Chapter 1

1544 Words
I grew up in a different environment compared to many teenagers in my school. My father was the head of the Young Group and I, as his only daughter, is the sole heir to the group if anything were to happen to my father.  Since I could remember the sound of gunshots and glass breaking was a norm. Not much shocked me except for one thing, butterflies. I know it’s weird but I hated butterflies as they’re just scary and freaky. I can't seem to find them beautiful as they made me repulsive and light headed even just at the sight. Although I’m morbidly afraid of butterflies, nobody knows except a few as the daughter of the Young Group cannot be seen as a weakling. I had over two thousand members to watch over and multiple territories to manage if anything were to happen to my father.  “Kiara are you up?” A knock came on the opposite side of my door and before I could reply Dylan walked in.  “Dylan Miles, you need to stop coming into a lady’s room without their permission” I pouted and continued to brush my hair.  “I had to make sure you weren’t sleeping as you’re almost late for school.”  I quickly looked at my watch and realized that I only have ten minutes left before I needed to head out.  “Oh shoot! Why didn’t you say so earlier!” I put my brush down and grabbed my laptop stuffing it in my bag and heading out of my room with Dylan on my heels.  “Don’t rush, I have your breakfast prepared and packed, eat it in the car.” He grabbed my backpack and slugged it on his shoulders as I put my shoes on. “Headed to school dad!” I yelled across the hall and heard a low and husky reply. Dad must have came home late yesterday as he sounded very tired and annoyed.  “Something happened yesterday?” I looked over at Dylan as he opened the door for me and helped me buckle my seat belt before heading to the driver side.  “Yeah, we had a traitor who stole some documents for the new development we were planning and tried to sell it to the Tallis Group. Boss caught him as he noticed irregular placement of his files in the office recently and well...boss laid it out on him last night.”  “How bad?”  “Bad enough. He’s dead but his boss took his time, so he must be tired as he went back to the office afterwards to deal with the whole mess and all.” I shook my head, not at the fact that dad just killed someone, it’s a norm when you’re part of the mafia, but the fact that my dad was a hands on guy all the time.  Even though he leads a huge group we live in a humble house, not a mansion, drive humble cars and live humbly. Dad believed that money shouldn’t be wasted and that all his brothers deserve most of the cut because they risk their lives daily. I love my dad but sometimes he just gives too much time to the group and not to me.  “You have everything?” Dylan asked while handing me my bag in front of my lecture hall.  “Yes Dylan, I’m not a child anymore you don’t have to walk me to class you know.”  “I just want to make sure you’re safe. I’ll wait out here so take your time. Make sure to call me if anything happens.” He ruffled through my hair, purposely messing it up a bit, before giving me that smile of his and walking to a seat in front of the doors of the lecture hall. I pretended to hate what he did and glared at him before pouting and turning away walking into the room.  “Your boyfriend is so attentive, always taking you to class.” Shelly whispered as she walked in behind me. We were seat mates but not close friends as I didn’t really have close friends. It’s kind of hard when I could potentially harm their life if they got too close.  “He’s not my boyfriend.” I blushed and shook my head.  Dylan Miles is the second in command in our group and he acts like my body guard. He’s been with me since I was sixteen, so for the past five years of my life, every moment I was awake Dylan was there, except in the showers and all. Dylan was seven years older than me and I always treated him like my older brother, well that is until recently. Recently I began to see Dylan more of like a man than just a brother.   “Plus, I want to finish this capstone class and graduate so I have more pressing matters on my hands instead.”  I was set to graduate in a month and am currently finishing my thesis. I’m at the last revision and only need to complete my dissertation and I’ll be graduating.  I planned on helping dad with the group after graduation, I asked to help as dad’s not getting any younger and since I’ll take over one day, what better than to learn the ropes early.  “But he’s so hot, how do you resist.” I looked up at Shelly as she stared at Dylan through the doors. I looked over at Dylan and observed him.  Yeah I guess he was considered attractive. He had dark brown curly hair cut short but just enough to see his natural curls, bright baby blue eyes that’s as soft as the ocean, tall and muscular build that would make one feel super safe and comfortable on top of smelling like wood and sage all the time. She was right, Dylan Miles is a very attractive man but as attractive as he is, he’s only my ‘bodyguard’, my ‘brother’ and we should never see each other as romantic interests. Pretty sure I’m off limits too.  “Stop daydreaming.” I shook my head and gave her a light slap on the arm before turning back to the lecture.  As stated when the lecture ended, Dylan was there waiting for me sitting like a model in his black button down shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and black pants.  “Well bye Kiara, see you in a week at your dissertation. Say hi to your boyfriend for me” Shelly winked before she ran off to catch her boyfriend.  “He’s not!” I yelled as she laughed hearing me clearly.  “Not what?” I turned around to find Dylan hovering over me and taking my bag off my shoulders.  “Nothing” I mumbled and walked towards the car.  “I want to have Ramen” I ordered as he got in the car. He only nodded and drove leaving me to myself on my phone scrolling through **.  When we got to the Japanese restaurant, I noticed we were greeted right away by the hostess as she led us to a private room.  “One Wagyu Ramen with extra wagyu and one Deluxe Miso Ramen. Also a Mug Root Beer, give me a glass of ice with that.” Dylan ordered as I took my seat. Whenever we went out, no matter what we chose to eat, Dylan always ordered for me as he knew what I liked and wanted all the time.  “Yes Mr. Miles.” The hostess said before bowing to us and headed out of the room. “Mr. Miles?” I looked up at him. “We recently took this restaurant under our control.” I nodded with an ‘Oh’ expression. Although Dylan spent a lot of time with me, when he wasn’t with me I know he was managing the scenes with my dad. Dad treated him like his own son as my mother died early and couldn’t give dad a second child. Mom died because of a car accident caused by the Tallis group which is why I don’t care for those people and could care less about them.  Within ten minutes the food came in and I quickly grabbed the chopsticks to dig in. The wagyu melted in my mouth but I was so caught up with the meat I forgot how hot the noodles and soup could be. “Ouch!” I hissed as I pulled my tongue away from the spoon and in seconds Dylan’s face was only inches from mine.  “Let me see” He grabbed my chin and pulled my chin up to check the burn.  “I’m okay Dylan.” I tried pulling away as he was super close but he ignored me and grabbed my wrist with his other hand. His eyebrows were knitted together as he sighed and quickly took an ice cube in his hand and placed it in my mouth.  “Does it hurt?” I shook my head.  Dylan may not be bothered by how close we were but as a young woman who never dated and recently made aware of how attractive Dylan is by everyone around me, it was hard to not see him differently. “Get in here!” Dylan yelled, making me jump a bit. Dylan was rumored as a cruel and merciless person but I’ve never seen that side of him as with me he’s attentive and caring.  “Dylan I’m okay really.” I grabbed his arm giving him a light squeeze. He sighed running his hand through his hair as the hostess practically ran in here shaking in fear.   “Forget it, get out.” He ordered as the women bowed her head as far down as the ground and walked out without making any eye contact. 
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