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The bridge came to an abrupt end. There was a watch tower and toll booth at the end of the bridge, but the entire place was empty. The lights were up, and the sounds of electricity and big machinery hummed in the distance. This place was called Barigga, it was a port town that also served as a depot and warehouse for goods being transported to and from the black sea. David felt a palpable excitement at seeing the town, basically the first leg of his journey seems to have been completed, now he had to take ten more. Lilith was still asleep in his arms, David did not blame her as she really needed that much rest, the woman has been through a lot in one day, than most people in their entire lives. Though David thought she was a little crazy, the threat of death aside, this lady had burnt her kid’s corpse to ashes. It was not as if they had a place to bury the boy, but burning him until there was nothing left but ash seemed a little too extreme. David shook his head as he tried to make heads and tails of what he was really feeling. As David of earth he felt sorry for her, but he thought that she was more trouble than she was worth, as David of Pangea he was adamant about helping her. At least this way he would pay his debt to her, even though she promised to kill him. But it was because she promised to kill him, and the fact she was wanted that made David of earth want to run for the hills and forget having Known or met her. She was dangerous, and both David were people who did not like trouble, but David of Pangea was the only one willing to compromise for it. David hissed in pain as two conflicting thought processes tried to tear his mind apart. Every time there was a disharmony between David of Pangea and David of earth, he would be feeling such a massive migraine he feared his head would explode. But it was becoming increasingly harder with each day that passes to find a balance between the two. There was a lot of similarities between the two, but there was equally a lot of differences too. And it seemed that the differences were a lot more than the similarities. David drove his bike past the toll booth and headed straight for the town in the distance, Barigga was not empty contrary to the image portrayed by the empty watch tower and toll booth. Anything coming from the sea has already been written off as unimportant, the pulse gate being up was also a prime example of that fact. If everything on the sea was going to be washed away by a huge tsunami, then what was the reason for a toll booth or a watch tower. Besides there would most probably be other more serious things to take care off. The port town of Barigga was lit up and filled with people like any other day, however it did not take much to notice how gloomy and dark the atmosphere was. The town was filled to the brim with people, most of them injured or experiencing some sort of change. The buildings were filled with people even staying on balconies and roofs, the alleys and walkways were filled with pitched tents and ordinary blankets with people on them. They were all refugees, the ones who were lucky enough to have escaped the island before it went down under or was overrun by monsters. Many of this people had no where to go, entrance to the city states which were the most secure places in the world was really stringent. Not to mention the cost of living and surviving in such a place was not something many of them could afford. The world changed as the apocalypse descended, however the government still stands. So in the end apart from the planet becoming a million times more dangerous, nothing had changed. In all the disaster or end of days movies David of earth used to watch, the government always fell whenever things like this happened. The current world order would burn to the ground, and from the ashes a new better one will arise. But with what he was seeing now, David was sure those writers and movie makers underestimate the government a lot. David had been through Barigga before, In fact he had passed through this town numerous times that it was impossible for him not to recognize most of the things and places here. But it was never this full in the past, which made it incredibly difficult for him to navigate through this place. He had to stop quite a number of times to ask for directions to the hospital, or one of the hospitals in town. He had to get Lilith checked out, he was sure a small town like this wouldn’t have a cellular and tissue reparation generator, Or a Mana user with a fifth circle greater heal spell. But at least there should be some clean bandages and pain killers there. But David was in for a wave of disappointment, apart for the fact that all of the hospitals were filled to the brim with refugees, their drug cabinets, pharmacies, and storage has been ransacked and looted. There was absolutely nothing left there. It was depressing to say the least, so it left David with no choice but to hope that the one bottle Mana water was enough to completely take care of her injuries until they got to the city of iron. But this also raised another problem for David, how the hell were they supposed to get into the city of iron, if it was him alone there would not be a problem. But he was sure that if any of those soldiers survived they would have recognized Lilith enough to send warnings to every city state on Pangea. In fact if that was really the case, then a specialized team would be sent after her. David could not help but angrily drive his hover bike towards the outskirts of the town. He had finally escaped dying two terrible deaths, now he had to deal with being hunted by the government on top of worrying about being eaten by any more monsters. After all; the road to the city of iron was long and anything but safe.
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