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With all his inventory made David gave a deep breath. There was no more food within the bag which meant he had to check the pantry to see if he could get any supplies. In Pangea his father had prepared for worst case scenarios like this, on earth his father was never home so David was pretty much raised by his mother and elder sister. So even though he was a skinny sickly looking nerd on Pangea, the stereotype he currently lived as, enabled him to have the capability to survive harsher environments than all those ordinary or athletic jocks. So which meant the Hollywood movies were mostly right, when the going gets tough, it’s the nerds who step up to save the day. David blinked a few times before he pulled his regulator to his face. It’s silver surface was smooth and polished and he could see how much of a banged up state he was in. He let out a sigh as he swiped his finger from one end of the it’s surface to the next, then he made two small loops. It was a security gesture of sorts, the regulator did not just serve as a monitor for energy or evolution, it also served as a credit card, a phone and some times a flashlight. As seamless as it might look the machine could actually be hacked and funds could be transferred from it. The twenty first century earth had everybody crazy about smartphones and computers, the twenty first century Pangea had regulators, super heroes and wizards, there’s also a gladiatorial event every year where people kill each other for a huge sum of money. Pangea just seemed to be a mishmash of earth from various eras. The regulator blinked twice to show that it was online, then David spoke choosing to use the voice activation package that was a part of its function. “Show current stats.” NAME: David Johnson Iye AGE: Nineteen PHYSIQUE : Lvl 1(1.33) AGILITY : Lvl 0(0.77) MENTAL: Lvl 1(4.11) PSI COLUMN: Lvl 1 PSIONIC ABILITIES:[ TELEPATHY: Lvl 1]> [MOLECULAR RESTRUCTURE: Lvl 0,]> [TELEKINESIS: Lvl 0] [ENERGY LEVEL STABLE] [ESTIMATED TIME TILL NEXT ENERGY SURGE: 107:46:34] David scrunched his brows in contemplation. His physical ability had experienced an increase, which sort of explained why his body has been feeling sort of heavy. It would take him a while to get used to it. His agility experienced little change, that was mostly due to influence from his physique improving. He got a little faster, but not fast enough for it to be noticeable. His mental ability on the other hand experienced a huge growth. For some reason it was still level one, but it seems that a stat has to reach at least a percentage of five, before it can be considered level 2,and from then on it doubles. So to get to level 3 his mental ability has to have a percentage of 15 and above. That was actually the required threshold for mental ability users to be admitted into the Hollywood School of Abilities in the city of angels. That seemed like a long shot and an unreachable dream for David. It was really hard to improve mental stats, most people never go beyond level 2 in the entirety of their lives. You had to be gifted from birth to reach level three. Most mental ability users are born at level 2 or really close to level 3 so crossing over would be quite easy for them. Abilities usually manifested at the late stage of level 2 and the early stage of level 3. So it came quite as a surprise for David to see that the predicted telepathic ability was already active and at level 1. He was well aware how bizarre and not normal that was, having an ability with a level one mental stat could be dangerous. At level one his mental stat were not strong enough to generate the energy required for him to use his ability. He could drain himself of energy and at least develop some really dangerous mental issues or in the worst case scenario his head could explode like an oversized tomato thrown at a wall with the speed of sound. His molecular restructure ability was also still level 0, that was an ability that relied mainly on his physique, so until his body got stronger he would not have the ability to make his bones as hard as steel, or regrow any missing body parts. At that thought he wiggled his right foot feeling the painful absence of his big toe. And then the next surprise. Telekinesis, it was almost impossible for any body to have more than two mental abilities. The strain on the brain could be too much for that person to handle, so most ability users only trained one mental ability, unless of course that person had a strong enough body, or an alternate energy source that could power their ability. It was why most ability users have personalized equipment or suits that help them channel their ability better. David did not really feel any different at the moment, but that could be mainly attributed to the fact that he felt like crap after all the mauling he had to go through from three cats. Cats!, he could not begin to imagine what would have happened if he had woken up to dogs instead of cats. David would have loved to get off his ass and make some sort of sensible move, but he was still so damn weak. The Mana water was still working its magic within his bruised body, thankfully all of his wounds seemed to have stopped bleeding, and as long as he did not agitate them, everything should be fine. But until such a time that he was required to run for his life, David was keeping his ass planted in that hallway so that he could regain his energy. Inside or outside he was still going to die anyway, he would rather do it with dignity or on his own terms. Most people would argue sitting down and waiting for death was not dignified, but who asked their opinions.
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