Chapter 12

1896 Words

Chapter 12Aziz decided to sit on the sofa for some reason. Was it that he wanted to observe me and Khalid from a distance? Or was it that he wanted to demonstrate his detachment from the events? However, that move aroused my curiosity. “Why don’t you come and sit with us?” I asked him. “If I fall asleep, I won’t fall off the chair,” Aziz said. “So, what is this all about, Khalid? From all I’ve heard tonight you were on your way to Zurich to meet with your uncle with the intention of killing the man, and now, here you are in my room, dressed in your princely garments, for what?” Aziz’s tone of voice was less than friendly – icy would be a better word to describe the acerbity both Khalid and I heard come out of his mouth. Khalid again didn’t show any animosity towards Aziz. He had always

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