Chapter 16

1128 Words

Chapter 16That morning, Fred arrived early at his office only to find Mark reclining in the visitors’ chair across his desk. “Good morning, sir!” Mark was all smiles when he got to his feet. “Is it?” Fred said, hanging his jacket on a hook behind the door. He walked around the desk and sat down. “What are you doing here? I thought you were somewhere on R & R...” Mark sat down again. “Well, I was, but as you can see something brought me back...” “I am always amazed,” Fred cut in, “here I am – the chief of this department – and I am the last one to know what’s happening when it comes to your movements. Did you ever think of using your phone? Or calling me before intruding on my schedule?” “I did, sir, but I thought you would want to hear this from my own lips...” “Again, a phone gives

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