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David woke up with a groan, he ached all over and at that moment he wondered if he was dead and if this place, this whole world was hell. Forget about a typical Nigerian kid, even a boy Born and bred on Pangea where things like dragons was actually a regular sight, could not have been prepared for the bizarre amount of bullshit Pangea has not had a choice but to experience for the past six months. His entire body ached, and his limbs felt extremely weak and it was not helping that his stomach chose that time to remind him about his apparent hunger. It was growling with such intensity David wondered if his stomach had also mutated, but hunger seemed to be the least of his worries at the moment. David had no idea where those cats came from, there could be more of them, or the unspeakable, something a lot worse than three cats with three long barbed tongues, there could be a donkey or a vampire. David rolled over his back and could not help the sharp groan of discomfort that came out of his mouth as his face distorted in agony. He had no idea how much damage his back had received, but for what he could feel, it must be pretty intense. David resolutely sat up with such suddenness that he could feel his wounds contract and expand. It was a stupid thing to do, but getting up slowly would have taken forever, besides it was better to just get it over with. David drew the bag of weapons closer to himself as he let his memory lead him through a session of rummaging. He emerged from his search with some sort of bread wrapped in a brown paper bag, and a bottle of blue water that was half filled. Without standing on ceremony and a complete disregard for any table manners or eating rule established, David tore into the bread with everything he was worth, taking huge chunks of the bundle of flour and letting huge gulps of the water slide down his throat. When he was done eating, he felt a stream of energy at the pit of his stomach, he felt it spread through much of his body before settling down. Most of his wounds stopped bleeding, and the little scratches that could actually be ignored healed had closed up like they were never there in the first place. Memory tells him that the water he just drank was made from a particular combination of high energy renewing compounds and elements, and about 2% of Mana water. Mana was an energy that was mainly used in the practice of magic. It was illegal for it to be used without a license, so it was mostly used for industrial purposes. Mana was the most dangerous, or rather one of the most Dangerous energy found within the planetary makeup of Pangea. It users and absorbers had the ability to manipulate nature and reality in a way science can not really explain much of. It was unpredictable and declared highly dangerous. The use of Mana is watched closely by the twelve fathers and mothers. These people were the rulers of the twelve city states, with each governing a single city. Mana manipulators and absorbers are also called magic users, due to its unpredictability Mana manifest in different and unique ways, but sometimes the degree of uniqueness is quite widespread. Mana had a variety of classes affiliated with its use. There were mages, sorcerers, magicians, summoner and many more. In Nigeria there was only one word for a person who used Mana or any kind of ability really. They called it witchcraft and it was dubbed the devils work. Such a sight will get a person lynched and beating to death by a lot of people if that person is caught practicing ‘witchcraft.’ Well witchcraft or not, Mana users had strict laws governing their existence and their use of Mana. So due to that, any company that deals with any kind of magic or Mana either had to have deep pockets, or get in well with the higher ups in the chain of command. Magic was a forbidden practice, but much like those who develop natural abilities, the government also had a school for people with magical abilities, and it was a school that had David’s elder sister Rose as a top student. The water seemed to breath life into his body, but David was still pretty much injured and any sudden movements would probably cause a great deal of pain for him. But for the moment there was nothing he could do but sit there, his house was not secured and any variety or type of mutated animal could just as easily waltz in like those cats and make dinner out of him. But he needed to get himself into the right mindset before he could really make any sort of move. He was not sure how long he could stay here, their house was too big a place for him to defend alone, not to mention he doubted that there was even enough food in this house to help him survive. And the island was still in danger of being submerged. But staying here was safer than going out there, even if the odds seemed somewhat stacked against him. Staying here guarantees his death, albeit slowly but he would still die eventually. Going out there meant he had a 95% chance of dying, it was not that much different than staying in his house, the only difference was that he would die faster. The remaining 5% meant it would take a miracle for him to survive, but he would live, maybe he would be missing an extra limb or two, but he would live. In the end his choice was already made for him the moment he woke up all alone in this house. David very much liked being alive, and he still had two family members that he needed to go see. Not to mention, its going to suck a lot if he died a virgin. David pulled the bag of guns closer with his left hand, his right was already dislocated from the bucking of the shotgun when he fired it. Pangea David had a lot of experience with fire arms, it was a passing obsession that came and went as it pleased. And that was mainly because his father was an ability user who worked for the military as a personal contractor, or a mercenary. People like him were called hounds, both as an insult and a form of praise. They hunted for the government, killed for it, lived for it, and died for it. His sister was one of them, but that was the only way she wouldn’t be too prejudiced or prosecuted about her abilities with magic. It was also part of the reason why they were both not around when the apocalypse started. They were in the city of iron carrying out his sister’s first mission and their dad was actually her commanding officer, so he had to carry out on site inspection of her abilities. With his father working for the military he had grown up around guns, he was never too interested, but his father had made it a point of emphasis that they all had to know how to use firearms. Not everybody is lucky enough to be able to spit fire from their lungs or being able to magically curse an enemy to an excruciating death. And besides there have been cases where abilities and magical powers malfunctioned, so it was in everyone’s best interest if they could use a gun. The bag had another shot gun, with four boxes of shot gun shells, two assault rifles that were limited edition Yizart 66 elephant series. Those guns could shoot an average of ten bullets in a second. It was an old version, very old from back before his father was a boy. So both guns were actually antiques from a by gone era. The newer versions could spit out 28 bullets a second, and each bullets were always a compressed form of a particular kind of energy or element. It could be plasma, solar, or even electrical. They moved just as fast, punched bigger holes and had more effect than the by gone era of when the Yizart still used alloy bullets. There was also two handguns, they were both still under the Yizart brand, but this two were from the lion series also issued in the same year Yizart released the elephant series. Both handguns however have undergone some heavy modification courtesy of David himself. Now they had more power, speed, and used an isolated solar ion battery with self recharging abilities as a field generator for its ammunition. If David had used this gun instead of the shot gun, he would have burnt a hole through the cat, and created a path of burning holes through every house in a fifty meter radius. Of course the intensity of the shots could be readjusted, the previous damage can only happen at it’s highest setting. Though even if both handguns were set to stun, they would still leave a rather nasty burn on a person. Moving on there was also parts of a sniper rifle, the sniper riffle was from a different brand. However unlike every other gun in this bag, this sniper rifle was not vintage. In fact it was not even in the market yet, if the apocalypse had not happened, then the company that manufactured the sniper rifle would have released it as part of their new brand of products four months ago. The only reason he had one now was because it was given as a gift to his father almost eight to nine months ago. Just before his father left with his sister. They left the gun behind. The Artemis Sky wolf 98, was the ninety eight entrant of the sky beast series. For ninety eight years, the company behind the Artemis guns released a new better version of the gun every year. There was still a variety weapons and vehicles under the Artemis sky beast series, in total there was twelve other guns, or explosives, or tanks, cars and bikes and also a fighter jet. The company made billions of credits every year from their weapons manufacturing business. And if memory is to be believed, they were actually family friends with the current head of the company. Which meant having a sniper riffle with the ability to use satellite imaging, radio waves and telecommunications tower as a targeting scope was not much of a surprise. The sky wolf could kill someone kilometers away and shot each of its bullets at the speed of sound. The materials the gun was made from was a metal mined from one of the three moons that orbited Pangea. The metal was precious enough that a piece of it would generate enough money to feed a poor family comfortably and lavishly for six months. The sniper rifle was 30 million credits, and that was just a rough estimation. It’s bullets had an explosive capability that just left someone with shivers. It could turn a seven floor apartment into rubble in seconds leaving nothing but dust and heat. Included in the bag was two boxes of its six inch bullet, each box only contained four. One was missing so David can only use that sniper rifle seven times before it becomes totally useless to him. There was a belt of grenades, they were actually unfamiliar to David, since he was not one to dally with explosives. Finally there were two gleaming twelve inch long daggers with a serrated edge, and a metal cylinder about five inches long. That metal cylinder was actually a multipurpose battle blade with four different forms. It could be a spear, a sword, an axe, or just a long iron Staff. It was standard equipment for every military personnel and fighter who was worth their salt. Bullets in the end were finite and will always get finished. The battle blade makes sure that the person is not unarmed. There wasn’t much it could do against flying bullets, but there were actually people capable of moving fast enough to deflect bullets with the battle blade.
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