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David drove his hover bike to a communications tower that was actually empty. It was surprising to him, but since there was nobody here this could serve as the perfect place to camp for the night. Though it was a little close to the outskirts of the town and therefore prone to danger, it did not matter to David. He was tired and too weak to do anything but throw caution to the wind. David carried Lilith down and placed her on the ground. She was heavy, or the proper word would be he was not strong enough to carry her. David’s physique has seen a lot of change and improvement in the past few days, he was stronger than he before, but he was still not strong enough. But with all the jostling Lilith did not even wake up, if not for the fact that she was breathing David would have thought that she was dead. The lady was out like a light and was even snoring in the process. Her snoring was not cute, it was terrifying and David doubted he would be able to get enough sleep with that much noise. But he pitched his tent, which was easier said than done, that fat pale dude had sold him a tent capable of housing a dozen people with room to spare. And it was shocking how small it was folded and how its supporting rods were actually made. The entire tent was no bigger than a huge encyclopedia, it was a marvel of modern design and a hassle to set up. David finally succeed in setting up the tent…….well half of the tenth, as a significant part of it was laying flat on the ground while the other half was haphazardly set up but standing. From this display it was quite obvious David had no idea how to set up a tent, but he was too tired to care. He half dragged and half carried Lilith into the tent, then unceremoniously dumped her in one corner of it. Then he moved his hover bike so that one half was in the tent and the other half was sticking outside. It was his version of a barricade or a door. He grabbed a handful of previously prepared pieces of metal and shoved it into the bag still hanging in front of him, this should be dinner and breakfast for Veni, Vidi and Vici. Because he had every intention of sleeping in; due to how exhausted he felt. Then he removed his weapons and laid them really close to himself, then he closed his eyes and went to sleep, snoring even more tyrannically than Lilith. >>>> Lilith woke up to the sound of metal banging on metal, but the sound resounding so softly you would think someone was making that noise without the intention of arousing attention. She woke up in an unfamiliar environment, but it was not a cause for panic, Lilith was better than that. She was trained, and even though she has not had to put that training into effect for a few years all of her instincts were still sharp and active. She heard snoring the likes which she has not been privy too since the months she spent sharing barracks with men, when they had to put down a well organized riot that went on for months. It was the boy…….David. Of course she was not that much older than him, so she was not exactly in a position to call him boy like he was some sort of child. But Lilith saw the world from a very different angle, most people were generic, single minded, selfish and just so………..human and average. She saw people like that as children and very much beneath her. And the fact stands that these kind of people made up ninety percent of Pangea’s population, which meant she looked down on a lot of people, and until such a time that David proves otherwise he would remain a boy to her. His pets were all asleep, and all three of them hung out haphazardly from the bag he put them in. They were surrounded by pieces of metal which vibrated with each breath they took. It seemed this tortoises had an affinity with metals, with proper nurturing these three would be fearsome battle beasts. But it was not their strange ability for making metal vibrate that was making the banging sound, it was coming from the hover bike that was hanging half way into the tent to serve as some barricade. It was a good idea, but didn’t the fool know that anybody worth his salt would have gone beneath or climbed over the hover bike. And to make matters worse the engine was still running, he was lucky that nobody noticed and decided to relieve him of his ownership. Lilith shaking got to her feet as she made her way to the hover bike, she had every intention of finding out who was making such a racket as she desperately wanted to get back to sleeping. It was the only way she could deal with her depression given the extremely lack of alcohol She moved to the side of the hover bike and noticed the soft banging sound was coming from the compartment where the power cells were kept. She pulled it open and then had to quickly move her head to the left while rapidly dodging a blast of pure energy. “Hisssss” “um….what… what I’m up, I’m up.” The sound of the blast was enough to wake her companion up, or that could mainly be because the energy blast had burnt quite a hole on the stupidly set up tent and a blast of sunlight cascaded down to his face. Lilith moved her eyes back to the creature with the audacity to shoot at her face. It looked like a worm and was wrapped around the three power cells, it had yellow veins all over its black body which were glowing and seemed to be constantly absorbing energy from the power cells. Every time this creature which at this moment Lilith was sure was a parasite drew energy from the power cells its body seemed to vibrate in euphoria as rings of yellow energy showed up on its skin and flowed from one end of its body to another. The creature let out another hiss as it made it’s annoyance known to Lilith. David had scrambled to his feet and picked up one of his shot gun while sleepily dragging his feet to her side. He rubbed his eyes and ran his hand across his bushy hair and asked her. “What’s going on, why did you put on the light.” Lilith was sure this boy was not completely awake, she just inclined her head in the parasite's direction for David to take a look for himself. “Jesus Christ! Na Wetin be that.” Lilith frowned, first of all she had no idea who Jesus Christ was, and her opinion of David dropped even lower, was he so startled and frightened that he would forget how to speak to common tongue properly. It was just a parasite. “What the hell is that?” apart from the fact that he asked this question the first time with a complete butchering of the language, David now seemed to be completely awake. He had his gun pointed at the parasite. She would give him props for reacting quickly, but that was a shot gun and he was not just pointing it at a parasite, he was pointing it at a trio of power cells that if tampered with would leave a two hundred meter crater and a huge doze of radiation. He had the senses and instincts of a good soldier, but he lacks the awareness and intelligence a good warrior. “It’s just a parasite, now put your gun down before you kill us both” David looked surprised, it was as if he did not expect her to even say a single word to him. Lilith shook her head and raised her left hand, slowly and at a rate visible to the eye, her left hand became encased in diamonds, or she should say her hands molecular structure changed until it was completely diamond like in nature and appearance. She grabbed the parasite with such speed that there was a little puff in the air, all David or the parasite itself could see was a blur before the meter long parasite was hanging and wrapped around Lilith’s arm. David had a dumbstruck and awe filled look on his face. Lilith had seem such looks before, this kid was a freaking fan boy. The parasite writhe and turned while trying to use its little mouth filled with tiny fangs to pierce a hole in her arm. But there was no effect, there was no scratch to even show she had been attacked by anything. She was about to squeeze the life out of this sleep interrupting parasite before David asked her to stop. David had her move her hands so that the left eye of the parasite was in view, in fact that was the only eye the parasite had. But the green reptilian pupils and yellow scales around the eyes was enough to let her know something was amiss. “No, how is this possible. The wave…..the wave should have taken care of it. How is it still alive.” David was muttering to himself as he turned and looked at Lilith with a complicated look on his face. Lilith had seem eyes like this before, and quite recently too. She turned and looked at David with a gaze that would send better men than him running for the hills and said. “Explain.”
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