to be extremely tight,” Kagura answers. “You can’t say that for certain I mean, did you think that someone would ever attack the school?” Akeno asks. “But the security on the island is going to be more strict than what’s at the school. Plus the fact that it’s an island will make it hard to approach,” She replies. “True, but don’t forget that Zer has an ally that can teleport. Since we’re unsure of how his power works, a surprise attack is not out of the question,” Akeno adds. Kagura remains silent, unable to come up with a retort. “What do you think Kazuna?” Shiba asks. “They’re probably more likely to plan an attack for when we’re on the island than at any other time,” He answers. “Why is that?” Kagura asks. “No matter how tight the security is, there’s a limit to it. We won’t have every available special agent for backup. All we’ll have is what is on the island. If they can find out who is going to be on that island, they’ll be able to make a plan of attack with fewer holes than one that involves attacking the school,” He elaborates. “It’s a catch 22,” Akeno says. “Huh?” Matt grunts. “It’s like being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Basically the more special agents we have on the island, the more vulnerable the city is. But the fewer we have on the island the more vulnerable the island is,” Akeno explains in a simplified manner. “So then couldn’t we just split them half and half or something like that?” Matt suggests. “Maybe explaining it in such a simple manner made it a bit too simple a problem Akeno. I understand your reasoning Matt, but holding half the city’s special agents to ourselves puts the city in an extreme amount of danger and makes it easier for the enemy to obtain information,” Kazuna says. “This is way too confusing,” Matt complains. “Basically, we want quality over quantity. That will allow us to have good security without leaving the city exposed and keep as much information withheld as possible. To put it into perspective, they'll probably put some B and A tier agents with us and keep the S tier agents in the city,” Kazuna explains. “Exactly what I was thinking,” Matt says.  “Sure, anyway, what do you think the chances of us being attacked are?” Yua asks. There was a brief pause before Kazuna answered. “It’s hard to say since I’m not completely sure what Zer’s motivations are. I do know that he wants me dead, but that doesn’t even seem to be his main goal. Even so, I doubt he’ll pass up an opportunity like this so I’d say it’s pretty likely that he’ll show up.” He states. “If you think that there is a high chance of an attack, then shouldn’t you try and convince principal Asuka to cancel the camp?” Kagura suggests. “I would, but there’s little chance I could get them to change the date,” He says. “Why!?” Kagura exclaims. “The school wants to prove that they can still properly protect their students. If they cancel the camp, parents and sponsors will start to lose faith in GA. Also, it wouldn’t surprise me if some of the higher-ups are planning to use the camp as bait,” He explains. “Do you really think they would do something like that?” Kagura asks in shock. “They would never admit to it, but yes they would,” He says. “That’s not very nice,” Emiko pouts. “We’ll be fine as long as Yuu is part of the island’s security,” Matt states. “We would, but there’s no way that they would allow him to be away for two weeks. Even if he can instantaneously teleport back, there’s no guarantee that they could contact him in time if something huge happens. Also, using the basics of how powers work, I'm sure teleporting large distances must drain stamina from him, or maybe there's something specific he needs to do or somewhere specific he has to teleport to if he tries to teleport too far,” Kazuna says. The more they discussed the upcoming camp, the more somber the mood got. Kazuna could tell that he wasn’t exactly encouraging his classmates so he decided to try and improve their mood. “Well, there’s no point in worrying over something that we have no control over. Instead, why don’t we focus on the camp’s purpose,” He says. “Kazuna’s right, we should just focus on getting stronger,” Akeno adds, catching on to what he was trying to do. “Plus we’ll be on an island and you know what that means,” Matt says.  “Isolation with no possibility of backup?” Ria states grimly. “What, no. It means there’s going to be a chance for some beach time,” Matt says. “That does sound quite nice,” Akeno says. “Shirtless Kazuna,” Yua mumbles while staring off into the distance. Kagura blushes a little at the thought that Yua put into her mind. She had seen Kazuna shirtless before but it was dark and he was battered and bruised so she wasn’t really able to get a good look. “To each their own,” Matt says. Kazuna sighs in relief as he seems to have helped improve their mood even if by only a little. Throughout the rest of their classes, Kazuna had successfully steered his classmates' thoughts away from the bad onto the good, although he wasn’t sure if this was due to them just hiding their worries. Even if they were just hiding their fears, sooner or later their worries will dissipate from them focusing on the good. It was the end of the school day and Kazuna and Kagura were in the student council room for the meeting that they were having. Kazuna had assumed that they would be discussing the upcoming training camp. “I’m sure that you all know what the point of this meeting is. The annual GA training camp for second years is coming up, but this year is going to be different from previous years,” Ayanami starts. “Is there anything that we can do that the school hasn’t already covered?” Sana asked. “I’m not sure, but as the student council president, I have to make sure that I can do everything I can to ensure the safety of the students,” She answers “So, any ideas?” Kai asks. “Yes actually. First, as you already know, we’re going to assign students to pairs, a buddy system if you will. But we won’t pair them based on their relationship with someone per se, but on how they complement each other,” She answers. “How so?” Kagura asks. “How about we use Kazuna as an example. His power can be used to escape and fend someone off while doing so and can also serve as a beacon so that help can easily locate him. His intellect and overall strength make it difficult for him to be taken down as well. We’ll partner him with Matt whose power is not good for any of those things.” She answers.  “I see. So you want us to pair up in a way that will allow us to be as safe as possible,” Kazuna surmises. “Precisely, so on that note, Kagura. I want you to inform the other class reps about this and have them do the same thing,” Ayanami asks. “Understood,” She replies, “Good, okay next thing. The student council has been given a list of the special agents that will be stationed on the island.” She states. “Is it really a good idea to give something so important to students?” Kazuna asks. “Don’t worry, the student council is always given items like this. We're very good at keeping a chokehold on important information like this.” She assures him. “If you say so,” Kazuna concedes. “Since we know the special agents that will be there, we can have students assigned to a special agent that will guide them or who they should look for if trouble should arise. Of course, you aren’t limited to that specific agent. Kazuna, I’ll leave that responsibility to you.” She states. “Huh!?” He exclaims. “I know you don’t like having responsibilities forced upon you, but you are the best person for this job. You have a lot of experience that will be very useful and you are a priority target of the party that would want to invade the island so who better to guard the information than the person that most wants it to be guarded?” She states.  “Well I can’t really complain when your argument is that valid,” He says with a sigh. “Perfect. I’ll inform the other class reps about what they need to do, but that’s all I have for this meeting. Hopefully, the training camp can occur without a hitch, but I’m not sure how realistic that is,” She says. “Even if something does happen, we’ll be ready,” Kazuna says with a defiant look in his eyes. However, in an undisclosed location, Zer was once again up to something. “Finally. After years of research and studying, I have finally made some notable progress. Soon, my dream will come to fruition,” He says. He places his hand on what appears to be a large test tube. “Your time to prove your worth will soon be upon us,” He whispers as a menacing grin spreads across his face.
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