Chapter 2

1909 Words
“Here” I was sitting in the room waiting for Dylan to return from the restroom but instead he came back with ice cream.  “Ice cream!” I took the chocolate ice cream from his hands and started eating it. He smiled watching me eat it, I knew he went to get ice cream because of my accident just earlier.  “When you’re done we’ll head home. I have some business to take care of.” He notified me while sipping his tea. He wasn’t drinking his usual whiskey on ice because he was driving.  “You know you can have whiskey, I can drive” I smiled while showing him my chocolatey smile due to the ice cream. “Nope, you just sit tight and continue to look pretty.” He shook his head and put his tea down as he scrolled through his phone.  “Can I come?” He stopped his motion and looked up at me. I just finished my ice cream and placed it on the table.  “It’s messy this time.” He shook his head and sighed.  “I want to come.” I firmly stated getting up from my seat and taking his phone from him. I looked and saw the text messages from Brent, his assistant.  “It’s just a shipment, I’m coming.” I handed him the phone back and he shook his head and sighed again.  “Quit sighing, you’re going to be a grandpa soon if you keep doing that.” I laughed and headed out of the restaurant with Dylan in tow.  “No matter what, do not leave my side. Not everyone knows who you are yet and I don’t want to kill anyone.” I nodded and looked out the window as he drove.  Although I was the heiress to the Young Group dad doesn’t let me out in the public alone and was able to pretty much keep me hidden the past 21 years of my life. It was only recently that he allowed me to handle the matters in the area we lived in, of course through the supervision of Dylan.  “So what’s this shipment?” I looked outside to see our cars lined up waiting for Dylan.  “Platinum. Gathered from South Africa. The seller wanted to have a direct link into the North America market and contacted us for a direct deal instead of going through other channels so we can directly pocket the money. No tax, nothing.” He explained getting out of the car. I was about to get out when he motioned for me to stop as he stepped outside. A few seconds later he came to my side and opened the door. Once outside he quickly took a cap and placed it on my head while taking his sweater and wrapping it around me, it wasn’t cold at all.  “It’s not cold Dylan.” I struggled as he held my arms while stopping me from taking it off.  “No, leave it on. I don’t want anyone seeing you like this, better to have it on.” At the thought of his words I looked at my own outfit. What’s wrong with me wearing a white off the shoulder crop top and denim high rise jeans with a pair of nude heels? I looked so cute.  “But this makes me look ugly.” I pouted and grabbed his arm as he turned around. He quickly whipped his head back and stared at me, emotionless.  “You’re cute with whatever you wear but here, it’s all men, and some men I do not know so no.” He grabbed my hand and dragged me along.  “Dylan!” the men greeted and bowed in line as Dylan walked into the warehouse. Only the small group of bodyguards that follow Dylan know who I truly am and Dylan explicitly told them that if anything were to happen during this transaction, their main focus is making sure that I’m safe, even if it means leaving him behind in danger. I followed quickly along his side as I felt the intense stares from the men and women around. I knew how attractive Dylan was so when the women around us gave me a dirty look and rolled their eyes after I made eye contact, I didn’t have to think twice why they did so. If they managed to look at me long enough I’d scoff at them and smirk.  We entered a conference room and I was about to take a seat next to the head seat but Dylan pulled my hand and placed me on the chair and instead pulled a chair next to me.  “Dylan I can sit on the side” I whispered as I didn’t know anything about the deal and only started learning to take care of my one territory weeks ago.  “No, you sit here, next me, it’s the safest place.” He grabbed my hand and refused to let go.  “Fine…” I didn’t want to argue with him. I normally get my way with Dylan but since I forced him to let me tag along I didn’t want to get in his way of the deal. Plus, it’s a good learning opportunity.  “Hello Dylan.” A man entered with two other’s behind him. I assume he’s the one we’re making a deal with today.  “Nice seeing you Anthony.” Dylan stood up as the two shook hands. The man took the seat closest to Dylan as his two underlings stood behind.  “And who's this?” Anthony asked looking over at me. “Kiara, Luis’s daughter, she’s here to accompany me today.” I smiled and reached my hand out to shake Anthony’s hand.  “How lovely to meet the daughter of Luis here. My apology for the late introduction, my name is Anthony Dempsey.” He took my hand and instead of shaking it he kissed the back of my hand and took his seat. I smiled and took my seat but as soon as I sat down, Dylan reached for my hand and Anthony kissed and proceeded to wipe my hand.  I watched as the two exchanged information and came to a compromise for the cut of distribution and profit for using our ports here in Florida and signed the deal. We wanted to keep paper trails of things in case anything happens when a deal goes down. Gives us an excuse to attack another territory and backs up our reason why if other groups threaten us for interfering with others.  “Wait here as I see them out.” Dylan whispered and I nodded watching them head out leaving me behind with one of Dylan’s underling as the other two followed him out.  “Ken, get me a glass of Chateau Lafite will you?” Because my mom loved wine, when she was alive, my dad made sure that all wine imports and exports came through our ports so we can have the access to the best wines available.  “It’s in the office and I can’t leave you alone. Would you like to go there?” He asked and I nodded getting up from my seat.  Within a few minutes we headed to the office, Ken texted Dylan to let him know as I saw him on his phone seconds after I got up from my chair, I saw a girl sitting on the sofa playing with her phone. I didn’t pay attention to her and walked past her to the wine cabinet and pulled out the bottle of 1869 Chateau Lafite.  “Hey who do you think you are? You can’t touch that!” She got up from the sofa and stood behind me. I turned around and looked at her dead in the eye, smirking.  “Just who do you think you’re talking to?” I opened the bottle and poured myself a glass of wine before taking a seat behind the desk.  “Just because Dylan fancies you right now you can’t walk in here like you own the place.” Oh the irony, if only she knew.  “You’re just a kid, get out of that seat now you spoiled brat. I’m going to teach you a lesson if you don’t.” I watched as Ken came inside and was about to say something but I looked at him and shook my head.  “Oh, tell me, what will you teach me….grandma?” I smirked while holding the glass of wine up and taking a sip. It was absolutely delicious.  “Grandma?! You little b***h!” She slammed her hands on the table hard making my wine tip over.  “That was an expensive glass of wine you know.” I tsked and shook my head disappointed.  “Too bad you won’t live another day to have another sip.” She laughed and pulled out a knife. Ken was coming over but I put my hand out to stop him letting him know that I can handle it.  “Oh grandma, you shouldn’t be playing with knives, they’re dangerous.” I shook my head and got up from the chair inches away from the knife. “That’s it you b***h!” She attempted to stab me with it but her movements were too slow. I easily slapped her wrist and took the knife from her hands while I kicked her knees making her fall to the ground. I took the knife that was now in my hands and jammed it right on the table, standing it there while I took a fistful of her hair.  “You!” She hissed as the doors opened and Dylan walked right in.  “Dylan! This b***h was drinking your wine and I told her she has no right to! You need to put her in her place!” she yelled while trying to get out of my grip.  I laughed and sat on the table still holding a fistful of her hair and motioned to Dylan to pour me another glass of wine.  Without saying anything Dylan came to my side and took the glass that was knocked on the table and refilled my wine before handing it to me. Only then did I let go of her hair and crossed my legs on the table taking another sip of the delicious wine. I looked down to see a horrified face on the girl as she mostly didn’t expect Dylan to be serving me.  “She said I shouldn’t be walking in here because I don’t own the place.” I pointed at the girl on the floor as Dylan stood over her and slapped her right there and then across the face.  “You will never speak to her like that again.” Dylan’s voice was harsh and stern.  “I-”  “Just leave. There won’t be consequences this time because this wine is absolutely delicious and it’s putting me in a good mood but honey, you have a long way to go with your skills.” I took the knife off the table where I stabbed it and threw it in front of her, marginally missing her thigh.  “Get out.” Dylan pointed at the door and she scrambled.  “I’m sorry you had to deal with that,” he said sitting on the sofa and looking at me.  “Eh, no big deal. She wasn’t even worth my time.” I laughed downing the rest of the wine.  “Still it could have been dangerous.” He shot a look at Ken and before he could say anything else, I stopped him. “Dylan, I told Ken to let me handle it. It’s just a small knife, she can’t do much. You know how good at fighting I am. I am trained by you after all.” He nodded but still clearly upset.  I got up from the table and grabbed Dylan’s hand.  “Come on I want to go home. Some of that wine spilled on me and I wanted to get cleaned up.” I pointed at my thighs and he nodded.  Once we got in the car Ken gave Dylan something and they closed the door. I was on my phone and a second later I yelped in surprise.
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