Chapter Eight - Falling out and making up

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Ruby’s P.O.V I was standing out the front of the school, having a cig with my girls before classes started. “How is the Cole thing going?” Rose said. “As planned.” I said smirking, “Working quicker than I thought it would.” I added. They tried getting more information out of me, but I never told them because if I did I would need to tell them how much I liked kissing him and I knew how they would react to that. I had not spoken to him this morning but would see him soon since we have first-class together. “Is that not Cole?” Rose said, pointing to the car that pulled up out the front of the school. I nodded, deciding to head down and say good morning to him. He was sitting in his car, tapping away on the steering wheel, trying to pass the time until it was time to go inside. I knocked on his window, making him jump. He relaxed, smiling at me, rolling his window down. “Morning cutie,” I said winking at him, making him blush profoundly. “Morning.” He said shyly. I finished off my cig, going around to the other side and climbing into the passengers. I turned around to face him, to find him watching me but as soon as I caught him, he quickly turned away. I giggled, leaning over and placed my hand on his knee, Cole slowly turning back to face me. “How are you?” He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. I found it sort of sweet he was asking me how I was; there are not many guys in this damn place that would ask me that or ask any girl that. “Good thanks.” I smiled, “And how are you, those feelings from last night gone?” I added smirking. Cole let out an awkward laugh, shaking his head. Yes, it was maybe mean that I brought that up, but I couldn’t help myself. “Um…yes, thanks for reminding me,” He said, wriggling his nose and pushing his glasses up. “Sorry I couldn’t help myself.” I said, “Come on, we should head in; the bell will be ringing soon for first-class anyway.” I added “You want to walk into school with me? Have you not been seen enough with someone like me? You don’t need to pretend like you want to hang out with me Ruby because I am tutoring you.” He said. He thought so little of himself it was heartbreaking really. Yes, what I was doing to him was unfair and mean, but I do enjoy his company. He is the only guy I can have an intelligent conversation with, well when he has the confidence to talk around me anyway. “Cole we have been through this, I don’t care what people think or say about me. And I am not pretending. Now get that cute ass of yours out the car.” I said sternly. “OK.” He said, laughing. Cole and I climbed out of the car, heading in to school, the bell would ring any minute. I linked my arm through him as we walked down the halls. I could see the usual stares at us. What are everyone’s issues? What is the big f*****g deal? Everyone needs to find better things to do with their times than stare at us. “I wish everyone would stop staring.” He said anxious, seeming very tense. “Ignore them,” I said. “That is easy for you to say, Ruby.” He sighed. The boy needs to learn how to relax and stop caring what people think about him. “Slut!” One of the cheerleaders hissed at me as she walked by with her girls. I was not very popular with the cheerleaders. I may or may not have f****d a couple of their boyfriends? s**t happens, doesn’t it? If they gave their guys what they needed, they wouldn’t come to me. That was months ago; they need to get over it. “Best slut around b***h, you are just jealous.” I snapped back at her. When I said that Cole pulled away from, walking away from me quickly. What did I do? I went after him, finding him at his locker. “Cole, why did you walk away from me?” I asked, standing against the locked next to him. “Nothing, forget it.” He said, closing his locker over. He started walking away again, what was his problem? He rushed into the classroom. I have no clue why he seemed mad at me? I shrugged going in after him. He was sitting down the front, his usual place. I made my way over, standing in front of the desk, placing my hands on it, making him look at me. “You want to tell me your issue right now?” I said, getting annoyed. “I don’t like the way you talk to people, no matter who they are.” He said, shaking his head. “What? She started it, and I finished it, it is what I do.” I said. “It doesn’t mean to need to act the same way Ruby,” Cole said. Yes, even I have my limits. No guy tells me off or tells me what to do, PERIOD! “Whatever Cole.” I snapped at him, walking away and going up the back to sit. I know he was right in a way, but that is not who I am. If someone starts on me? I start on them right back, always winning in the end. I took my seat, messing around with my phone as the teacher went on and on. I hate History; it was the most boring subject in the world. I should have just ditched this morning. A text came through as I played with my phone, surprised when I see it was from Cole. Cole: I am sorry I upset you. I never meant to x I ignored it at first, but I felt his eyes on me, making me look up, and the look he had on his face made me feel bad for ignoring him. I sighed, deciding to text back. Ruby: It’s OK.   Cole: No it is not, I had no right speaking to you that way x   Ruby: I forgive you, you can make me it up to me by buying me a milkshake after school x   Cole: OK. I can do that. X   Ruby: See you at lunch? X   Cole: Yes x I couldn’t stay mad at him, plus what use would that do for my plan? 
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