Chapter 31

1447 Words

Emery’s POV “You look fine. Stop fussing.” I said to Lacy. She wasn’t too happy to have been dressed the way we were. She had let it be known that since Sin was rich he should have had us go eat in a fancy restaurant and that she was only going so that she could see how Sin acts around me to see if he and I were a match like I claimed. So we were currently on our way to the meet up with our partners for the date that Sin had planned. “I’ve always known Sin was weird. What kind of man would want to see their woman dressed up in hiking gear instead of a nice dress and heels.” Cameron chuckled at that. “Your boots are heeled though.” I said pointing at her pink boots. “Anything lower than 3 inches isn’t a heel Emery.” She shook her head at me. “I never knew you were this dramatic.” Ca

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